
Chapter 1680 Get ready, the top 3 will meet for the first time!

Chapter 1680 Get ready, the top three meet!
Qing Ming's words made Tong Yan frowned slightly. Others didn't know Taishan Yincao, but he was too familiar with Taishan Yincao.

It's just that he didn't expect that someone would open the passage between Taishan Yincao and the human world, and the guy who did all this was probably Kunpeng.

Taishan Yincao is definitely the most underestimated place, it should belong to the underworld in theory, but the person in charge of Taishan Yincao is Taishan Fujun.Compared with the underworld, Taishan Yincao is stronger, and the evil spirits and demon spirits locked in it are also stronger.

Thinking about it carefully, he has been away from Taishan Yincao for a long time.During these years, every time he thinks of his ancestors and ten masters, he misses them very much.

Without the help of his ancestors and ten benefactors, he would never have grown rapidly, let alone leave Taishan Yincao alive, and have today's attainments.

In fact, he has always wanted to go back and have a look, to see his ancestors, to see his mentors, but he never had this opportunity.

Now that the channel of Taishan Yincao has been opened, maybe he can see his ancestors and see ten mentors.

Thinking about it this way, the opening of the channel of Taishan's Yincao may not be all bad things.

But for the sake of the peace of the human world, he had to make some arrangements.

"Little boy, what are you talking about? The monsters in the underworld of Mount Tai have already rushed out. If we don't take any action, the situation will get out of control."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, we can't be the only ones in a hurry. Lord Taishan and his 76th Division should have already started arresting the fleeing demons and evil spirits, we just need to help from the side. However, in order to prevent the escaped monsters from persecuting innocent people, we quickly ordered our disciples in each hall and sub-helm to investigate the areas under their respective responsibilities as much as possible. If any monsters are found to be in trouble, they will be killed. If they cannot solve it by themselves, they will send it back as soon as possible. The main altar, the main altar will send special personnel to clean up."

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded and said: "Okay, then I will make arrangements first. But many of our disciples are gathered here, should we let them return to their respective work areas first? But if this is the case, if the Ten Thousand Immortals League suddenly How can we resist the attack?"

Tong Yan said confidently: "Don't worry, I don't think the Ten Thousand Immortals League will dare to come to cause trouble at this time. It would be even better if they came, as only a few of us are enough to kill all their elites. At that time, he, the Ten Thousand Immortals League, would not be able to die."

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Qing Ming felt relieved, and then said with a smile: "I'm worrying too much, I'll make arrangements first." After saying that, he walked out of the big tent quickly.

Tong Yan just arranged the things that need to be done first, and there are many follow-up things that need to be arranged.

He thought for a while, and then said to Elder Kuafu: "Brother Kuafu, you send someone to try to contact the subordinates of Lord Taishan. If possible, keep in touch with them. No matter what kind of relationship we have with them, relationship, at least for now, our purpose should be the same, which is for the peace of the human world. In addition, we need to send people to continue to monitor the movements of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. If I am not wrong, the second leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League will The purpose of splitting the passage between Taishan Yincao and the human world is probably to absorb the demons and evil spirits in Taishan Yincao into the Ten Thousand Immortals League in order to strengthen ourselves. Therefore, we still cannot relax in the Ten Thousand Immortals League."

Hearing this, Elder Kuafu immediately responded: "Okay, then I will make arrangements immediately." After speaking, he also turned around and left the big tent.

The tricky things have been arranged, but Tong Yan still has other things to arrange.

Seeing him take out his precious ball, he immediately called out the Seven Sages of Liushan and Shi Ling who were about to lodge in it.

The Seven Sages of Liushan and Shi Ling were originally the tool spirits of Taishan Blade, but Taishan Blade has been destroyed, so they can only stay in the treasure ball.

Calling them out at this time is actually Tong Yan's consideration.First of all, the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain and Shi Ling, they are all Taishan Yincao who left with Tong Yan, they had already stayed there before Tong Yan entered Taishan Yincao; It is not appropriate to keep track of their whereabouts, and they are definitely the best candidates for this job.

But Tong Yan called them out, what exactly did they ask them to do?

Finally, he opened his mouth to Xiong Da.

"Brother Xiong, I need you brothers to go back to the Taishan Yincao for me. I hope you can find out the whereabouts of my ancestors and ten mentors. If they are in the Taishan Yincao, please come out. And If they have left Tarzan Yin Cao, please find them for me. Anyway, I want to see them, I need to know where they are. Of course, I know it may not be easy, but I think maybe only you can help me now gone."

After Tong Yan said that, how could the Seven Sages of Liushan and Shi Ling refuse?Although they didn't want to go back to Taishan Yincao, they understood their identities better. They were Tong Yan's weapon spirits, so they had to obey their master.Besides, Tong Yan treats them well, and has always regarded them as elder brothers.In any case, they have to do their best for this "busy".

"Master, don't worry. This matter is covered by our brothers. If we find out, we will notify you as soon as possible."

Tong Yan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, then the brothers will have to work hard."

The Seven Sages of Willow Mountain and Shi Ling bowed their hands to Tong Yan, and then disappeared without a trace in a flash.

After all these were explained, Tong Yan naturally couldn't continue to stay in this big tent.

He wanted to go to Mount Tai to take a look. He really wanted to know how powerful the Sky-Opening Ax was, how could it so easily split the passage between Mount Tai's Yincao and the human world?

In addition, he also wanted to meet Kunpeng, the second leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League.I don't know how strong that guy is after he got the Sky-Opening Axe. If it was possible, how could he watch such a treasure fall into the hands of an evil thief with evil intentions?
That's right, he has already set his sights on Sky Opener.He needs to make himself stronger, so naturally he needs more powerful weapons.The Sky Opening Ax is definitely the best choice, and if he can get the Sky Opening Ax smoothly, coupled with his Domineering Domain, maybe his combat power can be doubled.

At that time, he might not be able to defeat the god king of the heavens.

He had thought of everything, it was time to leave.

This time he went to Mount Tai, he didn't bring too many people, only Yaohuang and Situ Yuxin.

Situ Yuxin and Yaohuang are definitely the two most powerful people in the Tiandao League at present. Together with Tong Yan, they will not only sweep the Three Realms, at least in this human world, no one can compete.

The three of them moved very quickly, and in less than three hours, they could already see Mount Tai from a distance.

What they don't know is that the opening of the passage between Taishan Yincao and the human world is by no means the work of Kunpeng alone, and there is still a lot to be said for it!

(End of this chapter)

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