
Chapter 1641 Coincidentally, who is higher and who is lower?

Chapter 1641 Coincidentally, who is higher and who is lower?
In the blink of an eye, it has been three days later. After three days of adjustments and supplements, the number of members of the Heavenly Dao League has increased significantly. Seventy percent of those dismissed disciples have returned to the Heavenly Dao League. As a result, the strength of the Heavenly Dao League has been restored. to the original extent.

In order to avoid being mixed into the Tiandao League by members of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, the disciples recalled this time have all gone through a very strict review.Only those who pass the review can rejoin the Tiandao League, while those who fail the review are still unable to join.

After three days of thinking, Tong Yan thought a lot and cleared his mind a lot.A battle with the League of Ten Thousand Immortals is inevitable, and only by making early preparations can the League of Heaven be invincible.

He needs an opportunity now, a good opportunity to attack the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and as soon as this opportunity comes, he will not hesitate to attack the Ten Thousand Immortals League immediately.

It's just that he didn't even think that this opportunity came so quickly.

"Little boy, the Ten Thousand Immortals League has made a move."

As soon as Qing Ming rushed into the hall, he couldn't wait to shout loudly.

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned, and immediately asked Qingming: "Brother Qing, what is the action of the Ten Thousand Immortals League? But it is aimed at our Heavenly Dao League?"

Qing Ming replied as he walked: "Their current movements are not very obvious, but they have already started to disturb some decent families. According to the report of our brothers who were placed in the Ten Thousand Immortals League, the Ten Thousand Immortals League is based on the principle of equality for all living beings. Banner, intending to let several sects give up the famous mountains where their sects are located, and say that Feng Shui takes turns, those famous mountains are not exclusive to anyone. If those sects do not move out within the stipulated time, Wanxian will The League will take it by force. Do you think the Ten Thousand Immortals League is too arrogant, all living beings are equal, but those mountains and rivers are not their turn to occupy?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "Which sects have they attacked? How did the sects react? Can we join forces to fight the Ten Thousand Immortals League?"

Qingming replied: "According to what I know so far, there are Hengshan, Huashan, Emei, Hengshan, Lushan and other sects that Wanxianmeng sent posts to. These sects are in a mess at the moment, and it is not very clear whether to fight or return. clear."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said with a sneer: "The League of Ten Thousand Immortals is really generous, and they have selected several famous mountains at once. It seems that their ambitions are not small. They plan to bloom everywhere, and one family dominates."

Hearing this, Qingming asked, "Little boy, what should we do? We can't let the Ten Thousand Immortals League do anything wrong, right?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Of course we can't stand by and watch. Since the Ten Thousand Immortals League wants to seize several famous mountains, then we will go and seize Kunlun Mountain. Don't they say that all beings are equal? ​​Then Kunlun Mountain should not be occupied by them, and should be It’s time for our Tiandaomeng to sit down. In addition, you send a letter to each of the sects, saying that the Tiandaomeng is willing to fight with them against the Wanxianmeng, and let them guard the mountain gate for up to three days, and their sects will be in danger It can be resolved."

Hearing this, Qingming said worriedly: "Little boy, the Ten Thousand Immortals League is not that easy to deal with, and your avatar is still in the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Is it a bit hasty and reckless to resolve the dangers of the various sects in three days? Is it? In my opinion, seven days is the limit. We can also prepare well so that we won’t make mistakes in our busy schedule.”

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled: "As the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast. Since the Ten Thousand Immortals League has targeted the territories of several sects, there must not be many guards in their old lair. Let's take this opportunity to make a surprise attack. Do you think Wanxian Will the League still take precautions? As long as they capture their lair, they will definitely return to help. When the time comes, we will pat our butts and leave. Not only have we played the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but also solved the urgent needs of several sects, isn't it? Is it more than one stroke?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming still worried and said: "Although that's the case, I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. I still think it's a bit reckless. If you want me to say, let's discuss it again."

Tong Yan said confidently: "Our trip is not to completely eradicate the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but to take over their lair. As long as we act quickly, there will be no danger. Brother Qing, just do what I say Let's do it. We will set off for Kunlun tomorrow morning."

Seeing that Tong Yan had already made a decision, Qing Ming couldn't say anything more, so he nodded slightly.

In a blink of an eye, the next day came.This time, the Tiandao League has assembled a total of [-] people, all of whom are experts in the Tiandao League.This time, Tong Yan personally led the team, accompanied by Qing Ming, Yao Huang and others.

As usual, this time the descendants of Kuafu were still in charge of the rear, but Xuan Mo and Li Jun were still left behind.

It's not that Tong Yan doesn't trust Kuafu's descendants, but that he has left a few more backbones, so that if there is any emergency, the three of them can discuss it.

Tong Yan simply mobilized a few words to the disciples, and a team of thousands of people marched towards Kunlun Mountain.

Tong Yan has really been to Kunlun Mountain too many times.The enemies are different every time, such as Kunpeng's Fengtian League, Situ Yuxin's Holy Gate, and now he has to deal with his own avatar Ten Thousand Immortals League.

Of course he doesn't want to fight with others, but in order to be worthy of his name as Skywalker and his conscience, he has no choice but to go into battle and kill.

He hoped that this would be the last time he would fight in Kunlun Mountains. He was getting tired of going to Kunlun Mountains again.

The group moved very quickly. After a day and night of trekking, they were already very close to Kunlun Mountain.

According to reports from the spies ahead, the number of guards in the lair of the Ten Thousand Immortals League is limited, and there are no special circumstances.

In this way, Tong Yan became more confident.

As long as you arrive at Kunlun Mountain and take a short rest, you can launch a surprise attack.

It's just that things are not as simple as he imagined, but rather complicated.

Just half a day after they left the Heavenly Dao League, a group of people from the Ten Thousand Immortals League had also assembled outside the Heavenly Dao League.

It seemed that he was eyeing the lair of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals, and why didn't the League of Ten Thousand Immortals eye his lair of the League of Heavenly Dao?
His avatar coincides with his thoughts, and they all know the principle of surprise and attack.

But there is still a distinction between the two, which seems to echo the saying that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall.

The seemingly defenseless lair of the Ten Thousand Immortals League has already laid many traps.I am not afraid that Tong Yan will lead the army, but I am afraid that Tong Yan and the others will not come.Tong Yan's avatar was cruel this time, he wanted to get rid of Tong Yan, and then completely replace Tong Yan.

A contest between oneself and oneself is imminent, and after many days, they finally meet again.

What kind of ambition does Tong Yan's avatar have?What will be the result of this contest?

(End of this chapter)

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