
Chapter 252 Greatly Increased Cultivation, Danger Comes!

Chapter 252 Greatly Increased Cultivation, Danger Comes!
Feeling the powerful zhenqi in his body, Tong Yan finally showed a happy smile.

Although he still doesn't know how far his cultivation has reached in one step, it is definitely much stronger than before his meridians were cut off.

Tong Yan ignored the angry Master Qingxuan and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Anyway, I can't leave now, so I might as well practice hard for a while.He hadn't practiced for a long time, and during the days when his meridians were cut off, as long as he tried to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, he would be in agony.But now, he doesn't have to worry about these anymore, because the meridians in his body are not only repaired, but also stronger than before. Maybe this is the so-called breaking and then standing!

Seeing Tong Yan practicing on his own, Master Qingxuan's nose almost crooked with anger.He continuously controlled the flying sword to hit the light wall, but no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to break through.

The sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" filled the entire ice cave. I didn't know that I thought someone was forging iron here.

After about two hours like this, Tong Yan was already unable to extricate himself from his cultivation.

Unexpectedly, someone else found this place.The person who came was none other than the old master of the tricky door and the ghost-faced man.They chased along the blood trail left by Tong Yan and Bodhi Beast, and finally found this valley and sneaked into it.

But when they saw Master Qingxuan who was in a panic, they were all stunned.

"Senior Qingxuan, you... why are you here?"

Master Qingxuan withdrew his flying sword, immediately turned his head to look at the person who came, and then snorted coldly: "If you can come, can this old man not come?"

The old Sect Master of the Guile Sect smiled awkwardly and said: "Senior is an expert outside the world. It is naturally reasonable to know that the blood-dropping Bodhi is here. But why did you stay here, why didn't you go to pick the drops?" Blood Bodhi?"

This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted. Master Qingxuan was so angry that he immediately gave him a hard look.

"Do you think the old man doesn't want it? You are so capable, why don't you pick it?"

The old leader of the tricky door swallowed a mouthful of spit, but decided to give it a try.The Nine Star Bodhi Tree is close at hand, if you don't try it, no one will be willing.

But when he just got close to the ice flower on the ground, the ice crystal light array was triggered, and the powerful force directly made him retreat a few steps, and the blood in his body surged, but fortunately, he forced the blood into his mouth and swallowed it Otherwise, this person would be lost at home.

The ghost-faced man stared at the flashing light wall just now, and then said to the old Sect Master of the Sly Sect: "Brother Sly Dao, your Sly Sect has always been resourceful, and you have studied the formation very deeply. Do you have a way to break it?" Drop the light array in front of you?"

When the ghost-masked man said this, Daoist Qingxuan also became interested, and they all looked expectantly at the old master of the Sly Sect.

The old Sect Master of the Tricky Sect is suffering so much that he can't tell. The blood in his mouth has just been swallowed, and now he has received such high praise. I'm afraid no one will know the helplessness in his heart.

But as the head of the Sly Sect, he really couldn't afford to lose this person, so he put on a pose and said: "There is no rush to break the formation. And you see, this formation is made of these ice flowers. If you want to break the formation, you can do it." We have to start with these ice flowers. Let me think about it!"

The ghost-masked man and Master Qingxuan heard this, but they didn't urge them, after all, what the old Sect Master of the Guile Sect said was not wrong at all, and the matter of breaking the formation was indeed very complicated.On the contrary, if he was broken all at once, where would Master Qingxuan put his face?

At the moment when they stood still, Tong Yan's cultivation could be said to have jumped by a thousand miles.He only knows the Moon Spirit Jue, so he has been practicing this technique all the time.Before the meridian was cut off, his cultivation had been at the third level of the Moon Spirit Art, but in just a few short hours, his cultivation had broken through to the fifth level.What is this concept?It can be called super fast!
You must know that the old master of the Guile Sect has practiced for most of his life, and his cultivation has just reached the sixth level of the Yueling Jue, but Tong Yan only took a few hours to reach the fifth level.If the old sect master found out, he would probably vomit blood on the spot.

It seems that this Drop of Blood Bodhi is really powerful. Although it is not as exaggerated as in the legend, it is worth taking a risk for it.

Tong Yan's practice is still going on, but the effect of Blood Dropping Bodhi is getting worse and worse. Until later, it is difficult to improve his cultivation.In fact, in terms of Taoism, this kind of promotion is completely a way to backfire.

Yes, you can increase your cultivation to a higher level in a short period of time.However, if I want to improve again, I'm afraid I have to make up for the previous time.So there are pros and cons, good and bad.

Although it was difficult to improve his cultivation, Tong Yan was still cultivating with his eyes closed.Otherwise, he really has nothing to do.

If Daoist Qingxuan was not exhausted, a bloody battle would be unavoidable for him to go out, and judging by the level of his cultivation, he was almost certain to die.Only a fool would be so impulsive, unless he really couldn't survive, he would give it a go.But before that, he'd rather be out of sight.

But after all, he still overlooked one thing, that is, Tan Yu and the three of them.The real purpose of Tan Yu and the others coming here is also for Blood Bodhi, and he was taken away by the Bodhi beast.No matter how stupid a person is, he will come to Dripping Blood Bodhi to find him.

In addition, the White Leopard also knew where the Blood Dropping Bodhi was, so the three of them would definitely find it here, and in this way, danger would come.

Outside the ice cave, Tan Yu and the others finally came to this warm valley under the guidance of the white leopard.

Blind Chen looked into the cave, then laughed and said, "So it's really hard to find here. If it weren't for the white leopard leading us, we probably wouldn't be able to find it even if we searched for a year or so. Dropping Blood Bodhi must be inside, hehe... this trip is worthwhile!"

Hearing this, Tan Yu snorted coldly and said, "If Tong Yan wasn't in there, even if you got the Blood Dropping Bodhi, wouldn't you feel at ease? If there is something wrong with him, will you be worthy of him?"

Hearing this, Blind Chen said with some embarrassment: "Senior Yaozun, you don't have to worry too much. I have told Brother Tong Yan's fortune. Although he has a lot of fate in his life, as long as he survives, he will live a long life. You Don't worry, even if he is not in this cave, he is probably healing elsewhere. You must not be too pessimistic!"

"I'm pessimistic? As you said, he has a lot of bad luck in this life, and he can live a long life if he survives it. But what if he can't survive it? If something happens to him, what's the use of me getting the Blood Dropping Bodhi?"

Jiang Xiaoyu is not in the mood to quarrel with Tan Yu now. In fact, Tong Yan's accident made her feel very sad. The only hope now is to see if he is really in the ice cave.If not, the consequences can be imagined.

"Let's go, let's go in quickly, when we get inside, don't we know everything?"

Tan Yu and Jiang Xiaoyu nodded lightly, and the three of them walked into the ice cave.

However, what they don't know is that danger is approaching them.And their arrival made Tong Yan suddenly fall into a passive state.

A tragic battle is inevitable after all, can Tong Yan and the others really survive the desperate situation?What shocking secrets are hidden in the mysterious Meili Snow Mountain?
If you want to know what will happen next, let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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