
Chapter 1698 The real body of the domain, resolutely fight!

Chapter 1698 The real body of the domain, resolutely fight!
As soon as the Lord Taishan finished speaking, he immediately showed his powerful side.

I saw his body floating upwards, and the black energy under his feet entered the pillar, and he stood on top of the black energy, with extraordinary momentum.With a slight stomp, the black column of air under his feet immediately grew branches like an old tree in spring, covering a large area around it.

Tong Yan knew that this should be Lord Taishan's real domain power, and before he figured out the characteristics of this domain power, if he acted rashly, he would only be thrown into a prison and be extremely passive.

So at this moment, he directly shouted loudly: "Back!"

As soon as the word "retreat" came out, the people behind him didn't dare to delay, and immediately retreated quickly, distanced themselves from Lord Taishan and the big tree made of black air under his feet.

Seeing that everyone retreated, Lord Taishan didn't chase after them, but said arrogantly: "Skywalker, this is the real body of my domain. Don't you want to go there and repair the cracks? Then come and learn about the real body of my domain." body!"

Realm of the field?It was the first time Tong Yan had heard of this term.

He didn't pay attention to Lord Taishan, but turned to Yaohuang and Situ Yuxin and asked, "Both brothers, do you know what a real body is?"

The Yaohuang and Situ Yuxin are both pale now. It seems that they should know what the real body of the domain is, and the real body of the domain is still extremely terrifying.

After a brief silence, Situ Yuxin finally spoke.

"Obtaining the power of the domain is just equivalent to entering the realm of the golden fairy with a certain amount of space ability. But stepping into the realm of the golden fairy is not the end, and it can be improved upwards. According to legend, the real strong, after obtaining the domain After the strength, as long as you concentrate on cultivation, and then get the favor of God, you can see through the mysteries of the domain, and then completely control your own domain. And every domain, in fact, has a fundamental existence, that is the real body of the domain. You can see Only by taming the domain avatar and taming it can one be called a truly peerless powerhouse. But after all, this is just a legend. I have never seen anyone who can summon the domain avatar and control the domain avatar. If this Taishan Mansion Jun did not boast, then the big tree under him is likely to be his domain avatar. And he has the domain avatar, which means that he has become a peerless powerhouse. He has already distanced himself from us and stepped into the A new frontier."

After Tong Yan heard this, he frowned slightly, and then said: "According to what you said, those of us who don't have the real body of the domain, don't we have not fully mastered the power of the domain? But how can we completely master the domain?" What about the power?"

Situ Yuxin smiled wryly and said: "We can only be regarded as early adopters. The power of domains is transformed from the power of heaven and earth. Each domain has its own characteristics, and each domain has its own special soul. This soul is actually a domain. At our current level, being able to use the power of the domain is equivalent to getting the preliminary approval of the real body of the domain. Recognition is only the first step, and getting its blessing is the second step. That is the third step. And at the third step, the real body of the domain will appear and take shape. According to legend, there is still the last step, which is to merge with the real body of the domain and completely merge into one. At that time, Looking at the Three Realms, I am afraid there is no one invincible. Think about it, how different are we from this Lord Taishan?"

According to what Situ Yuxin said, Tong Yan and the others were indeed too far behind Taishan Fujun.They don't even know what their domain avatar looks like. Compared with the Lord Taishan who can completely control the domain avatar, they are no different from the power disparity between children and adults.

But so what?Each domain has its own special abilities. According to the theory of the five elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint, there may be such restraint between domains.

If not, the world might lose its balance.

Even though the Lord Taishan has mastered the real body of the domain, it does not mean that he is invincible.Admit it now, that's not Tong Yan's style, if he doesn't fight a fight, he will never give up lightly.

Tong Yan thought for a while, then smiled slightly: "Whatever his domain is, if he is invincible, why bother with so many subordinates here, and why bother to win me over? In my opinion, his domain should be The most common one, even if he has a real body of the domain, the strength of the domain is fundamental and cannot be changed. Just like an adult rabbit, can it threaten a newborn lion cub? ?"

Although there is some truth in what he said, in fact, he is a bit self-deceiving.How did he know that Lord Taishan's real body was a rabbit?What if it was a wolf?Could it be that an adult wolf can't threaten a lion cub who has just been born for a few days?

Of course, what he said at this time was actually a psychological hint, telling himself to be fearless.Because only if he is fearless, can he maximize his domineering domain.

At this point, this battle is naturally inevitable, and Tong Yan can't choose to compromise just because Lord Taishan showed his real body in the domain, this is not his style.

Since it is necessary to fight, there is no point in procrastinating, so let's make a quick decision.

Taking a deep breath, Tong Yan's eyes became more determined.With a wave of his right hand, a strange weapon immediately appeared in his hand.This weird weapon is none other than the Dragon Bone Cold Blade.

Seeing Tong Yan flashing the dragon bone cold blade, the Wu family ancestor who had been silent all this time suddenly stepped forward and said: "Son, if you can't win, don't risk your life to fight, so that the green hills are left without worrying about firewood. You must remember, Understand?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's firm eyes softened. He nodded heavily to his ancestor and said, "Ancestor, don't worry, my grandson will not do stupid things. I will never lose in today's battle!"

Hearing this, the old ancestor sighed helplessly, he knew in his heart that it was basically impossible to persuade Tong Yan to compromise, and letting him save his life was tantamount to talking nonsense.In the real battle, where is there any chance to save your life?

"Go, go! I'm here, waiting for you to come back safely."

Tong Yan didn't say any more, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and with a strong wind under his feet, he was already like a shooting star chasing the moon, and he rushed towards the lofty Lord Taishan quickly.

Seeing Tong Yan rushing towards him, Lord Taishan showed killing intent in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the branches on the black tree immediately entwined towards Tong Yan like a long snake.

Tong Yan was fearless and continued to move forward resolutely.

This battle is dangerous, but he has no choice; this battle is unpredictable, but he will never turn back.

(End of this chapter)

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