
Chapter 1622 Turning friends into enemies, another you?

Chapter 1622 Turning friends into enemies, another you?

"I didn't expect the leader of the Heavenly Dao League to come here. I'm really flattered. Please come in quickly, the rich dishes are ready, and it's just for you to wash away the dust."

Tong Yan frowned, obviously a little unexpected.It seems that he really underestimated the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

After finishing speaking, he immediately raised his legs forward, walked around the screen, and came to the woman who spoke before.

Who is this woman who spoke?Who would have thought that the woman who spoke was none other than the mysterious black beauty who had disappeared for a long time.

"My good brother, why are you looking at me like this? I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me? Do you want my sister to love you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Beauty sister, to be honest, I really can't believe you are here. But logically speaking, you shouldn't be the demon king here. Where is the demon king here?" ? Hiding?"

The black beauty giggled and said: "The demon king here is not hiding, but he hasn't got up yet. Don't worry, you will see him later."

Didn't get up?Do monsters need to sleep too?
Tong Yan didn't think about it, but asked again: "Sister Beauty, why are you here?"

The black beauty giggled and said, "Why can't I be here? Silly brother, I'm also a demon. Isn't it natural to be with a demon?"

Yes, there is indeed no problem with the answer of the black beauty.But Tong Yan still couldn't understand.After all, in Tong Yan's heart, the black beauty is no longer the black mother-in-law who does all kinds of evil, and the black beauty has also helped him, so now that the black beauty is hooking up with the Ten Thousand Immortals, he really can't accept it for a while.

He was silent for a while, and asked again: "You are already an elder of our Tiandao League, why are you still entangled with the Ten Thousand Immortals League? There must be a reason for you to do this, right?"

The black beauty nodded and smiled: "Of course there is a reason, because of a dream. Monsters also have dreams, does it sound ridiculous? But that's why I joined the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Tong Yan, you can't help me realize my dream." Dream, so I can only rely on myself. Only by joining Ten Thousand Immortals can I get closer to my dream. Maybe you can’t understand, but I’m speaking from my heart. You should be giving birth to me now Are you angry? You think I betrayed you and Tiandaomeng, don't you? If you were me, I think you would make such a decision like me."

For this dream?Well, no matter you are a human or a demon, you have the right to chase your dreams.But what is the dream so out of reach?What is the dream that makes the black beauty have to give up the Tiandao League and join the Ten Thousand Immortals League?
Tong Yan wanted to ask clearly, but the matter has come to this point, so what can I do if I ask clearly?The result is already different, and finding the cause won't change anything.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan sighed softly: "Sister Beauty, if you really want to chase your dreams, I really have no right to stop you. But Sister Beauty, do you know what the League of Ten Thousand Immortals is for? You know How big are their ambitions? They try to confuse the world, and then control the world, manipulate the world, and finally completely rule the world. You know, our Tiandao League exists to protect the world. Therefore, the Ten Thousand Immortals League will be my Heavenly Dao League. Enemy, you joined the Tiandao League, which means that you will also become our enemy. I really can't bear to shoot you, and I think you are the same. I don't know if I can make you change your mind, but Sister Beauty, You'd better leave here now, because soon, I will eradicate all the monsters here, leaving no one behind."

Speaking of the next few sentences, Tong Yan's expression became serious.

He wasn't joking, the purpose of his coming here was to get rid of the demon king, even if the black beauty was here, he would not change his mind.

The black beauty should know Tong Yan, and also know Tong Yan's strength, plus there is Qiongqi, the two of them are enough to wipe out all the monsters here.

But the black beauty didn't intend to leave, on the contrary, she started persuading Tong Yan.

"Tong Yan, I know that you are a Skywalker, and you care about all the people in the world. But have you ever thought about whether this world really belongs to humans? Don't other creatures have the right to live? Since humans can rule the world, why not What about monsters? The League of Ten Thousand Immortals just wants all beings to be equal, and they just want monsters to live as aboveboard as humans. Is this wrong? The League of Ten Thousand Immortals has not done anything out of line, nor has it openly challenged the way of heaven League. Why do you insist on making life difficult for the League of Ten Thousand Immortals? Do you think this is the right thing to do?"

There is actually some truth in what the black beauty said, all living beings are equal, humans can rule the world, so can demons, this is her logic, what she said.

But what she said was very one-sided, and she also distorted the true meaning of the four words "all beings are equal".

Tong Yan took a breath, and then began to retort: ​​"Beauty sister, the Buddha said that all living beings are equal, which is not wrong. But there is another sentence before, that is the three realms and six realms. People have their own ways, and demons have their ways. Demons should not live in the same world. Of course, the world I am talking about is not the real world. I mean that humans and demons should not have any intersection at all. Humans should not try to occupy the place where demons live, and the same Yes, demons can't disturb the order of the world. Take a step back and say, since you say all beings are equal, why does the Ten Thousand Immortals want to rule the world? When the Ten Thousand Immortals rule the entire human world, can it really be done? Is all living beings equal? ​​Besides, the ambition of the Ten Thousand Immortals League does not mean that all beings are equal, and what the Ten Thousand Immortals League does is against the sky. The Ten Thousand Immortals League is trying to use demons to confuse the world, and then enslave the world. I want to ask You, is this the equality of all beings that you want to see in the end? I don’t think so, this is just the equality in your heart, not real equality. In the end, this is just a sophistry of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but you believe it to be true. I don't know if you are too naive, or in a sense, you have accepted this position and want the demon to be above human beings. I think you know which one it is."

Hearing this, the black beauty smiled dumbly and said, "Of course I can't say no to you, but you want me to leave and stay out of it? I can only answer you with three words, it can't be done! If you want to kill here, then you must Consider me your enemy."

The thing Tong Yan didn't want to see the most happened after all.

He sighed softly, then smiled wryly, "Sister Beauty, are you serious? Do you really want to be my enemy?"

The black beauty sneered and said: "You are wrong, I am not against you. I am for another you!"

another you?What does the black beauty mean by this?

(End of this chapter)

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