
Chapter 1619 Think carefully and fear, teach me a lesson!

Chapter 1619 Think carefully and fear, teach me a lesson!

The thing curled up was a ball, and when stretched out, it instantly became a flat creature.This guy should have a carapace like a pangolin on his back, but it won't make people feel uncomfortable.But in front of this guy, it can't help but make people's scalp tingle.

There are hundreds of tentacles growing on this guy's front body, the tentacles are boneless, just like the squid's tentacles, wriggling non-stop, this is not over, surrounded by these wriggling tentacles, there is a human-like The face, it's just that this face is very small, and the features are twisted and squeezed together, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel sick and uncomfortable.In addition, the thing's mouth spit out yellow mucus from time to time, which not only smelled foul, but also dripped on the ground, making it extremely disgusting.

To be honest, Tong Yan didn't want to look at this thing at all, but he couldn't help it. He always felt that this thing that escaped and was captured by Qiongqi would know more valuable clues.So in order to make this trip worthwhile, he could only endure his stomach discomfort and stare at this thing coldly.

When Tong Yan asked about this thing, he immediately replied with some hesitation: "I... I am a stinky beast, created by the demon king."

Stinky beast?Well, it really stinks.

But this guy mentioned the demon king, it seems that he probably knows much more than other monsters.

Tong Yan held his breath, and then asked again: "Did the demon king send you here to pretend to be a fairy? Why did it do that?"

Hearing this, the stinky beast shook its body, and then wriggled its tentacles and said, "I... I dare not say, if the demon king knows that I have exposed his old background, it will kill me."

Don't look at this guy who looks disgusting and smells bad, but he talks very funny.

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you are still an evil animal who is afraid of death. Since you are afraid of death, do you know what the consequences will be if you don't answer my question honestly? You are afraid that the demon king will kill you. Aren't you afraid of being slapped into a pulp by my Qiongqi brother? One is possible, and the other is about to happen. How to choose, you should think about it carefully."

This stinky beast does have some advantages, and what Tong Yan appreciates the most is its ability to assess the situation.

It was silent for a while, and immediately answered: "Daxian, if I tell you everything I know, can you really spare me from dying?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled: "You also said that I am a great immortal. Since I am an immortal, of course I must keep my word. Don't worry, as long as you tell the truth, I will not only not kill you, but I will also help you solve your worries. You have been oppressed by the demon king, don't tell me, you don't want it to die, do you?"

When the stinky beast heard this, it was startled and said: "Great Immortal, can you really kill the demon king? If you can kill it, not only me, but all my brothers are willing to follow your lead and serve you."

Tong Yan laughed and said: "I don't care whether you serve me or not, I just want to know the real purpose of your pretending to be a ghost here. They are not specific enough, I hope you can tell me everything. Tell me." , tell me everything you know."

The stinky beast didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately replied truthfully: "Daxian, the reason why we are arranged here is to bless the people in name, but in fact to cast a curse on them. Let more and more mortals believe in us, Driven by us, this is our real purpose here. And you may not know, there are hundreds of Wanxiange like us. As long as we work hard to develop believers, it won’t be long before the whole world will be covered by us In my opinion, the real purpose of the demon king should be to grow his power through this method, and finally rule the entire human world."

This smelly beast can think of such a deep layer, which shows that it is very smart.And its speculation was actually what Tong Yan had in mind.Now that it was confirmed from its mouth, Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Through this method of gradual infiltration and then outward spread, it is indeed very concealed, but it is also extremely harmful to the human world.

This is like a virus, one spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, hundreds spreads to thousands, and thousands spreads to thousands. In the end, how terrible will that be?

Tong Yan frowned, and then said quite seriously: "Does your Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion belong to the Ten Thousand Immortals League? What is the status of the Demon King you are talking about in the Ten Thousand Immortals League?"

As soon as this remark came out, the stinky beast couldn't help but tremble all over, and then said in surprise: "Great Immortal, you... how do you know so much? Do you know the League of Ten Thousand Immortals?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "If people don't know unless they do nothing, I know what's so strange? You just need to answer truthfully."

Hearing this, the stinky beast immediately replied: "I heard from the demon king that it has a high status in the League of Ten Thousand Immortals. Apart from the three leaders, it is their eight demon kings. Usually, the three leaders and their eight demon kings are all They are brothers, although it looks like a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but in fact they are more like sworn brothers. In short, the status of the demon king is very high. And this Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion is the lowest branch of the Ten Thousand Immortals League."

Everything is as expected, it seems that the League of Ten Thousand Immortals can no longer be allowed to continue to grow.

Fortunately, it was discovered quite early, and it is not too late to make up for it. When the League of Ten Thousand Immortals has penetrated into the human world, even if you want to eradicate it, it may not be so easy.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked, "Where is the demon king now? Is it far from here?"

When the stinky beast heard it, it was startled and said, "Great Immortal...are you going to get rid of it now?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "If it's not far away from me, of course I don't mind killing it. If it's a little farther away from me, then I'll kill it later."

As soon as Tong Yan finished speaking, the smelly beast hurriedly said: "It's not far, its demon cave is in a mountain valley less than a hundred miles away from here. If you want to go, I can take you there right now."

This stinking beast is so eager, it seems that it is thinking about its own future.It has said so much today, if it reaches the ears of the demon king, how can the demon king let it go?How can we save our lives?The best way is to use Tong Yan's hands to get rid of the demon king directly. In this way, it will have no worries at all.

Of course Tong Yan knew what the stinky beast was thinking, if the demon king's cave was indeed only a hundred miles away from here, he could really destroy it by the way.

On the one hand, it can prevent any more demons from bewitching people's hearts here, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as a reminder to the League of Ten Thousand Immortals.

"Okay, since you are so enthusiastic, then I will fulfill you. You monsters, go with me too. When any of you behave well, I will spare you from death. If there are people who don't know the current affairs, then don't blame me The men are ruthless."

The contest with the League of Ten Thousand Immortals has finally come, and the mystery of the three leaders of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals will soon be revealed.Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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