
Chapter 254: The Sisters Join Forces, All Grudges Are Forgotten!

Chapter 254: The Sisters Join Forces, All Grudges Are Forgotten!

Seeing Tan Yu and Master Qingxuan fighting back and forth, Tong Yan knew that he couldn't turn a blind eye.But if he rushed over like this, not only would he not be able to save everyone, but he would have to get in too.

So now the top priority is to come up with a perfect plan.But every time he saw Tan Yu injured, he couldn't calm down, and the more he couldn't calm down, the less he could think of a way to retreat from the enemy.

After about ten minutes like this, the battle between Tan Yu and Master Qingxuan intensified.At this moment, Tan Yu was covered in bruises, and he retreated while fighting.But that Master Qingxuan became more and more courageous as he fought, approaching continuously, with vicious and vicious moves.

Tan Yu's claws are extremely sharp, but at this moment they are just for display.The defense ability of this old thing is so strong, I am afraid that Nuo Da is also unmatched in Jianghu.

Tong Yan is now more and more suspicious of what realm this Master Qingxuan has reached in his cultivation, this old thing is obviously hidden.To be able to beat a thousand-year-old fox like Tan Yu helplessly, I am afraid that his cultivation has reached the peak, and he is only one step away from the so-called realm of immortality.

Just imagine, even the extremely arrogant head of Tianshan Sword Sect, Ji Wutian, and the old Sect Master of Guile Sect, all respect him, not because of seniority, how could they let him go without absolute strength? in the eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyu, who had been watching the battle from behind, made a move.Although there were irreconcilable conflicts between her and Tan Yu, they were once like sisters after all.Now that Tan Yu is in danger, she finally decides to fight side by side with her, putting aside her grievances for the time being.

"Sao Fox, you are really useless. Can't you deal with a ox-nosed old man with thousands of years of practice? Get out of the way immediately and let my sister come and meet him." The bottle immediately raised towards Master Qingxuan with a "wow".

At the same time, the bell on her wrist also shook.

With the sound of "Ding dong ding dong", the red powder that was thrown towards Master Qingxuan immediately turned into a large group of red insects, densely packed and overwhelming, and rushed towards Master Qingxuan.

Because the space in this passage is really limited, and the distance between Jiang Xiaoyu and this real person Qingxuan is not far away.Now this swarm of red bugs is rushing head-on, Master Qingxuan has nowhere to hide even if he wants to.

In the blink of an eye, those red bugs swarmed up like a swarm of wasps, instantly enveloping Daoist Qingxuan inside, densely packed, very frightening.

Daoist Qingxuan was besieged by the bugs, and immediately retreated quickly, waving his arms vigorously, intending to drive away the nasty bugs.However, these bugs are like dog skin plasters, no matter how he drives them away, they are still difficult to get rid of.

Having resolved the urgent need, Tan Yu immediately transformed into a human form, leaning against the ice wall and gasping for breath.

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu chuckled and said, "Yo, can you still say thank you? I'm really flattered. Come on, this old thing is bound to die by blood spirit insects. Let's take a look at Blind Chen." .”

With that said, the two raised their eyes and looked forward.

Seeing this, both of them were surprised, but they both showed happy smiles.

They saw Tong Yan under the Nine Star Bodhi Tree, and Tong Yan was also looking at them with concern.

"Sanggong, he's really not dead!" Tan Yu, who was overjoyed, immediately ran towards Tong Yan regardless.But as soon as she approached the ice flower, the light wall appeared instantly, knocking her back several meters away.

When Tong Yan saw it, he was about to step forward, but after thinking about it, he stopped and retracted his legs.

Tan Yu was seriously injured, but now that he was hit by Guangqiang, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoyu quickly supported her, and said worriedly, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu said with a pale face: "I... I'm fine, you don't have to worry. But what's the matter with the light wall in front? Could it be... Is Mr. Xiang trapped inside?"

Hearing this, the old Sect Master of the Tricky Sect next to him chuckled and said, "Trapped inside? He just doesn't want to come out. Nine-tailed Demon Fox, don't come here and be safe."

Tan Yu turned his head to look at the old door owner, snorted softly and said, "Old guy, I didn't expect you to be here too. Last time I failed to decide the outcome with you at the door of your tricky door, today, let's let Let me learn your tricks again!"

As she said that, she wanted to strike again regardless of her injuries.

Three years ago, in order to rescue Qing Ming, Tong Yan went to the tricky gate with Tan Yu and the others.That day, Tong Yan did not really fight against the old head of the Guile Sect, but used a golden cicada to escape the shell, and sneaked into the door with the help of the Eighth Hall Master Chen Yongli.

And the person who really fought against the old master of the Guile Sect was actually Tan Yu.It's just that Tong Yan said at that time that she was asked to delay as much as possible, so she couldn't decide the outcome with the old sect master.

Afterwards, Tong Yan and Guimen were at odds, and the old sect master forced Tong Yan to cut off his own meridians in Gezao Mountain Lingbao Sect. Tan Yu hated the old sect master even more.Seeing her today, she was naturally murderous.

But the old sect master didn't seem to intend to do anything, and he didn't know if he was afraid of Tan Yu, or for some other reason.

"Wait a minute, you are seriously injured now, wouldn't this old man be taking advantage of others if he fights with you? Besides, we are here only to get the Bodhi of Blood. The grievances between me and Tong Yan have long since been wiped away. You don't have to stand up for him anymore."

The old sect master's words were somewhat unexpected, even the child's words under the nine-star bodhi tree trembled.

In fact, to tell the truth, if Tong Yan really killed his former mentor, he really couldn't do it.At any time, he will never forget that it was the old sect master who saved his life and taught him the exercises.Even though this benefactor has long since disowned him, and almost killed him several times, but kindness is kindness and cannot be repaid in a lifetime.

Now that the old sect master said that the previous grievances and grievances have been wiped away, the big stone in Tong Yan's heart has finally been let go, at least he no longer has to face the dilemma.

Hearing this, Tan Yu hesitated for a while, and finally chose to give up.

Tong Yan stared at Tan Yu and Jiang Xiaoyu for a while, then his eyes fell on the ghost-masked man inadvertently.

This guy didn't know what happened. After Tan Yu and the others arrived, he suddenly stopped saying a word, as if he suddenly became dumb.

If it had been put before, the old sect master's words had just been uttered, and he would probably have laughed unceremoniously, but at this moment, he just watched silently, without saying a word.

Just when everyone thought that the rainbow was about to come after the storm, they did not expect that the real Qingxuan who was covered in blood spirit insects gradually changed...

(End of this chapter)

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