
Chapter 212 Head-to-head confrontation, fight to the death!

Chapter 212 Confrontation, fight to the death!
In desperation, Huang Tianhu finally decided to set fire.Seeing the thousand-year-old foundation of the Seven Killing Clan destroyed, he felt mixed feelings in his heart, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

Huang Jiao looked at him, hurriedly supported him, and comforted him: "Father, it's just a place to live. Why do you value it so much? As the saying goes, if the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood, I will definitely kill you." It can restore the glory of the past. You must take care of your health!"

Hearing this, Huang Tianhu smiled wryly and said: "Reviving the glory of the past? It's not easy? Jiao'er has experienced hundreds of battles for his father and has never been defeated. But today, I'm afraid I will be defeated completely. If I didn't guess If it's wrong, the insect master must have been sent by the demon sect. They have only one purpose, and that is to force us to come out, and then surround and annihilate them. Look at the dense jungle ahead, there must be a demon in ambush There are thousands of people in the sect. As a father, there is no way to go, and there is no way to go. I leave the burden of the Seven Kills to you. No matter what, you must not let my Seven Kills perish. Promise me , you must promise me! Okay?"

Huang Jiao heard this, and immediately shook his head and said: "Father, we still have so many disciples, how do you know that there is no chance of winning? Even though the Demon Sect is powerful, my Seven Killing Sect is not weak. Besides, the Sly Sect's Reinforcements will arrive soon, as long as we can hold on, when we cooperate from inside to outside, what can the Demon Sect do to me? Father, as long as you don't give up, we will definitely win!"

Seeing his courageous and insightful daughter, Huang Tianhu was very relieved, but he had already seen through everything.Who is Tong Yan?The famous Qilin talent, how could he not know that the Seven Kills Sect has found reinforcements from the Sly Sect?
Huang Tianhu has only one wish now, and that is to keep his daughter.This is all his hope and his only blood. If even his daughter dies, maybe he really loses everything.

"Jiao'er, you are right, Dad will not give up! We will definitely defeat the Demon Sect and revive my reputation as the Seven Killers. Come on, Dad still has a secret, let me take this opportunity to tell you directly today."

As he spoke, he held his daughter in his arms, and seemed to be about to say something, but before he opened his mouth, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped his daughter on the back of the head.

With this slap, Huangjiao immediately passed out.

He looked down at the daughter in his arms, his nose was sore, and then he said in some pain: "Daughter, Dad can no longer be with you, and you will have to walk the future by yourself. Where is Tiewei? How many of you are you?" The most important person of this old man, I regard you as brothers and sisters, and today I will entrust my precious daughter to you. No matter what, you must take her out alive. This old man will be counting on you!"

Several iron guards heard this, and immediately knelt on one knee and said: "Don't worry, sect master, even if I die, I will save the young lady's life. I will never disappoint the sect master's expectations!"

Huang Tianhu nodded in satisfaction and said: "Then thank you all, remember, after she wakes up, don't let her come to me, and don't take revenge for me. I just hope that she can live in peace, that's all ! Go! Safe travels!"

Several iron guards kowtowed heavily to him, and then rushed towards the distance with the yellow pepper in their arms.

As soon as they left, Tong Yan brought the disciples of the Demon Sect to rush forward, shouting and killing everywhere, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Hearing this, Huang Tianhu raised his head and looked at the sky, then said with a wry smile: "Heaven wants to kill me, what can people do? Qilin talent, let me come and meet you. I want to see, just who the hell are you?" ! All the disciples obey the order and follow me to fight against the enemy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he led the disciples of the Seven Killing Sect to meet Tong Yan and the others who were rushing over.

The next moment, the people on both sides had already confronted each other.

Holding the black dragon dagger in one hand, Tong Yan looked coldly at the members of the Qisha Sect in front of him, his whole body was filled with murderous aura.His relatives died at the hands of these villains. He had waited too long for this day.In his opinion, these beasts in front of him deserve to die, so he will not let any one go today.

Huang Tianhu stared at Tong Yan, then took a few steps forward and said, "You are Tong Yan, the young lord of the Demon Sect? Sure enough, you are a talented person with an extraordinary bearing! You really took great pains to wipe out my Seven Killers! That insect master should Is that what you sent?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "Since you know everything, why do you need to ask questions? Old thief, today is your end, obediently die!"

Hearing this, Huang Tianhu laughed and said, "My end? Even if you are extremely smart, if you want to kill me, you probably can't do it with your brain alone, right? Let the old man see if your cultivation is as powerful as your brain !"

Having said that, he touched his waist, and then pulled out a long red whip.

I saw that the whip was about two meters long, its body was covered with spikes, and its whole body was blood red, as if it had been dyed with fresh blood.As soon as Huang Tianhu held it in his hand, the whip writhed restlessly like a spirit snake.

Tong Yan stared at the whip, and was about to rush forward to fight it.

But at this moment, the scholar with thousands of faces stopped him.

"Young Sect Master, let me fight with him first, if not, it's not too late for you to make a move!"

Although Tong Yan is eager for revenge, he also knows that the scholar with thousands of faces is doing it for his own good.Since this Huang Tianhu can become the head of the Seven Killing Sect, his ability is naturally no small matter.Even the top ten protectors in the Seven Kills Sect are extremely powerful, this Huang Tianhu is naturally even stronger.

Anyway, it's just for revenge, there's no need to pay attention to fairness, it's enough to kill him.

"Okay, then you can try his skills for me, be more careful!"

The thousand-faced scholar nodded with a smile, then drew a short knife from his sleeve, and rushed towards Huang Tianhu first.

Seeing this, Huang Tianhu smiled contemptuously, and immediately swung the long whip in his hand, and whipped it directly at the thousand-faced scholar.

The Thousand Faced Scholar is also very skillful, seeing the long whip coming, he turned over gorgeously, dodged it easily, and then tapped his toes on the ground, like a sharp arrow, he rushed forward.

Huang Tianhu hit the ground with a whip, and immediately moved forward with the whip.Qianmian Scholar slashed down with his saber, but was blocked by the long whip, and Huang Tianhu took advantage of the trend to circle around, entangled the broken saber instead.

Seeing this, the thousand-faced scholar's face changed drastically, and he was about to draw his knife and back away.But he was still a step too late, Huang Tianhu seized the opportunity and kicked out directly, hitting Qianmian Scholar's chest.

The latter felt a pain in his heart, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and then lost the battle.

In less than three rounds, the Thousand Faced Scholar was defeated. Huang Tianhu's strength cannot be underestimated.

Tong Yan gritted his teeth fiercely, and with a flash, he rushed forward.He has made up his mind that even if he loses his life today, he must eradicate all the villains from the Seven Killing Gate.

Facing the mighty Huang Tianhu, can he really take revenge?What kind of conspiracy is that old thing lurking in the underground secret room of Seven Kills Gate?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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