
Chapter 1683 Unexpected, how long will you wait?

Chapter 1683 Unexpected, how long will you wait?
Tong Yan focused on saving his mentor, and didn't pay too much attention to other aspects.In this way, without knowing the specific situation in the Yincao of Mount Tai, he headed towards Dongkou Mountain angrily.

The ancestor of the Wu family also lived in the Valley of Rebirth before, so he speculated that the ancestor should be arrested together with ten mentors.So as long as you reach Dongkou Mountain and destroy the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain, you can reunite with your ancestors and ten mentors.

But can he really get his wish?
With these demon spirits guiding the way, Tong Yan and his group arrived at the vicinity of Dongkou Mountain without much trouble.

Looking up, this Dongkou Mountain is really magnificent. The huge stone gate is more than [-] meters high and more than ten meters wide.There is a huge stone sculpture on both sides of the stone gate. It is hard to tell what kind of beast it is, but it includes the images of four elephants and several auspicious beasts. For example, the one on the right has the head of a dragon and the body of a tiger. , Suzaku's wings, and Xuanwu's feet are simply a patchwork version of a mythical beast.The other one is also similar with minor differences, it looks fierce and frightening.

At this moment, the gate of Dongkou Mountain is closed tightly. If you want to enter it, you will inevitably knock on the door and call for someone.

Everyone stepped forward quickly, and all stood directly in front of the gate.

Tong Yan turned his head and pointed at the old demon, who immediately understood and reached out to knock on the door.

After a few "pops", the tightly closed stone door opened a crack, and then an eye appeared from the crack, and glanced casually outside the door a few times.

"What are you doing? Why did you enter Dongkou Mountain?"

Hearing the guard's question inside, the old demon was not stupid, and quickly responded: "My lord, we passed here and wanted to stay in Dongkou Mountain for a few days. Firstly, I wanted to replenish the magic weapon, and secondly, I also wanted to see the world. Please make it easy, sir, let us go in!"

Hearing this, the guard inside snorted coldly and said, "Just you ants, want to enter our Dongkou Mountain? You really can't control yourself! Get out immediately, or you will be punished."

Tong Yan had lived in the Yincao of Mount Tai for a period of time before, so he knew the nature of the four mountains.Some Koushans specialize in absorbing poor demon spirits and evil spirits, while some Koushans will choose some affluent demon spirits and evil spirits, and some Koushans will add some requirements on the premise of being rich, such as Strength, such as ability.

Obviously, this Dongkou mountain is a relatively high-end existence among the four big mouth mountains, and the people who want to enter Dongkou mountain naturally cannot be those low-status little demons and little spirits.

How to judge whether the demon spirits and evil spirits here are rich?Then it has to be measured by the currency here, which is the Taishi mentioned in the previous article.

Taishi is taken from the homonym of the word Thai, and it is the currency like gold and silver in the Yincao of Mount Tai.

The evil spirits in the Yincao of Mount Tai can obtain Taishi through excavation, but Taishi is too rare, so in the Yincao of Mount Tai, there are not many people who are really rich, and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening.

Since the guard said so, it meant that it was time to use some other means.In fact, the most effective method is bribery. Give these guards some Tai Shi, and they will naturally turn a blind eye and let them go.

But how could Tong Yan and the others have Taishi on them?In this way, we can only see if these demon spirits have some reserves.

The old demon ate the door shut, and his face was a little embarrassed, but just as he turned his head to look at Tong Yan, he touched Tong Yan's cold eyes.

The evil spirits of Taishan Yincao all regard Taishi very seriously, because they need to buy Guben Pills to strengthen the demon souls. To put it simply, they use Taishi to buy Guben Pills to save their lives.

This also means that Taishi is linked to life, so these demon spirits and evil spirits at the bottom of Mount Tai's underworld would never dare to waste Taishi.

Tong Yan's cold eyes had already revealed his attitude, if the old demon couldn't completely open the mountain gate, he would let them in.There is only one result waiting for this old demon, and that is death.

After weighing it for a while, the old demon finally gritted his teeth, and then reached out and took out a few pieces of Taishi from the package.What is Taishi?It's actually a meteorite.

After he took out a few Taishi, his hands visibly trembled, it was because his heart was bleeding.

"My lord, it's convenient for you. We really want to go in and have a look, and I promise not to cause trouble. Besides, existences like us won't cause any trouble if we enter it, unless we live enough. But if we've had enough, what are we doing here? Are you right? Please!"

While talking, he handed Taishi in through the crack of the door with one hand.

When he retracted his hand, the Taishi in his hand was gone.It seems that the guard inside has already accepted it, but I don't know if the guard will open the door.

After a short wait of three or two minutes, the guards were still quite particular, and the stone gate opened a little, enough for one person to squeeze in.

Seeing this, the old demon breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Tong Yan and said, "God, please come in. As for us... can we go?"

Tong Yan chuckled lightly and said: "Why worry, there will be a good show later. If you leave, wouldn't you have to miss it? Lead the way ahead!"

The old demon had no choice but to squeeze in first.

Although Tong Yan was a little helpless, he also squeezed in.

After such a little twists and turns, the group finally entered Dongkou Mountain.

Through the gate, there is a passage in front of it. The passage is very carefully constructed. Not only is the floor paved with flat stone bricks, but also exquisite reliefs are carved on the walls on both sides.

It seems that this Dongkou Mountain is indeed a place that only "high-ranking officials and nobles" can enter. Ordinary demons and evil spirits are here, and they are completely unworthy of such an exquisite arrangement.

Quickly through the passage, there is another door ahead.

The old demon had no choice but to take the Taishi from other demon spirits and hand them to the guards.

The guards didn't pay much attention to Tong Yan and the others, so they let them go.

Looking forward from the second opened door, the front suddenly opened up, and a huge city built in the middle of the mountain immediately came into view.

Looking at the orderly streets and similar-looking buildings here, it is all surprising.

Tong Yan had experience before, so he wasn't too surprised, but it was the first time for Situ Yuxin and Yaohuang to enter Mount Tai's Yincao's mouth, and their eyes couldn't help looking around.

There are stairs leading to the street below, and Tong Yan is the first to go down.

He originally wanted to wander around here, looking for the cell where the ancestor and mentor were imprisoned.

But who would have thought that just as they stepped onto the street, a group of people in black armor quickly surrounded them.

Then I heard the general in charge say: "You all come from the human world? Our Highness the Mountain King has been waiting for you for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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