
Chapter 219 It's All Killing, Black Wind is Active!

Chapter 219 It's All Killing, Black Wind is Active!

With just one punch, Tong Yan killed the most vicious and most damned four hall masters in the Sly Sect.

"Little...little junior brother, we...we are teachers from the same sect after all. When you were still in the sly sect, I, as a senior brother, treated you well, right? I fell into your hands today, you shouldn't be able to bear it." Killed me, right?"

"Little brother, I, the second brother, have never bullied you. You have always valued love and righteousness. I don't think you will take your anger on us because of Master's fault. As long as you spare me today, I am willing." I will be a cow and a horse for you, and repay your kindness. Okay?"


Hearing everyone's prayers, Tong Yan was indeed moved with compassion, after all, it was the old sect master who really wanted to put him to death, not these incompetent people right now.But after thinking about it, if I really let them go so easily today, these people will definitely work for the old sect master in the future, and who can guarantee that these people will not be ungrateful and become my enemy again?
He thought about it for a while, and then smiled cruelly: "I destroyed my meridians in Gezao Mountain that day, I believe you all saw it. I have nothing to do with the Guimen, but the Guimen is still relentless to me. If you really want to It’s not impossible to survive. As long as you cut off your meridians and dissociate yourself from the sly sect, I think I should be lenient.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces turned livid, and they all shut their mouths.

Seeing this, Tong Yan laughed and said: "The opportunity has been given to you, since you are reluctant to leave the Sly Sect, then you are the enemies of my Demon Sect. The disciples of the Demon Sect obey the order, eradicate the evil thieves of the Sly Sect, and show off the power of our Demon Sect!" kill!"

As soon as the word "kill" was uttered, the disciples of the Demon Sect who were surrounded by all the disciples of the Guizhou Sect immediately rushed forward, screaming in pain, and blood flowed like a river.

Tong Yan did give him a chance, but these people didn't cherish it. They said they would rather die than betray their master, but in fact they just couldn't bear to part with their cultivation.

"Junior brother, I... I am willing, please spare my life!" "Junior brother, I am willing too!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed loudly and said, "Are you regretting it now? It's a pity it's too late! None of you villainous thieves today will live!"

Massacre, horrific massacre.Vengeance, killing without mercy.

Tong Yan didn't know when he became so cruel, maybe from the moment his parents and sister were killed, he had become a cold-blooded animal.Hatred can change a person, from cowardly to strong, from kind to cruel.

But he has no regrets, everyone has their own fate, and everyone has their own temper.He has endured it for too many years, so he doesn't want to continue to endure it.Even if he was really despised by the world, he probably wouldn't take it to heart.Even if you are an enemy of the world, as long as you have no regrets in your heart, you will have peace of mind.

In less than half an hour, the massacre finally came to an end. There were corpses all over the place, and blood flowed like a river.
As for the ghost servants who followed here, they were too frightened to approach, and all fled out of the Dragon Valley in disgrace.

The flames of war were completely extinguished here, Tong Yan didn't stop, and immediately sent an order for the disciples of the Demon Sect to quickly exit the Dragon Valley.After eradicating the Seven Killing Sect and wiping out all the elites of the Sly Sect, the Demon Sect became famous all over the world in this battle.

However, now is not the time to be happy, because the terrible thing that the insect master said has finally appeared.

"Young Sect Master, look quickly, what is that?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately looked in the direction of Master Ye Duo's finger.I saw a black tornado with a height of [-] meters and a diameter of [-] or [-] meters in the direction of Qishamen's lair.

This tornado is so powerful that it destroys the vegetation wherever it passes.If it hits someone, the consequences will be disastrous.

The disciples of the Demon Sect didn't dare to stay, they were so frightened that they ran desperately to the outside of the Evil Dragon Valley.But unexpectedly, the speed of this tornado was as fast as lightning.It took only a while to catch up with everyone.

All of a sudden, people were blown away by the wind, and flesh and blood splattered everywhere, just like a huge meat grinder, devouring these frightened people crazily.

Tong Yan frowned, and anger surged in his heart.He can't just watch all the disciples of the Demon Sect die here, and he can't let this dead thing rush out of the Dragon Valley and harm the world.

But... But what exactly is he going to do to stop it?

"Young Sect Master, there is danger here, you'd better leave quickly!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "No matter how fast I am, I'm afraid I can't be faster than this tornado. This tornado has such power, it's definitely not a kind person, it's probably transformed by a demon. If you can't get rid of it , I’m afraid that none of us will be able to leave alive!”

Hearing this, Master Ye Duo frowned and asked, "Young Sect Master, what can you do to deal with it?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said: "I have no choice now, but as the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cub? I think only by entering the inside of the tornado can we understand everything!"

"What? Young master, don't mean to get into that tornado, do you? But that tornado is so powerful that just getting close is enough to scrape people into pieces. If you do this, it's tantamount to seeking your own death ah!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Even that Huang Tianhu can't kill me, what can a mere tornado do to me? If that tornado can really tear me apart, I can only say that I am destined to die. But if I can survive, Maybe I can save all of you. As the young suzerain, if I hide first in case of trouble, I am afraid that I am not worthy to be the young suzerain, and it will even damage the name of the family teacher who sacrificed his life to protect the disciples. Needless to say, I have made up my mind. The only thing you have to do now is to take them out of here as much as possible. Do you understand?"

Master Ye Duo looked at Tong Yan, and said sadly: "Young Sect Master is so young, but he is so responsible. I admire you from the bottom of my heart. Before I leave, please be respected by my subordinates!"

As he spoke, he saluted Tong Yan respectfully.

Seeing this, Tong Yan reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "If something really happens to me, the Mozong will not perish, promise me!"

"Yes, this subordinate respectfully obeys the orders of the young suzerain!"

Tong Yan smiled in satisfaction, then turned around and raised his legs to face the tornado.

In fact, if he really wanted to escape from here, it was not impossible, but he really couldn't bear to see the thousands of years of Mozong's foundation destroyed in his own hands.In the final analysis, he was able to eradicate the Seven Killing Sect and severely injure the Sinister Sect. It was not because of his clever calculations, courage and insight, but the credit of these Demon Sect disciples.If they hadn't risked their lives for a bloody battle, how could Tong Yan alone be the opponent of the Seven Killing Sect and the Sly Sect?So it can be said that it is the loyalty and fearlessness of these Demon Sect disciples that Tong Yan has the opportunity to avenge this great revenge, so why are these people not his benefactors?

Now that he is in dire straits, he can't be an ungrateful person, even if he really threw his life here, he will have no regrets!
But what is hidden in the tornado?And that mysterious old thing, what kind of relationship does he have with Tong Yan?Let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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