
Chapter 222 Falling Insane, Golden Shura!

Chapter 222 Falling Insane, Golden Shura!
Just like that, Tong Yan and these evil spirits came and went and bit each other, and half an hour had passed before he knew it.

Probably because Tong Yan entered, the tornado no longer wandered around, but stopped in place and circled.

The Mozong disciple who was lucky enough to survive did not dare to hesitate, and immediately escaped from the Evil Dragon Valley with all his might.Although there were many casualties, the strength of the Demon Sect hadn't been weakened much, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

The feat of the young sect master's sacrifice to save his disciples not only allowed him to completely control the Demon Sect, but also made him a hero in the hearts of all the disciples of the Demon Sect.This laid a solid foundation for the future growth of Mozong.

Zhengdao gathered hundreds of people this time, and his purpose was naturally to take advantage of the time when the Demon Sect and the Seven Killers were fighting for a fight.However, they didn't know where the lair of the Seven Killing Gate was at all. They didn't rush here until a vision appeared in the sky above the Dragon Valley.But at this moment, the members of Mozong's sect have long since fled without a trace, and only Tong Yan and the frightening black tornado are left.

Everyone in the righteous way just watched the tornado from a distance, and they didn't dare to step forward rashly.

A few pretentious orthodox people tried to disperse the tornado, but as soon as they approached, they were chopped into pieces by the wind knife.In this way, other people dare not take a step closer, and can only stay where they are and wait and see.

Qingming was among these people at the moment, he stared at the tornado in the distance, and then asked the young man beside him: "Brother Chen, the members of the Demon Sect have long since disappeared, what are we still doing here?" I think it's better to leave here and make plans. What do you think?" Obviously, none of them knew that Tong Yan was in the tornado right now, otherwise Qing Ming would definitely not have reacted now.

The man called Brother Chen was about 27 or [-] years old, of medium height, dressed in a white coat and a pair of round black sunglasses, very much like a fortune teller who gave people divination.

He held an iron fan about [-] centimeters long in his hand, fanned himself lightly, and then said with a slight smile: "Brother Qingming, this evil wind is obviously caused by demons. We are righteous people , how can we turn a blind eye? Besides, the leader didn’t say anything, so we just left, which is really rude. Are you right?”

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded lightly and said, "Brother Chen is still thoughtful, and younger brother is indeed negligent. But this tornado is so powerful, how should we deal with it?"

Hearing this, the man surnamed Chen smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, so be patient! Hehe..."

Qing Ming let out a sigh, didn't say anything more, and then looked at the tornado in the distance again.

Speaking of this man surnamed Chen, he is really a strange person.His full name is Chen Yanwu, and he is proficient in fortune-telling by touching bones, so he was nicknamed Chen Xiazi.

This blind man Chen is extremely accurate in divination, and his eyes are like torches.Qing Ming just passed by his small stall, and he saw through his identity at a glance.Not only that, he was able to tell exactly where Qing Ming came from and where he was going.

Qingming was so shocked that he was dumbfounded, and it happened that he also intended to go to Qingzhou to subdue demons, so he came here with Qingming on the same road, and joined the righteous monks stationed in Qingzhou, and arrived at the Evil Dragon Valley.

From Qing Ming's point of view, for an expert like Chen Xiazi, everything can be predicted in advance.Since he said that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, maybe wait, the tornado will dissipate by itself.

But he didn't know that at this moment Tong Yan had already fallen into madness in the tornado.After devouring a large number of evil spirits, he gradually couldn't bear it anymore.But the eyes of the evil spirits were red, and he refused to stop for a moment.

More and more ghosts were eaten by him, and then absorbed by the Evil of All Ghosts, and so on and so forth.

He couldn't remember how many ghosts he had eaten, and he didn't know when he could completely eat up these evil ghosts.

He really wanted to stop, but his consciousness became weaker and weaker, almost unable to control his body.

Time passed little by little, and Tong Yan felt that his whole body was swollen and aching, as if he was about to be burst. If he continued to eat like this endlessly, the only thing waiting for him was death.

"Evil of all ghosts, get out of here immediately. If you dare to manipulate my body again, I will destroy you!" He roared angrily, but that Evil of all ghosts had already lost his mind, so how could he If you put it in your eyes?
Tong Yan tried his best to close his mouth, trying to stop devouring, but the evil of all ghosts turned into a big mouth on his half body armor, and continued to gobble it up.He has merged with the Evil of Ten Thousand Ghosts, so the evil spirits swallowed by Evil of All Ghosts still have a severe impact on his soul.

His soul can no longer accept the nourishment of these evil spirits. If the situation worsens, his soul will be shattered and turned into green smoke.By then, it may be too late.

Although Tong Yan was reluctant, he had to admit that he had made a mistake.His biggest mistake was that he shouldn't have easily opened his mouth to devour the evil spirits, but in doing so, he completely intensified the ghost and beast instinct of the disaster of all ghosts.

But at this moment, what else can he do?Gouging out his own eyes and completely breaking away from the disaster of all ghosts?Or run away from here quickly, so that the disaster of all ghosts cannot continue to devour?

He no longer has the strength to leave, and even if he gouges out his own eyes, he probably won't be able to get rid of the shackles of the ghosts.

Perhaps, there is only one last way left, and that is to use the powerful Buddha energy of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to seal the evil of all ghosts.But if he succeeds, maybe he will never be able to use the power of Ten Thousand Ghosts in the future.

But what is that?At least he's still alive, it's better than being wiped out, right?

Making up his mind, Tong Yan immediately closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground with all his strength. He put the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle between his hands, and then recited the six-syllable mantra.

And as the Buddhist scriptures were chanted, severe pain immediately hit him.He didn't care about so much, and still persisted silently.

"Om Mani Pame Hum... Om Mani Pame Hum... Om Mani Pame Hum..."

He read faster and faster, faster and faster.The howls from the misfortune of all ghosts and the wails of the surrounding evil spirits were all thrown behind his ears.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a burning pain in his eyes, and then he opened them unconsciously.

He never thought that in front of him... a tall and mighty golden Shura with three heads and six arms appeared!

What the hell is going on here?Why did this golden Shura appear in front of him?And where is the world in his eyes?Could it be... Is he dead?
(End of this chapter)

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