
Chapter 249 Search and search, never live alone!

Chapter 249 Search and search, never live alone!
Blood flowed from the wound on Tong Yan's abdomen, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

He knew very well in his heart that if he was overtaken by the old master of the Guile Sect and that old thing wearing a mask, he would definitely die today.But he was also looking forward to it, hoping that his knife just now would end up with Ji Wutian's life. In this way, he could be regarded as doing justice for the sky and getting rid of the serious trouble for the Mozong.

Although the ground in this forest is covered with snow, the trees are also very dense, and there are ice stones that can be seen from time to time.

Bodhi Beast ran forward like crazy, Tong Yan was not as comfortable as he imagined.Hitting against a big tree from time to time is a second injury to Tong Yan.

If the bodhi beast continued to drag him down, Tong Yan would probably be killed when it couldn't run anymore.

Tong Yan gritted his teeth, and immediately controlled the chain formed by the black dragon's dagger to retract quickly. With the retraction of the chain, the distance between him and Bodhi Beast became closer and closer.

Seeing that it was less than half a meter away, Tong Yan suddenly jumped up high with all his strength, and with the help of the retraction of the black dragon's chain, he happened to ride on the back of the bodhi beast.

Although the back of the Bodhi beast was covered with blood, it was very warm. Tong Yan was swaying, and gradually couldn't resist the attack of drowsiness. He lay on the back of the Bodhi beast and passed out directly.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaoyu and Chen Xiazi have already retreated from the mountains.Tong Yan fought desperately, and they all saw it. Although they didn't know where Tong Yan would be taken by the bodhi beast, they couldn't stay in the forest any longer.

Even though Ji Wutian's life and death are unknown, the old master of the Sly Sect and the ghost-masked man are safe and sound.If they found out that someone was peeking in the dark, Jiang Xiaoyu and Blind Chen probably would not survive.

The old Sect Master of the Guile Sect looked in the direction where Bodhi Beast and Tong Yan left, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"Brother Guidao, look at the good apprentice you have taught. Not only did you injure the master Ji, but you also let go of the bodhi beast. The reason why he appeared here is not because someone deliberately tipped him off, right?"

Hearing this, the old Sect Master of the Guilian Sect said in a cold voice: "Brother Guimian, what do you mean by that? Are you trying to say that I informed Tong Yan? Let me tell you, don't spit blood. I and that Tong Yan has nothing to do with it, I don't know why he appeared here, and if you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

The ghost-masked man stared at him, then chuckled and said, "Brother Cunning Dao, I'm just talking casually, why do you have to explain so much? The most urgent thing now is to find the Bodhi beast quickly by following the bloodstains." It’s better to have a hiding place, otherwise, someone else might get there first.”

Hearing this, the old Sect Master of the Guile Sect frowned and said, "Then what about Sect Master Ji? He is seriously injured now, if he is not healed earlier, his life may be in danger. We can't just leave him alone, right? "

The ghost-faced man glanced at Ji Wutian who was unconscious on the ground, and said with a faint smile, "Ji Wutian, the head of the sect, has his own aura. Even if we don't help him, he won't die. If we waste our time here, I'm afraid the gain outweighs the loss. What do you think?"

The old Sect Master of the Guile Sect hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and said: "You are right, then do as you say!"

The two ignored Ji Wutian, and immediately followed the blood trail to the direction where Bodhi Beast left.

The Bodhi Beast has already performed a blood sacrifice, so it basically has no chance of surviving.But it still seems to have illusions, maybe there is some belief in its heart that is supporting it to move forward.

It kept running forward like this, and it had been running for more than two hours without knowing it, from the forest to the glacier, and then from the glacier to the top of the mountain, until it completely disappeared in the white snow.


"Msanggong...Sanggong...where are you? Where are you? Come out quickly...don't hide from me anymore...woooo...I must find you, even if I turn over this snow mountain We must find you."

Tan Yu reached out to wipe away the tears on his face, and continued digging desperately in the icy water regardless of his blood-soaked hands.

She has been digging for half a day, and she has used many methods, but no matter how hard she tries, she still can't find Tong Yan.

Whenever she dug a big hole, the snow would slide down the mountain top to fill the hole again.It is really difficult to find three people on such a huge snow mountain.

But she still didn't give up, because she knew how important Tong Yan was to her.She didn't want to lose him, and she couldn't lose him. She wanted to see people in life, and a corpse in death!

Time passed little by little, and night gradually fell.

Just when Tan Yu was exhausted and was about to rest for a while, a white leopard suddenly sprinted down the mountain.

As soon as Tan Yu noticed it, the demonic aura immediately dissipated, and he was ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, after the white leopard came, he didn't intend to do anything at all. Instead, he said in a very broken human language: "Come with me quickly, your... friends are waiting for you!"

When Tan Yu heard this, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked, "Are they alive? Where are they?"

The white leopard didn't say anything, just waved its paw at her, and then ran up the mountain.

Tan Yu was overjoyed and immediately followed quickly.

Half an hour later, she finally saw Jiang Xiaoyu and Chen Xiazi who were waiting on the ice rock halfway up the mountain, but Tong Yan was the only one who could not be seen.

Tan Yu stepped forward quickly, and immediately asked anxiously: "Where is Tong Yan? Isn't he with you?"

Blind Chen heard this, and hurriedly replied: "Brother Tong Yan, he...he was taken away by the Bodhi beast."

"Bodhi Beast? You met Bodhi Beast? Why did Tong Yan follow it? What happened to you before?"

Blind Chen saw her eagerness, and immediately told her about Tong Yan's previous bloody battle against Wutian and being dragged away by the bodhi beast after being injured.

After Tan Yu heard this, the anxious look on his face became more intense.

"Where did that bodhi beast go? I'm going to find him. I must find Tong Yan! Tell me, tell me quickly."

Jiang Xiaoyu, who had been silent all this time, looked at her, and finally said: "You are in a hurry, shouldn't we be in a hurry? But the problem now is, no one knows where the bodhi beast went. Do you want to save it?" Tong Yan, you don't know where to go to rescue him?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu said fiercely: "You don't care about his life or death, I do. You should know in which direction Bodhi Beast went? Even if I level the Meili Snow Mountain, I will definitely find him. Yes, Blind Chen, aren't you a master, can't you figure out where Tong Yan is now?"

Hearing this, Blind Chen said in embarrassment: "I tried it before, but...but I can't figure it out at all. This snow-capped mountain is by no means as simple as I imagined. I have a faint feeling that there is a mysterious force on this mountain. Everything. about we go to Blood Dropping Bodhi first, this white leopard can guide us. Also, the Bodhi Beast lives with Drop Blood Bodhi, maybe it has brought Tong Yan to Drop Blood Bodhi now hiding place."

After hearing the words, Tan Yu calmed down for a while, then nodded heavily and said, "Okay, then let's go to Dripping Blood Bodhi. If something happens to Tong Yan, I will never live alone!"

But where is Tong Yan now?

(End of this chapter)

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