
Chapter 258 Fighting monsters together, even if you die, you will have no regrets!

Chapter 258 Fighting monsters together, even if you die, you will have no regrets!
The Nine Star Bodhi Tree may have realized something, but it suddenly glowed with white light.And as the white light on its body lit up, an unbelievable and somewhat unbearable scene happened.

All I saw was the dazzling red blood-dropping Bodhi growing on the tree trunk, which shattered at the same time as the white light lit up, turning into wisps of red liquid and directly blending into the tree trunk.

After Dripping Blood Bodhi's quick integration, the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree unexpectedly... turned into a blood-red boa constrictor.

As soon as the boa constrictor appeared, it suddenly opened its mouth and bit Master Qingxuan.

Seeing this, Daoist Qingxuan didn't dodge, but went forward without fear.Mandrill vs giant python, who will win?

Tong Yan spat out the blood in his mouth, and then struggled to crawl out from the ice wall.

Although he is alive now, his whole body seems to be falling apart, and he has no strength at all.A few ribs in his chest should have been broken, but luckily they didn't get inserted into his internal organs, otherwise, he might have died on the spot.

He thought that his cultivation had improved a lot, but in front of the powerful Master Qingxuan, he was as insignificant as an ant.There are stronger players in the strong, and a mountain is higher than a mountain. He has thoroughly learned the lesson today.

He has never been so eager to become stronger as he is now, he really wants to tear the old bastard Master Qingxuan into pieces.But in the face of absolute strength, all this has become an unattainable luxury.

Even though he is full of passion, even if he is unwilling, what can he do now?

At this time, the giant python transformed from the Nine Star Bodhi Tree was already fighting with Master Qingxuan. The giant python not only bit with its big mouth, but also slapped it with its tail.But it seems that even so, it did not take the initiative.

On the other hand, Master Qingxuan's real mandrill, although he only has one leg left, his movements are not affected at all. When the giant python bites with its big mouth, he can easily avoid it with only one leg, and a pair of sharp claws, even from time to time Grab a few on the giant python.

The giant python has scales all over its body, and like a dragon, it has reverse scales.Although the reverse scale is easy to cause harm to those who approach it, it also has a flaw, that is, it is easy for someone to pull out the whole scale.

Daoist Qingxuan's claws went down, and the scales on the giant python's body immediately fell off in pieces, and the wound inside was even more bloody.

However, the Nine Star Bodhi Tree is a spiritual tree after all, and the fruit it bears has a very strong repairing ability.The wound appeared on this side, and within a few seconds, it quickly healed and the scales regrown.In this way, it may not be so easy for Master Qingxuan to subdue the giant python in a short period of time.

Tong Yan stared at the battle situation ahead for a while, then shifted his gaze to Tan Yu who was unconscious not far away.

She was too close to the battle situation, and she had to be taken a little further away so that she would not be accidentally injured.

Tong Yan gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain in his body, and walked towards Tan Yu step by step.

But before he walked a few steps, he was blown to one side by the strong wind from the Nine Star Bodhi Tree and Master Qingxuan.There is no way, he can only stop and go.In this way, after walking for five or six minutes, he finally got close to Tan Yu.

He bent down and knelt directly in front of Tan Yu, and then inserted the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle into his waist.He tried to hug Tan Yu up, but with a little force, the pain in his body was so painful that he was dying.No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't succeed.

In just a short while, the battle between the Nine Star Bodhi Tree and Master Qingxuan became more and more fierce.

I saw the giant python transformed from the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree wrap its snake tail around Reverend Qingxuan, then opened its mouth wide, and directly bit Reverend Qingxuan on the head.

Master Qingxuan's body was restrained, but he still refused to give up. He raised his hands, grabbed the python's big mouth, and shook it vigorously from side to side.

At the same time, the Bodhi beast that had been driven into the ice wall before also woke up from a coma, and immediately rushed towards Master Qingxuan aggressively.

He had just approached Master Qingxuan, and immediately clenched his hands into fists, desperately punching the back of Master Qingxuan's head. The sound of "Tong Tong" immediately rang in my ears.

But this Daoist Qingxuan is really rough-skinned and thick-skinned, no matter how the Bodhi Beast beats him, he still tore the giant python's head with both arms.

Tong Yan saw this in his eyes, turned his heart away, ignored the severe pain in his body, forcibly mobilized the true energy in his body, pulled out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and rushed forward.

Now is the best time to get rid of this old thing. If you miss it, you may never have another chance.

Although the power of Bodhi Beast is impressive, there is still a huge gap compared with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.Tong Yan is confident that as long as he can hit the old man's head with a stick, he will definitely die.

"Om Mani Pame Hum... Om Mani Pame Hum..." Tong Yan recited the six-syllable mantra over and over again, and all the true energy in his body was injected into the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.

This is the last blow he can perform. If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. If it fails, then he will live and die with the Nine Star Bodhi Tree.

As Tong Yan got closer to Daoist Qingxuan, the golden light on the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle became stronger and stronger.

"Old thief, die!" As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up, clenched the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle with both hands and smashed it down with all his might.

Only a loud "bang" was heard, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle hit Master Qingxuan's head heavily, and the powerful impact directly smashed the wax gourd-sized head into pieces.The red and white things splashed on the spot.

Daoist Qingxuan who had lost his head finally calmed down, and the hands holding the giant python's head also slowly fell down.

Tong Yan landed on the ground, looked at Master Qingxuan who was no longer moving, a happy smile finally appeared on his face.But as soon as a smile appeared on his face, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

He smashed out the pestle with all his might, causing his seriously injured body to suffer a second injury, and in this way, he almost lost the strength to stand up.

With a "plop", the powerless Tong Yan finally fell to the ground.But he is happy, because he did not go against his will, he did not live up to the expectations of the Nine Star Bodhi Tree.

If he really died like this, he would have no regrets.

The giant python tightly wrapped around Reverend Qingxuan finally loosened slowly, and then changed back to the original appearance of the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree.

"My child, thank you. Without you, I'm afraid I'd be dead. I didn't misunderstand the person. You are a kind and responsible person. I hope you can maintain this kindness in the future and benefit the world!"

As soon as the sound fell, a tree root slowly drilled out from the ground, and then gently wrapped the seriously injured Tong Yan.

Tong Yan only felt that he was in a warm ocean, and gradually fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, while he was sleeping soundly, a person walked into the ice cave without making a sound.And this person is no one else, it is actually that senior Huang whom he had seen in the underground palace!
Why did he come here?Could it be... Could it be that the cry before came from his mouth?
(End of this chapter)

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