
Chapter 260 Running all the way, the old thief is chasing after him!

Chapter 260 Running wildly all the way, the old thief is chasing after him!

Tong Yan didn't know how long he had been in a coma, he only opened his eyes slowly when he heard the sound of running water in his ears.

He looked around and found that he was lying beside the glacier, the turbulent icy water was beating the ice rocks on both sides vigorously, and he was rushing towards the distance as if fleeing for his life.

At this moment, he suddenly found a white fluffy thing lying on an ice stone only the size of a dustpan.

He frowned, then stood up.When he got up, he suddenly realized that his injuries had miraculously healed.

It seems that the Nine Star Bodhi Tree helped him, and it probably sent him here.

The words of the Nine Star Bodhi Tree still lingered in his mind, and his mood gradually became a little sad.The Nine Star Bodhi Tree said that it will leave forever, which means that it will bid farewell to this world.

Although he didn't know why the Nine Star Bodhi Tree said that, but the separation was already destined.There is one more thing, it says that Tongyan is worthy of its essence, and also worthy of this gift.Could it be... Could it be that the Nine Star Bodhi Tree injected essence into Tong Yan's body?
Tong Yan was not in a hurry to look inside his body, but set his eyes on the white fluffy thing.

He walked a little closer, and only then could he see the little thing clearly.

My God, this turned out to be a little white fox, and it was also a little fox with nine tails.Could it be... Could it be that this is Tan Yu's real body?
Nine-tailed demon foxes are rare, it should be said that they are rare.Before he fell asleep, he was not far from Tan Yu.Now he was sent here, and Tan Yu was also sent here, which is not surprising at all.

But if this is Tan Yu, then why did she turn into her main body?Has her cultivation been ruined?Or, she...she is dead?

Thinking of this, Tong Yan suddenly became frightened.He stopped thinking about it, hurried to the little fox, and hugged it directly in his arms.

Although the little fox's body was a little cold, there was still a trace of free breath in its nose, which meant it was still alive.

Worried that the little fox would catch a cold, Tong Yan hurriedly wrapped it in his down jacket and warmed it with his own body temperature, hoping to wake it up earlier so that he could be sure if it was Tan Yu.

Tong Yan sighed softly, raised his legs and wanted to leave here.But after walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly touched his waist.But my waist is now empty, nothing.

This time, he was a little depressed.The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and the Black Flood Dragon Dagger were all gone, they must have been left behind when they were in the ice cave.These two instruments are really important to him, if they are lost like this, the trip to Meili Snow Mountain will be a big loss.

And just when he was a little lost, two things suddenly fell from the top of his head.These two things fell so fast that he didn't dare to reach out to catch them, so he could only step aside.

He only heard two "chuckles", and two things that fell from the sky went straight into the ice where he was standing before.

He hurried forward to check, and after seeing it, he couldn't help but smile.These two things that fell from the sky were none other than his Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and Black Flood Dragon Dagger.

Of course, Tong Yan was overjoyed that the magic weapon was lost and found again.He immediately bent down and pulled out the magic weapon stuck in the ice.

Unexpectedly, the voice of the Black Flood Dragon actually sounded from the Black Flood Dragon's dagger.

"Master, hurry up, that old monster is about to come after you!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's heart trembled.old monster?Which old monster?Could it be that Daoist Qingxuan, who hasn't died yet?

He fell into a deep sleep after killing Master Qingxuan, so he didn't know anything about Senior Huang coming here and forcing the Nine Star Bodhi Tree to hand over his essence.

But the three words of this old monster are enough to attract his attention.But who is the old monster? Since Hei Jiaolong reminded him, he must be a ruthless character.

Tong Yan didn't continue to think about it any longer, and hurriedly put the magic weapon on his waist, and hurried down the mountain along the direction of the glacier.

He ran for more than half an hour in one breath, and finally walked out of Meili Snow Mountain smoothly.

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Little brother, don't be in a hurry to leave, I have refined a little thing, give it to you?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately turned around to look.Unexpectedly, it was Senior Huang who came, seeing the smile on his face, Tong Yan lifted his legs and was about to step forward.

But after walking a few steps, he stopped.

Why stop?Because Senior Huang has been standing still, logically speaking, since he wants to deliver something, he should walk towards him, right?
Tong Yan was a little hesitant, and then asked, "Senior Huang, what do you want to give? Just hand it to me. I've walked a lot just now, and I'm a little tired!"

Senior Huang is currently stepping on the snow, and one more step forward will be the normal ground.But he seemed to be worried, and he still stood there motionless.

"Little brother, these are all good things. Take a look, I've opened them up with spiritual wisdom, and they can be used by you in the future."

Looking at the ice-carved pony and pig in his hands, Tong Yan was really moved.

But he is not stupid, on the contrary, he is smarter than many people.If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal.I am afraid that even children who have just entered elementary school understand this truth.

Although Tong Yan was very interested in the little thing in his hand, he still shook his head and said, "Senior Huang, I thank you in advance. But you won't get rewarded for nothing, so let's forget about this gift. I have something else to do. Let's go first. Let's see you later when we have a chance!" With that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Senior Huang hurriedly stopped him and said, "Little brother, didn't I tell you? I believe in fate most. It is fate that you and I met in this snow-capped mountain. I will give you something , I just want to leave a thought for you. If you refuse like this, won't you look down on me?"

The more he said this, Tong Yan became more certain that this old man must have evil intentions.

Really want to give something, don't you even want to walk a few steps?Now he finally understood who the old monster Hei Jiaolong was talking about was, it must be the senior Huang in front of him.

Facts have proved that knowing people and faces does not know the heart.Although this senior Huang gave off the impression of an extraterrestrial expert, he was actually just a ruthless villain.

But there was one thing he didn't understand, why didn't this old thing dare to take a step forward?What kind of connection does he have with this Meili Snow Mountain?

The truth is about to surface, but it is beyond everyone's expectations.Stay tuned for the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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