
Chapter 1652 Obtaining the physical body, mysterious identity!

Chapter 1652 Recapturing the physical body, mysterious identity!
Tong Yan's sudden words made the Demon Emperor's heart tremble.what 's wrong?How could Tong Yan say such a thing?Besides Tong Yan and his avatar's soul, is there a third soul in his body?

The Demon Emperor was really startled, but he still asked, "You... who are you?"

This question was indeed a good one, but the answer made him a little confused.

"Who am I? Haha... The world may have forgotten this king long ago, but it doesn't matter. It won't be long before this king will completely wake up. This world, sooner or later, will be my king's world. Haha..."

Hearing this answer, the Demon Emperor couldn't help feeling a little depressed.He originally wanted to help Tong Yan regain his body, but now it's a good thing, Tong Yan obviously changed into a different person, feeling that his previous efforts were all in vain.

Looking at the crazy Tong Yan, he hesitated for a moment, and then said, "What did you do to Tong Yan? How is he now?"

Tong Yan, who was sitting in the talisman, widened his eyes when he heard this, and then he said to himself: "Tong Yan? Who is Tong Yan? Tong Yan... ah... ah..."

He was talking to himself like this, but suddenly he hugged his head with both hands, and cried out in pain.

This made the Demon Emperor even more confused, and also a little at a loss.

Fortunately, at this time Elder Kuafu had woken up from his wounds and walked to his side.

The Demon Emperor saw Elder Kuafu approaching, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Kuafu, what do you think is going on?"

Hearing this, Elder Kuafu frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said, "If I'm not wrong, maybe the souls in Brother Tong Yan's body started fighting with each other. Now let's see who can win. Who wins?" The final victory may be tantamount to gaining control of the physical body."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor nodded and said, "If this is the case, I really hope Brother Tong Yan can win. Then what can we do? We can only watch like this?"

Elder Kuafu sighed softly: "Brother Tong Yan can only rely on himself now, it depends on his own good fortune!"

The two stopped talking, and all focused on Tong Yan who was screaming in pain.

Time passed little by little, and Tong Yan, who had been yelling for a long time, seemed a little tired, and then saw his body go limp, his eyes closed, and he fell into a coma again.

No one knows what will happen when Tong Yan wakes up again. Has he changed back to himself, or has his body been controlled by others again?

The Yaohuang and Elder Kuafu had been waiting by the side, and finally after another two hours, Tong Yan's body suddenly trembled slightly.

Upon discovering this, Yaohuang and Elder Kuafu widened their eyes, quietly waiting for the result they wanted.


Tong Yan suddenly took a deep breath, and then slowly opened his eyes under the watchful eyes of Yaohuang and Elder Kuafu.

Neither Yaohuang nor Elder Kuafu said anything, but waited for Tong Yan to introduce himself.

Soon, Tong Yan spoke.

"Brother Yaohuang, Brother Kuafu, thank you, I'm back!"

came back?he really came back?

The Demon Emperor tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart, and asked, "Who are you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan forced a smile and said, "I am Tong Yan, your brother. I have regained my physical body, and I am really back."

The Demon Emperor still didn't dare to confirm it completely, and then asked again: "You said you are my brother, what is the name of my weapon? Where did you get it?"

Tong Yan almost didn't think about it, so he replied directly: "Your weapon is called the Overlord Spear, which was forged by the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty. You got it from a general in the Kingdom of Return to the Ruins."

After answering Yaohuang's question, Elder Kuafu also asked, "Where did we meet?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "The tomb of the general!"

After answering the questions of Yaohuang and Elder Kuafu in succession, the two of them more or less believed that the person in front of them was the real Tong Yan.

But they still held back, in case the Tong Yan was faked again, they would be able to deal with it.

"Brother Tong Yan, it looks like it's really you. Can you tell us what's going on? How could your physical body be manipulated by your clone?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "It's a long story, but to put it simply, I used the Taiji Suction Technique to inhale the soul of my avatar into my body. I was deceived by him because I believed his nonsense. Snatched the body. Fortunately, I have successfully regained it just now, and I will not give him any more chances."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor thought for a while and said, "Then what about your avatar's soul? Is it still in your body now?"

Tong Yan nodded and replied: "Yes, he is indeed still in my body, and I'm afraid it will be like this in the future. To be honest, we are the same body, and we have all been transformed by the green beads given by the Nuwa Empress. Although our souls cannot It is said that there is no birth and no death, but it has self-healing ability, no matter how much damage the soul suffers, as long as there is enough time, it can be repaired by itself. It is precisely because of this that I have nothing to do with my clone."

Elder Kuafu heard this, and said worriedly: "The soul of your avatar is in your body for a day, isn't it a threat to you for a day? Are you sure you can suppress him forever? If he takes advantage of the loophole, you want to Will there be consequences? This is by no means a long-term solution, I think you should find a way to get rid of him. Even if you can't get rid of it, you can't make him your biggest threat."

Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "Why don't I want to? But take your time!" Having said that, he stood up directly.

The Yaohuang looked at Tong Yan, suddenly thought of something, and then asked tentatively: "Brother Tong Yan, besides your own soul and the soul of the avatar, do you have any other souls in your body?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked back: "Brother Yaohuang, why did you say that? There are only two souls in my body, me and the avatar, how can there be other souls?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor let out a soft sigh, after all, he did not tell him what Tong Yan said before he regained his body.

The Demon King can be sure that the guy who claims to be the king is definitely not Tong Yan, nor can he be Tong Yan's clone, but he is 100% lurking in Tong Yan's body.Although Tong Yan didn't notice it now, sooner or later, that guy would show up again.

The invasion of a clone soul made Tong Yan suffer a lot, but it was precisely because of the addition of the clone soul that many long-lost memories were slowly emerging.

Wuming once said that Tong Yan had another identity before he became the Omen Star.Perhaps after unraveling his first identity, all doubts can be easily solved.

What other mysterious identity does he have that is unknown?
(End of this chapter)

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