
Chapter 1704 The old ghost's lair, the scene is amazing!

Chapter 1704 The old ghost's lair, the scene is amazing!
Back then, Tong Yan almost died at the mouth of the old ghost of Mount Tai.If Ma Tianxu, one of the ten mentors, hadn't arrived in time and frightened the old ghost of Taishan away with thunderous fury, I'm afraid Tong Yan would have been wiped out by then.

After so many years, Tong Yan's strength has already surpassed ten mentors. This time, he is not [-]% sure of going up against the old ghost of Mount Tai, but at least [-]% sure.

It is impossible to forget the old ghost of Taishan once you have seen it.Tong Yan still remembers the appearance of the monster clearly. The monster was huge, as high as a three-story building, and its mouth was bigger than a big truck; The mouth is full of sharp fangs, and one fang is as big as an adult; it has only one eye, and there is no pupil in that eye, which glows purple; it has limbs, but the limbs are small, But its tail is very thick and extremely long.The monster looked like a one-eyed crocodile as a whole.But it is much bigger than the crocodile, and it is also more ferocious and frightening.

If you only talk about body shape, Taishan old ghost is too amazing.But the big size does not mean the strength is strong. No matter how powerful the old thing is, it may not be able to stop the power of the domain. Otherwise, it would not just be able to hide in the shadow of Mount Tai and do evil everywhere.

In Tong Yan's impression, Old Ghost Taishan was just a monster who liked to eat people and eat evil spirits, and he didn't seem to have much sanity.If it can be successfully found this time, the mystery of the existence of this old ghost of Mount Tai can be solved.

Following behind Xiong Da, the movements of the crowd were extremely fast, it could be said that they were galloping all the way.

Even at such a fast speed, it was still five hours later when they arrived at the Laogui's lair.

Looking at the huge vertical black hole below, Xiong Da said directly: "Brother Tong Yan, this is the lair of the old ghost of Mount Tai. We passed by here before, do you still have any impression?"

When I first saw the old ghost of Mount Tai, it was actually near here. Tong Yan didn't see the old ghost of Mount Tai's lair with his own eyes, but he still had some impressions of the surrounding scene.

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked: "Since this is the lair of Taishan old ghost, should we go in directly, or lure that guy out?"

The Demon Emperor, who had always been bored, suddenly said: "Brother, I think this Taishan old ghost is nothing more than a monster. Anyway, I have nothing to do, why don't I go down and find him?"

Tong Yan could still trust the Demon Emperor's strength, since the Demon Emperor offered to invite Ying, it was hard for Tong Yan to refuse.

"Okay, since Brother Yaohuang is willing to go down and subdue that old ghost of Taishan, then we will wait for your good news here. But brother Yaohuang, you'd better be careful, although your strength should be higher than that old ghost. But here After all, it's that old ghost's territory, as the saying goes, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, be careful sailing for ten thousand years!"

The Demon Emperor laughed and said, "Don't worry, I know what's in my heart. Then I'll take the first step."

Speaking of this, he jumped and fell into the lair of the old ghost of Mount Tai.

In fact, Tong Yan also wanted to go down and take a look, but there were so many masters, he really didn't need it, so let's just wait here patiently.

Time passed bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, the demon emperor had already entered the lair of the old ghost of Mount Tai for 10 minutes.But for such a long time, there was no sound in the lair.

If the Taishan old ghost was in the lair, the Demon Emperor and it should have fought against it long ago.Could it be that the Taishan old ghost went to look for food elsewhere?Or is it that the terrain below is intricate, trapping the Demon Emperor?

Tong Yan thought for a while, and decided to wait a little longer.If there is still no movement below after a while, then he will go down to find out in person.

In this way, about 10 minutes passed, but there was still no movement below.

Although Tong Yan believed in the strength of the Demon Emperor, he didn't know how strong that old Taishan ghost was and what was going on below.

He couldn't let the Demon Emperor continue to be below, he had to go down, and he had to be responsible for the safety of the Demon Emperor.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "You guys stay outside, I'll go down and have a look. Brother Yaohuang has been gone for so long and there has been no movement. I guess he must have encountered something uncontrollable. I will move faster and see He took him out."

When Xiong Da heard this, he hurriedly reminded him: "Brother Tong Yan, you have to be more careful. No one knows what is going on in the lair of this old ghost of Mount Tai. If there is any danger, you must get out as soon as possible. "

Tong Yan nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I'll remember. I'll go ahead and see you later!" Speaking of this, he also jumped into the old ghost's lair.

What is the situation in this huge underground lair?Why did the Yaohuang go down for more than half an hour, and there was still no news?
With such doubts, Tong Yan's falling speed increased significantly.

After falling like this for about half a minute, he finally hit the ground.

Take a closer look, good guy, the bottom here is really big enough.Compared with the space of the Sikou Mountain, I'm afraid it's not too much.

This Taishan old ghost is very good at enjoying it. It has carved out such a large space, and it feels like it has built a simple underground palace for itself.

Tong Yan looked around, then raised his legs and walked into the deep and dark cave directly in front of him.

The cave is 20 meters high and about ten meters wide.Such a large space is enough for that old Taishan ghost to move freely.

Tong Yan walked in a hurry, because he had to pay attention to everything around him.For example, he saw a lot of rubbing marks on the stone walls on both sides, which must have been left by the old ghost of Mount Tai rubbing against the stone walls when he moved.For example, he also found traces of weapons hacking on the stone wall, which seemed to mean that they were not the first wave of people to enter the lair of the old ghost of Mount Tai.

Before them, some people should have come here to explore the secrets, maybe for other things, maybe just to get rid of the old ghost of Mount Tai and eliminate harm for the people.

Just keep going forward like this, the further you go forward, the lower the terrain in front of you.It seems that this Taishan old ghost likes to live in damp places and dark places. This habit is very similar to that of snakes.

After walking forward for about 500 meters, the terrain gradually became flat, but there was a rather surprising scene ahead.

I saw that the front was colorful, not only there were luminous stone pillars, but also various exquisite stone carvings.

Such a scene is obviously not what a monster's lair should have. How did everything here appear?

Tong Yan was a little messed up for a while. These exquisite things in the cave must not be the ingenious work of nature, but were obviously carefully carved out by someone.

Could it be that this is not the lair of Taishan old ghost?Or, is there anyone else living in this Taishan old ghost's lair?

(End of this chapter)

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