
Chapter 1663 Capture first and release later, why?

Chapter 1663 Capture first and release later, why?
The clone's sudden attack made Tong Yan dizzy for a while.Under the scrambling of the clone, he could no longer manipulate the physical body freely, and his whole body was a little wobbly.

His strange behavior immediately attracted the attention of Nangong Yun and Hei Meiren. Hei Meiren was shocked, while Nangong Yun smiled.

Maybe Nangong Yun really understood everything long ago, maybe he already knew that Tong Yan's body still had a clone's soul.And it was precisely because of this that he recognized Tong Yan's identity as the leader of the three alliances.After all, the souls of Tong Yan and the avatar are in the same body, so it is actually right to regard Tong Yan as the leader of the three alliances.

It's a pity that before Tong Yan could make a move, things turned around like this, which was indeed unexpected.

The black beauty raised her legs and stepped forward, stared at Tong Yan, and then asked Nangong Yun: "The leader of the alliance, he... what's wrong with him? Are you playing tricks?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun smiled slightly and said, "No! In my opinion, he is making a choice."

"Choose?" The black beauty was puzzled, and continued to ask, "What choice?"

Nangong Yun said mysteriously: "The choice of the soul! Aren't you doubting his identity? To tell you the truth, he is indeed the leader of the three alliances, but he is also another person. Who is this other person? In fact, you should You can guess it. At the beginning, Tong Yan divided his soul into two, and kept one as his main body, and the other became his clone. And this clone is our three alliance masters. Now, these two belong to one body At the same time, his souls gathered in one body. Think about it, isn’t he the leader of the three alliances? Of course he is, but he is also Tong Yan! Can you understand this?”

Sure enough, Nangong Yun did know everything, maybe that's why he didn't attack Tong Yan.

After Tong Yan swayed a few times, his vision finally went dark, and he fell heavily to the ground with a "plop".

Seeing this, the black beauty immediately asked Nangong Yun: "Master, what should we do next? How should we deal with him?"

Nangong Yun chuckled and said: "How to deal with it? You can't kill him. In my opinion, you might as well lock him up first, and I will ask him carefully after he wakes up. If it is Tong Yan's soul Controlling the body, I will continue to imprison him. When will the souls of the three lords control the body, and when will I release him."

Hearing this, the black beauty nodded and said: "What the leader of the alliance said is very true, then put him in a water prison. Then imprison him with chains that bind immortals. I think he won't be able to break free. What do you think?"

Nangong Yun said with satisfaction: "Very well, let's deal with it like this. I'll leave him to you. I'm going to retreat for a few days and send someone to closely observe his movements. If I find something, I'll report it immediately. Exit processing!"

Hearing this, the black beauty responded immediately: "Yes, this subordinate obeys!"

As she said that, she directly bent over and helped Tong Yan up, and then led her away from here.

Kurosawa, who came with Tong Yan, saw this and hurriedly followed.The Tiger Demon King didn't stop there either, turned around and walked out as well.

As a result, only Nangong Yun was left in the hall on the third floor.

Nangong Yun straightened his hair, and said to himself naturally: "It seems that the real him is about to wake up, and I don't know when this day will come!"

the real him?What exactly did Nangong Yun mean?

When Tong Yan woke up again, it was already noon the next day.When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was water, blue water.

Half of his body was soaked in the sea water. If it wasn't for his physical body being different from ordinary people, after soaking for so long, it is estimated that there would be serious problems with his legs.

He wanted to move his arms, only to find that his arms were tightly tied to the stone pillar.Not only that, but his legs and even his neck were bound with chains.He seemed to be nailed to a cross, as miserable as he could be.

This may be the biggest grievance Tong Yan has suffered over the years. Being tied up here like this is even more pitiful than that prisoner.

However, his mentality was very good, he didn't get annoyed by it, but just showed a wry smile.

"It seems that when I was unconscious, I was tied up here by the guys from the Ten Thousand Immortals League. The reason why they didn't kill me, maybe they already knew that the souls of their three lords were in my body. Nangong Yun, you old fox, You really know everything. But if you don't kill me, it doesn't mean I will let you go. You want to trap me here, dreaming!"

He was talking to himself, then took a deep breath, and was about to use the transformation technique to break free from the shackles of these chains.

And at this moment, the sound of "papa" treading water suddenly came from not far away.

Hearing this sound, he immediately followed the sound.

Taking a closer look, the person who came was none other than the black beauty.

Seeing this, Tong Yan didn't need to hide anything, just smiled and looked at the other party.

The black beauty came flying across the sea, and finally stood still in front of Tong Yan.Seeing that Tong Yan had woken up, she sneered and said, "Yo, you're awake! Should I call you Tong Yan, or should I call you the Three Leaders?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "What do you want to be called, isn't it your own business? The mouth grows on your head, I can't control it."

The black beauty sneered and said: "From what you said, it seems that you should be Tong Yan. Tong Yan, I have to say, you are really daring to pretend to be the leader of our three alliances and sneak into our Ten Thousand Immortals alliance. Aren't you afraid that your identity will be exposed, and you will end up with a ghost in the end?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "I don't think so. If I knew I would see you, I should have come earlier. I haven't seen you for so many days, I miss you very much."

The black beauty said with interest: "Miss me? You already have a sweetheart, why do you miss me? Could it be that you want to empathize with someone else?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "It's not a matter of empathy, but as a friend, it shouldn't be too much to miss. Why, you don't even recognize me as a friend now?"

The black beauty smiled disdainfully and said: "Friend? Do you remember what you said before? You said that we have broken our friendship, and we will be enemies if we meet again. Is your memory too good?"

Tong Yan still said with a smile on his face: "Yes, I may have said it. But I was in the cave of the demon king, didn't I also spare your life? What? You forgot this kindness? I It seems that your memory is not much better than mine!"

The black beauty said coldly: "Of course I remember, it is because I remember this that I am here now. Do you want to leave? I will let you go!"

What the black beauty said really surprised Tong Yan, would the black beauty really let him go willingly?

"Sister Beauty, are you kidding me? You want to let me go? But if you let me go, how will you do business?"

The black beauty snorted coldly and said: "You don't need to worry about that. In short, I will repay your kindness today, and we will not owe each other in the future. What's more, I advise you not to be an enemy of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals, even if You have the Heavenly Dao League, but you still can't beat the Ten Thousand Immortals League. This is fate!"

Fate?Tong Yan never believed in fate, he only believed in himself.

But what the black beauty said next made him turn pale with shock.

What did the black beauty say?

(End of this chapter)

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