
Chapter 256 One after another, strange noises at the entrance of the cave!

Chapter 256 One after another, strange noises at the entrance of the cave!

Seeing Jiang Xiaoyu and Blind Chen leave the ice cave with his own eyes, Tong Yan's only bond now is Tan Yu.

Tong Yan stared at Tan Yu, then said softly, "Yu'er, are you afraid?"

The title of Yu'er warmed Tan Yu's heart, and tears fell unconsciously.She shook her head lightly, and then said with a sweet smile: "I'm not afraid, as long as I can be with you, I'm not afraid of death!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Dead? We have passed through so many dangers, and God will not just watch us die. Besides, Master Qingxuan is only for the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree and has no intention of killing people. Senior, I am right. ?"

Although Master Qingxuan hated Tong Yan deeply in his heart, he still said insincerely: "Little friend Tong Yan is right, I am not a bloodthirsty person. Otherwise, how could you leave alive when you were in Gezao Mountain that day? ?”

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, then stretched out his hand to hold the Black Flood Dragon Dagger in his hand, and then stroked lightly on his palm, blood immediately flowed out from the wound.

He raised his hands flat, and then said with a faint smile, "Come on, I'll bring you in!"

Hearing this, Master Qingxuan hesitated a little, but he still pushed Tan Yu forward.Every time they took a step forward, Tong took a step back.

There was always a distance of about three meters between the two parties, and the reason why Tong Yan did this was to ensure that he could get away at any time, so that Tan Yu and him would not be killed by Master Qingxuan.

After a few steps, blood had already dripped all over the ground, and Tong Yan had withdrawn into the ice crystal light array again.

Master Qingxuan and Tan Yu were less than ten centimeters away from the ice crystal light array, and at this moment, Tong Yan suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Tan Yu's jade hand with one hand, and said, "I'll bring you in!" The other bleeding hand suddenly raised to the tops of Tan Yu and Master Qingxuan.

As soon as the blood drop entered the air, it immediately turned into a blood mist, and the blood mist fell downwards, instantly drenching Master Qingxuan and Tan Yu.

At the same time, Tong Yan pulled back hard, and Tan Yu and Master Qingxuan took advantage of the momentum to move forward.The three jumped up together and finally came to the front of the Nine Star Bodhi Tree.

Unexpectedly, Master Qingxuan slapped Tan Yu's back impatiently as soon as he passed through the ice crystal light array.

Only a scream of "ah" was heard, and blood spurted from Tan Yu's mouth immediately.

When Tong Yan saw it, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately pulled out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle from his waist, without saying a word, he threw the pestle directly at Master Qingxuan's head.

Master Qingxuan had suffered from the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, so he knew how powerful this Buddhist instrument was.

Seeing the Vajra Falling Demon Pestle coming at him, he could only let go of Tan Yu and back away.

As soon as he retreated, Tong Yan hurriedly hugged the weak Tan Yu with one hand, and jumped towards the Nine Star Bodhi Tree behind him.

The two of them had just approached the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree, but they didn't expect the man who had been sleeping under the tree to suddenly open his eyes.This man was transformed by Bodhi Beast. I thought he would die, but I didn't expect to wake up at this moment.

After the man woke up, he immediately rushed towards Master Qingxuan ferociously.As soon as the two met, they fought back and forth.

I thought that Bodhi Beast had only brute strength, but I didn't expect it to be extremely brave under the shade of the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree.You come and go with the powerful Master Qingxuan, and you will not lose the wind in the slightest.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tong Yan hurriedly reached out and picked a blood-dropping Bodhi from the tree and stuffed it into Tan Yu's mouth.After taking the Bodhi Dropping Blood, Tan Yu's complexion improved slightly.But because her injuries were too serious, she just smiled faintly at Tong Yan, and passed out directly.

Looking at Tan Yu in his arms, Tong Yan felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.This silly girl has done so many things for him, she was not afraid of life and death several times.How could Tong Yan not know her thoughts?

But he really couldn't make any promises to her, he was really afraid of failing Gao Qian and her.

"Yu'er, you will be fine, you must wake up. I said, we can leave alive. Right? Sleep well, we will be safe when you wake up." After finishing speaking, He reached out and gently wiped away the blood from the corner of Tan Yu's mouth, and then looked at the battle ahead.

The reason why Tong Yan made the decision to take Master Qingxuan through the ice crystal light array was actually because he was inspired by the tree spirit of the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree.

Otherwise, how could he fall into the Nine Star Bodhi Tree unrighteously because of his friend?
But this is actually not a perfect solution at all, because no one knows how strong this real person Qingxuan is, nor does he know whether Bodhi Beast can really defeat him smoothly.

If the bodhi beast can't do it, then the nine-star bodhi tree will also face a great threat.

Now he can only hope that the Bodhi Beast can turn the tide and defeat Master Qingxuan. If not, even if he dies, he must keep the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree.

Time passed bit by bit, Tan Yu's breathing became more and more steady, and it seemed that his life was not in danger.

But at the same time, the battle situation ahead is also developing towards the unfavorable side.

Although the Bodhi Beast was infused with the spiritual power of the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree, they still underestimated the strength of Master Qingxuan after all.This old thing fought with Bodhi Beast for a while, not only became stronger and stronger, but also became taller and stronger.

The closer he got to the monster, the stronger his combat power became.

Originally, the two were fighting evenly, but as time went by, Master Qingxuan gradually took the initiative.The battle situation took a turn for the worse, and the Bodhi Beast was in danger for a while, and the situation was dire.

Tong Yan saw these things in his eyes, finally couldn't hold back, and stood up slowly.

He didn't know if he could give Bodhi Beast the greatest help, but at this moment he couldn't stay out of it at all, after all, he was the one who brought Daoist Qingxuan here.If it wasn't for him, no matter how powerful Master Qingxuan was, he would definitely not be able to break through the ice crystal light formation.

He has to be responsible for the Nine Star Bodhi Tree, and he has to be worthy of his conscience.

Holding the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in one hand and the Black Flood Dragon Dagger in the other, Tong Yan's eyes showed a stern look, and then he strode forward and shouted loudly: "Brother Bodhi, my little brother is here to help you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he had already rushed forward, brandishing the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and smashing it directly at Master Qingxuan's head.

Seeing this, Daoist Qingxuan snorted coldly, and kicked out with one kick, before the tip of his toe reached, the strong wind arrived first.

Tong Yan didn't dare to be careless, so he had to turn sideways and withdraw the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.

At the same time, a piercing cry suddenly sounded from the direction of the cave entrance, and then Master Qingxuan seemed to have been stimulated by something, and couldn't help but raised his head and let out a roar. Unexpectedly, his body turned up again. There has been a mutation...

What's the matter with the cry at the entrance of the cave?What kind of demon technique did Master Qingxuan practice?Things became more and more complicated and confusing, but behind all these things, what was hidden?Let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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