
Chapter 247 The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

Chapter 247 The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

I saw a blood-red monster with a big mouth full of sarcoma all over its body, tearing up a dead body on the ground frantically, and not far in front of it stood a few trembling Taoist priests holding magic weapons.

It seemed that the dead man should have been with these Taoist priests, but unfortunately, they could only watch helplessly when their companion was killed.

It is difficult to tell which sect these Taoist priests are from just from the Taoist robes they wear, but seeing that they are so timid and do not know how to run for their lives, it is estimated that they are doomed.

Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, and could only focus on the monster with a big mouth not far in front of him.

I saw that this monster was about the size of a rhinoceros, and its whole body was covered with red sarcoid tumors as big as eggs, one after another, which was very disgusting.It had limbs with tumors on them.It has sharp claws and terrifying fangs.But it seems that it didn't kill people to eat, because the dead bodies on the ground were almost torn into pieces by it, but it didn't even smell it.

The blood flowing from the dead body quickly dyed a large expanse of white snow on the ground bright red, but this did not have the slightest sense of beauty, on the contrary it seemed somewhat ugly.

Tong Yan had never seen such a monster, nor had he seen any records about it in ancient books, so he didn't know what it was for a while.But he doesn't know, but it doesn't mean others don't know either.

Blind Chen beside him stared at the monster in front of him for a while, then immediately whispered to him: "Brother Tong Yan, have you seen it? That big monster is the legendary Bodhi beast, which lives with the blood-dropping Bodhi. Although the Bodhi beast is ferocious and unusual, its whole body is full of treasures. The sarcoma on its body is full of treasures similar to Bodhi. Although it is not as powerful as the Bodhi of dripping blood, it is still a rare treasure. There is also its flesh and blood. It is said that eating It can make people invulnerable to all diseases. And its eyes, eating it can make people see at night. In short, if we don’t get the Bodhi of Blood, we can kill this Bodhi beast, and we can make a worthwhile trip. .”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "This bodhi beast looks ferocious. If it can be easily killed, how can it be our turn? Look at those Taoist priests, they are probably well-known and decent masters. Even so many of them can't kill it." We have no chance to compete with this bodhi beast. Forget it, let’s go and join Tan Yu first. We are here for the blood-dropping bodhi. As for the bodhi beast, let those who are capable hunt it down Bar."

Blind Chen felt that it was a pity when he heard this, but he could only nod his head lightly.

Just when several people were about to leave, unexpectedly someone came over.

"Haha...Brother Jian Zun, this is the Bodhi beast. I didn't expect it to escape here, this time we must not let it go!"

Tong Yan's heart trembled when he heard this voice, he was so familiar with this voice, who else is it if it's not the old master of that tricky sect?It's just that he didn't expect that this old guy would come here to hunt for treasure.

Originally wanted to leave, he hesitated for a while, but decided to stay and have a look before making plans.

Sure enough, the voice just now was indeed made by the old Sect Master of the Sly Sect.He, Ji Wutian, the head of the Tianshan Sword Sect, and the mysterious ghost-faced man went up the mountain yesterday, but they still haven't found the real location of the Blood Dropping Bodhi.

The three of them searched around in the mountains and forests, and finally found the bodhi beast, so they chased it all the way here.

Seeing his former mentor and the villain Ji Wutian collude with each other, Tong Yan's anger didn't come from one place.

This Wutian was the one who participated in the battle of the Demon Sect back then, and Tong Yan almost died several times.This villain has a vicious heart and cruel methods, and everyone can punish him.We met this time, if there is a chance, Tong Yan will never let him go.

Seeing the three people coming forward, the Taoist priests could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and hurriedly saluted Ji Wutian and the others.

"I'm a member of the Longhu Mountain Sect. I have met the head of the Ji Sect and the Sect Master of the Guile Sect. I don't know if you are here. I have been rude. Please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Ji Wutian laughed and said, "You are really well-informed about the news of Longhu Mountain, and you even know that there are heaven and earth spirits here. I don't know where the master Ziqi of your sect is now? He should also Are you here?"

A Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain opened his mouth and replied: "I report to the master, the real master of the despicable sect is still in retreat, so we sent a few of us to arrive here first. As for when the master will come, it is estimated that the master will come soon." It's been a couple of days."

Hearing this, Ji Wutian let out a soft voice and said, "That is to say, apart from sending you guys here, Longhushan never sent anyone else?"

Upon hearing this, the Taoist priests at Longhu Mountain responded immediately: "Exactly!"

When Ji Wutian heard this, a cold smile appeared on his face. "Since this is the case, you guys can go on the road with peace of mind! This bodhi beast belongs to us!"

As soon as the words fell, before the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain could react, he had already grasped the sword formula and flashed past behind the Taoist priests.

Immediately afterwards, I saw these Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain staring wide-eyed, and then fell to the ground unwillingly.

The old Sect Master of the Guild Sect looked at the dead people in Longhu Mountain, and said puzzledly: "Brother Jian Zun, why did you kill them? They didn't disrespect you, so why do you want to kill them indiscriminately?"

Hearing this, Ji Wutian snorted coldly and said, "If you can't bear it, you will mess up big plans. Since Longhushan already knows about the Blood Dropping Bodhi, they are our enemies. We can only kill all the competitors. Only Blood Bodhi can be held firmly in our hands."

Hearing this, the old Sect Master of the Guile Sect sighed softly: "Maybe you are right, well, let's not mention this, let's find a way to get rid of this bodhi beast!"

The ghost-masked man raised his eyes to look at the Bodhi Beast, and said with a chuckle, "This evil obstacle doesn't have a high level of cultivation, at most it's just a bit stronger. Let's work together to form a formation of three talents, and we will surely trap it and kill it. The two of you Dude, do it!"

As soon as these words came out, murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the three of them, and with a flash of their figures, they immediately separated into the three positions of heaven, earth and human, and directly surrounded the bodhi beast.

When Bodhi Beast saw it, it immediately raised its head and roared angrily, then violently exerted its limbs and rushed towards the ghost-masked man ferociously.

And at this moment, the three formed seals at the same time, and a formation of three talents appeared immediately.

Although the bodhi beast rushed fiercely, it was knocked back by the powerful force of the three-talented formation before it got close to the ghost-masked man.

But how could it give up easily, if it failed once, it immediately charged forward again.For a while, the sound of "Tong Tong" sounded continuously, and the whole earth seemed to tremble.

Blind Chen stared at the battle situation in front of him, shook his head and sighed, "These three old bastards are really powerful. They locked up this Bodhi beast with just a three-talented formation. It seems that this Bodhi beast is doomed." Yes. Brother Tong Yan, let's go quickly. If they find out, they will definitely not spare us."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed lightly and said, "Let's go? Why do you want to go? How can I miss this golden opportunity? Haven't you heard that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind? This bodhi beast, I want to order!"

As soon as these words came out, both Jiang Xiaoyu and Chen Xiazi were shocked.

What kind of idea does Tong Yan have in mind?Can he really snatch the Bodhi beast from the hands of these three old thieves?Please look forward to the next chapter, bravely fight the three evils, and take food from the tiger's mouth!

PS: Two books recommended by friends, military classics, "The Eagle of the Strongest Special Forces", supernatural classics, "Ghost Life".These two books are good, everyone can read them!In addition, readers who have not read my old book "I Am a Ghost Catcher" can also read my old book!

(End of this chapter)

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