
Chapter 1691 Abyssal Dragon King, Exciting!

Chapter 1691 Abyssal Dragon King, Exciting!
Being stared at by the huge dragon head in front of him like this, even though Tong Yan is quite courageous, he was a little panicked for a while.

"Little guy, my emperor will ask you again, are you willing to serve this emperor as your master?"

Tong Yan came back to his senses for a while, then smiled slightly and said, "Senior, you and I have never met before. Is it a bit difficult for me to serve you as my master? Besides, I don't know who you are, senior. Well, should you introduce me?"

Tong Yan's words were neither humble nor overbearing, and it was not considered as a rejection of the giant dragon, but he did not show weakness either.

Hearing this, the giant dragon snorted coldly and said, "Who is this emperor? If the name of this emperor is mentioned, it will probably scare you to death. Well, since you want to know, I might as well tell you. Boy, This emperor is a black-armored dragon conceived by heaven and earth. Because he lives in the abyss, he is called the Dragon Emperor of the Abyss by the world. How is it? As this emperor, do you have the qualifications to be your master?"

Abyss Dragon Emperor?To be honest, Tong Yan has never heard of it, and it seems that he has never seen it in ancient books.

But he could feel the powerful aura of this giant dragon, which could suppress him to a certain extent, which shows that the strength of this giant dragon is really not low.

But even so, so what?It is a joke to let him serve others as masters.

"Senior Dragon Emperor, I didn't expect you to be famous all over the world. But even so, I'm afraid I can't treat you as the master. To be honest, I have always been arrogant. It is harder to make me bow to others than to kill me. Although a real man You can bend and stretch, but it depends on something. Let me be your slave, I can't do it no matter what. So I'm sorry, I may have to let down your love. "

Upon hearing this, the Dragon Emperor of the Abyss was furious and said, "What did you say? Do you want to disobey my will? No one can change what my emperor decides. You must serve me as master or die here. "

As soon as the words fell, the powerful dragon energy immediately swept towards Tong Yan, directly surrounding him.

Tong Yan could also see that it would be impossible to persuade the Abyss Dragon King to change his mind with kind words, and the only way to make the Abyss Dragon King let him go was to fight with strength.

After thinking for a while, he frowned suddenly, and immediately displayed his domineering domain.

As soon as this domineering domain was displayed, the dragon aura of the Abyss Dragon Emperor was quickly forced back, and Tong Yan was also able to breathe a sigh of relief.

The Abyss Dragon Emperor obviously did not expect that Tong Yan would have such strength, which not only forced his dragon energy back, but also brought him a certain amount of pressure.

"Good boy, I really underestimated you. I want to see how capable you really are."

Speaking of this, the Abyss Dragon Emperor once again strengthened the imprisonment of Tong Yan by the Dragon Qi.But no matter how he suppressed it, he could no longer exert effective control over Tong Yan.

Tong Yan looked coldly at the Abyss Dragon Emperor in front of him, and said loudly: "Senior Dragon Emperor, I respect you as a senior, and I dare not make mistakes in front of you. But if you really want to put me to death, then this junior can only fight bravely." gone."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped back with his right leg and bent his knees, as if he was ready to give it a go.

These were all seen by the Abyss Dragon King, who thought this contest was inevitable.But unexpectedly, at this moment, the Abyss Dragon Emperor burst out laughing.

"Interesting, really interesting! Haha... boy, you are really different from other people. You not only have courage, but also strength, and you don't bow your head easily. This emperor appreciates this character very much. Anyway, you don't want to be my master today , we will have a long time to come. I believe that one day, you will willingly agree with me. Haha...haha..."

Before the laughter stopped, Tong Yan's eyes suddenly brightened, and then he returned to reality directly.

"Brother Skywalker? What's wrong with you? Can you hear us? Brother Skywalker?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally came back to his senses, and then smiled slightly: "It's okay, I might have been distracted just now." Speaking of this, he deliberately lowered his head to look at the Dragon Bone Cold Blade in his hand.

He was almost sure that the Abyss Dragon Emperor who let him enter the illusion just now was the spirit of Dragon Bone Cold Blade.With such a powerful weapon spirit hidden in this knife, how can this Dragon Bone Cold Blade be ordinary?

Faced with such a treasure, if you don't take it for your own use, it would be a waste of money.

Thinking of this, he immediately began to say: "His Royal Highness, this knife is really rare. I will not be polite anymore, I will accept this knife."

Hearing that Tong Yan had accepted the Dragon Bone Cold Blade, the Mountain King of Dongkou Mountain was obviously very happy.He was worried that Tong Yan wouldn't accept it. If Tong Yan didn't accept it, who knew if Tong Yan would temporarily change his mind in the face of a big war that might break out tomorrow?But it's different now, since Tong Yan has accepted this treasure, it means that Tong Yan will do his best tomorrow.

There is a saying that is good, take others' hands short, and eat others' mouths softly.After all the treasures are collected, if Tong Yan doesn't work hard, it will be unreasonable.

"Brother Skywalker, as long as you like it. This dragon bone cold blade is an unowned thing. Many people have tried to refine it, but no one has succeeded. You are the proud son of heaven, maybe you can successfully refine this Treasure. At that time, relying on this treasure, you will be able to gallop in the Three Realms and be invincible.”

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Your Highness is just joking, there are so many strong people in the Three Realms. Even with the help of this treasure, I can't be invincible. But if I can refine this treasure smoothly, it will be of great use in the future. Thank you gone."

The king of Dongkou Mountain laughed and said, "You deserve what Xie Benwang does. Well, I won't bother you anymore. There are still some things that need to be explained to my subordinates, so I will take a step ahead. "

After bowing his hands to everyone, he walked out of the room.

It can be said that the Yaohuang is eager for the sharp weapon of the magic weapon. Now that the Dragon Bone Cold Blade is a childish thing, he will naturally not be polite.

"Brother Tong Yan, can you show me this treasure?"

Without hesitation, Tong Yan handed the Dragon Bone Cold Blade to the Demon Emperor.

After Yaohuang took it, he immediately studied it carefully, but after some research, he was a little disappointed.

"Oh, baby is a treasure. It's a pity that there is no weapon spirit in it, brother Tong Yan. You still have to find a good weapon spirit for it in the future, so that you can maximize the power of this thing."

As he spoke, he returned the Dragon Bone Cold Blade to Tong Yan.

Hearing this, Tong Yan just smiled and didn't say anything.

No weapon spirit?This time, the Demon Emperor missed it.Not only does this keel cold blade have a weapon spirit, but it is also an extremely powerful weapon spirit.

Regarding the Abyss Dragon Emperor, Tong Yan didn't mention half a word. He just wants to be alone now, trying to refine this treasure by himself.

If everything goes well, maybe this treasure will come in handy tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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