
Chapter 410 Trapped Firebird, Rejuvenate!

Chapter 410 Trapped Firebird, Rejuvenate!
Tong Yan never expected that there would be a huge fireball above the Wu family's old house.After careful identification, this so-called fireball is actually... a big bird with a whole body on fire.

There are eight huge chains tied to the body of this big bird. From this point of view, it is not that the fire bird voluntarily stayed here to illuminate the people living underground, but that the Wu family used some method to imprison it. here.

Because of being surrounded by the flames, Tong Yan could only roughly see the outline of the big bird.However, just from the two characteristics of its size and flaming body, Tong Yan unconsciously connected it with Phoenix.

As we all know, the phoenix is ​​also known as the fire bird, Dan bird, and phoenix.It seems that the only huge bird that can burst into flames is the phoenix.

Some people may say that Suzaku is also a firebird.But in fact, Suzaku is the best among the firebirds like Phoenix, and should be higher than Phoenix in terms of status.So it can be understood that phoenix is ​​a general term, and Suzaku is a kind of phoenix.There is a cloud in ancient books, the phoenix is ​​five, the five-colored red is the red bird; the yellow is the pheasant;Judging from the records, that is to say, the above five kinds of divine birds can all be called phoenixes.But what is recorded in ancient books may not be correct, after all, these are all legendary things. In ancient times, people at that time were not like us, guessing secretly?

No matter what, Tong Yan believed that the fire bird chained in the sky above was a phoenix.Otherwise, how could the Wu family have the blood of the phoenix?Maybe it was obtained from the phoenix above the head.

Even the Phoenix can be trapped, the Wu family really is not easy.

Seeing that Tong Yan did not follow, the old doctor immediately turned around and said, "Young man, don't be in a daze. If the patriarch is made to wait impatiently, not only me, but you will also be punished. Hurry up!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan quickly regained his composure, wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his hand and said, "Okay, I'll follow." Then, he strode forward, no longer looking up at the sky.

The two walked down the sloping stone road all the way, because it was a downhill road, so it was very labor-saving to walk, and the speed could be faster.In less than 10 minutes, the two of them came to the end of the stone road, which was also the main entrance of the Wu family's old house.

Old house is a general term, and this place is more like an extremely large village.The houses inside are quite old at first glance, and if you take any one out, it is an old house.

The main entrance of this village is an archway with four big characters engraved on it, Wu's house.In front of the archway stood two burly young men with indifferent faces.They were all dressed in retro clothes, and each had a black long knife on their waists.The long knife is not covered by the scabbard, and the cold light is shining on it, which is not vulgar at first glance.

Because the old doctor is also from the Wu family, although he usually lives in a town outside the forest, he is still very familiar with the people here.

As soon as he walked to the front of the archway with Tong Yan, the two resolute men showed warm smiles.

"Second Grandpa, is this the brother you mentioned who came to recognize his ancestors?"

The old doctor is not young, he may be the second child in the family, so the two young people guarding the village call him the second grandfather.

Hearing this, the old doctor smiled kindly and said: "That's right, the patriarch is waiting to see him. I won't chat with you two brats. When you have time, remember to come to my room for a drink."

When the two young people heard the word "wine", they immediately smiled and nodded.

After a few simple greetings, the old doctor led Tong Yan through the archway and directly into the village.

The houses in this village are neat and tidy, and even the streets are cleaned. It seems that the Wu family is very hardworking on weekdays. This is inseparable from the management of an ethnic group and the inheritance of culture.

It is not easy for the patriarch of the Wu family to manage such a big village in an orderly manner.

Each house is a two-story building, and the houses are connected. Walking into it is like walking into a big maze.It doesn't feel like it from a high place, but now it's a bit dizzy to be in it.

Every house is exactly the same, even every street is the same.When the house was built, it should have been deliberately tilted slightly, so it formed a circle, and the streets inside were intricate. Without the locals here to lead the way, you might really get lost.

Tong Yan followed the old doctor to the left for a while, turned into another street, walked to the right for a while, and turned into the next one.It took nearly a quarter of an hour to walk back and forth like this before finally arriving at the so-called destination.The ancestral hall of the Wu family, a stone lion stands at the door, and a stone building with a golden plaque hanging on it.

The handwriting on the golden plaque is full of dragons and phoenixes, and I don't know if it was written by someone who is good at cursive calligraphy.

The four characters "Wu Clan Ancestral Hall" are written on the plaque, presumably the mysterious patriarch should be in this stone building.

But at this moment, the doors and windows of the stone building are closed, probably because they don't want people to come and disturb them.

The old doctor tidied up his appearance, then raised his legs and walked to the door, then knocked lightly three times.

After three "dong dong dong", the door opened with a "creak".Then I saw a half-grown child sticking his head out from inside, and then looked up and down at Tong Yan and the old doctor.

The old doctor looked at the half-grown child, and hurriedly saluted respectfully, "Third Uncle, grandson saluted you."

Third uncle?Tong Yan couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart, the old doctor is already in his 70s and [-]s, and he still salutes such a big kid, it seems that the Wu family is very concerned about seniority.

However, what people didn't expect was that a hoarse sound full of vicissitudes of life came out of the half-old child's mouth.

"Well, good boy! This is the kid you mentioned? The patriarch is already waiting, bring him in!"

Hearing this, the old doctor hurriedly replied: "Yes, grandson will take him in."

The half-grown child didn't say anything, turned around and walked into the house first.Seeing that he left first, Tong Yan immediately asked the old doctor softly: "Old man, this child... No, this person is your third uncle? He... Why does he look like a child?"

Hearing this, the old doctor chuckled and said, "Haven't you heard of rejuvenation? My third uncle is over 200 years old, and it is because he has practiced the art of rejuvenation that he looks like a child. Alright, Don't mention this matter again. If his old man hears someone say behind his back that he is like a child, he will never be forgiven."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, not daring to say anything more.

All the things he had encountered so far made him feel more and more uneasy.This Wu family is really too mysterious. Not only can they trap Phoenix, but they also know the art of rejuvenation. This Wu family is like a god-like existence.

He suddenly regretted coming here. Are the people here really human?

(End of this chapter)

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