
Chapter 1648 True and False, Who Can Identify Real People?

Chapter 1648 True and False, Who Can Identify Real People?
As soon as the Yaohuang said this, it was like dropping a bomb in a pool of water, and it exploded in the hall with a "bang".

Everyone looked at him in shock, and finally turned their eyes on Tong Yan.

Facing the strange gazes of the crowd, Tong Yan did not panic, but was full of confidence and arrogance.

He looked at the Demon Emperor with great interest, then chuckled and said, "Demon Emperor, what are you talking about? Who am I? Can't you see it?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor snorted coldly and said: "Of course I can see it, and it is precisely because I can see it that I want to ask clearly, who are you! What did you do to my brother Tong Yan?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Why? Hearing what Brother Yaohuang said, am I still Tong Yan? But I'm not Tong Yan, so who could it be? You're talking nonsense here, I really don't know you What is the purpose? Could it be that you want to take the opportunity to overthrow me so that you can take the position of leader?"

Upon hearing this, the Demon Emperor was furious and said: "Nonsense, I came here from Guixu because of Tong Yan, how could I take away his position as leader? Tong Yan is my brother, I can do anything for him Abandon. You think that the position of the leader is high, but in my opinion, it is nothing at all. However, I will never let others take the position of the leader. Honestly, who are you? Could it be his Split?"

It has to be said that the Demon Emperor does have acumen and judgment that are different from ordinary people.But even so, it may not be recognized and recognized by everyone.

Qingming looked at him and asked directly: "Brother Yaohuang, what basis do you have for saying this? The clone is obviously dead, so how could it become a boy? Besides, we took his clone with our own hands. The body was buried. It must not be the body that came back from the dead, would it?"

Seeing that Qing Ming doubted himself, the Demon Emperor immediately explained: "Brother Qing Ming, you and I both know that Tong Yan's younger brother's avatar is just like him. Although the physical body has been destroyed, Bao Buqi's avatar's soul took the opportunity to sneak into Tong Yan's body. Brother Tong Yan's body. If this is the case, even if the body of the person in front of you is indeed Tong Yan's brother, but this soul is no longer Tong Yan's brother. Not only that, you should think about it, Tong Yan's character , he calls us brothers, he has never ordered or reprimanded, but what about this guy now? He not only orders us, but also speaks arrogantly. If we still treat him as Tong Yan's brother, then we are really wrong .”

What the Demon Emperor said really made everyone present think.

But at this moment, Tong Yan didn't expect Tong Yan to slap out suddenly, and directly launched a surprise attack on the Demon Emperor.

Tong Yan's movements were very swift, and coupled with the fact that he was not far away from the Demon Emperor, this palm could probably hit a hit nine times out of ten.

But who is the demon emperor?His cultivation was far higher than Tong Yan's, coupled with his bravery and combat skills, even if Tong Yan attacked him unexpectedly, he still responded immediately.

The moment Tong Yan slapped his palm close to him, he suddenly turned to one side and slapped it with his backhand.

He only heard a "pa", and he slapped Tong Yan's chest heavily with his palm.

Tong Yan was hit hard, and immediately backed up again and again, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and he was a little confused.

Seeing this, the Yaohuang wanted to pursue the victory, but before he could make another move, Tong Yan had already staggered and fell to the ground, and just passed out.

All this happened so quickly that many people present did not react.

Seeing the unconscious Tong Yan, Qing Ming hastily walked up to him.

"Xiaotong, are you okay? Xiaotong... Xiaotong..."

After shouting a few times, Tong Yan didn't give him any response, but after confirming that Tong Yan's breath was still there, he was relieved.

"Brother Yaohuang, how could you strike so hard? The little boy just woke up, how could he withstand such a heavy blow from you?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor was a little surprised and said: "I didn't use all my strength just now, I only used less than [-]% of my strength. If he was really Brother Tong Yan, he would never be so vulnerable. Brother Qingming, Please believe me, I don't think he is Tong Yan's brother, he is a fake."

In fact, Qing Ming is also a little confused now, he also feels that the Tong Yan in front of him is obviously very different from before, but if he is made to doubt Tong Yan's identity, he is really unwilling to do so.

"Brother Yaohuang, I think it's better to send him to rest first. Everything will be discussed after he wakes up. Do you think it's okay?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor nodded and said: "That's fine, but you must be on guard against others. I suggest that you should not let Brother Tong Yan get involved in the affairs of the Tiandao League recently. Of course, this is just my personal suggestion. As for How you decide is up to you.”

Qingming looked at Elder Kuafu and said, "Brother Kuafu, what do you think?"

Elder Kuafu thought for a while and said: "I think what brother Yaohuang said is reasonable. After all, brother Tong Yan is mentally ill. Before he fully recovers, we all have to work hard and don't let him be a member of the Tiandao League. Things are bothering."

Elder Kuafu said it very euphemistically, but in fact, why didn't he doubt Tong Yan's identity?But before everything is clear, it really shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Just like that, Qing Ming picked up Tong Yan and sent him back to the room.

After Qing Ming left, Tong Yan was the only one left in the room, and he opened his eyes.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and then he sneered and said: "It seems that you really can't act too hastily, these guys are really vigilant enough. Well, let's take it easy, and I'll see who can have the last laugh. Hmph... "

In the blink of an eye, it was already three days later, during these three days, Tong Yan was always in the room.He didn't go out to see anyone, except for Qing Ming who came to visit twice, he basically spent these three days alone.

Maybe he had a plan in mind, maybe he had something to deal with, but he finally walked out of the room.

Unexpectedly, just as he walked out of the room, Qing Ming just walked towards him.

"Little boy, are you awake? How do you feel now?"

In order not to arouse Qing Ming's suspicion, he immediately replied with a smile: "Brother Qing, I'm fine. After being in a coma for so many days, I feel much better now. By the way, I'm a little hungry, why don't you call everyone to have a meal together?" Let's eat. I still have some things to discuss with you, do you think it's okay?"

Qing Ming was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked with a smile: "Call everyone for dinner? You won't be announcing another order, will you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was puzzled and said, "Order? We are brothers with everyone, what are you ordering? Brother Qing, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

What he said made Qing Ming a little confused.

"Little Tong, you still remember when you called everyone together three days ago?"

Tong Yan was a little surprised and said: "Three days ago? How is that possible? I just woke up today. How could I call everyone three days ago? I can't be sleepwalking, can I?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming thought about it for a while, then smiled slightly: "It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it, I'll let everyone know."

With that said, he turned and left directly.

Looking at Qingming's back, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Want to fight with me? Is it up to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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