
Chapter 419 Farewell to the old house, a little unexpected!

Chapter 419 Farewell to the old house, a little unexpected!
Tong Yan remained silent, because he didn't know what to say now.But he can be sure of one thing, that is, Wu Yanan is not Tan Yu.At this moment, Tan Yu and Xue'er are both in the Valley of Hundred Flowers, protected by the Valley of Hundred Flowers and the Thousand Faced Scholar.

That being the case, then this Wu Yanan is only similar in appearance to Tan Yu, and should not have much relationship with Tan Yu.

But the similarity in appearance still made Tong Yan full of doubts.Are there really so many coincidences in this world?

Seeing Wu Yanan trying to evade, the patriarch immediately smiled and said, "Girl, are you sure you don't want to marry him? Well, since you don't want to, then as a father, I won't force you. But don't think you can find a better one than him. Son, I don't know your name yet, let's hear it."

The last sentence was asked to Tong Yan, and Tong Yan hurriedly answered: "Patriarch, this junior's real name is Wu Ji, it's just...just because the family suffered a catastrophe a few years ago, so I kept my name incognito, and now I'm changing my name to Tong Yan!"

"Tong Yan Wuji? Hehe... Interesting, interesting! Wu Ji, in fact, from the first time I saw you, I thought you were not an ordinary person. How dare you come to my old house of the Wu family for the essence of a mere spirit beast? This alone is enough to show that you have a lot of courage. But being bold is not necessarily a good thing sometimes. You should understand the truth of shooting the first bird, right? But then again, our Wu family should have this You're so proud. But it's better to have a degree in everything, just don't go too far."

The patriarch's words were confused by the Tong Yan, he frowned and said: "Patriarch, please forgive me for being stupid. What do you mean by these few words?"

The patriarch laughed and said, "What do I mean? I mean, from today on, your life no longer belongs to you alone, but also to my entire Wu family. So I hope you can stay here and live with us Together. In this way, even if you encounter any difficulties, everyone can help you share. I think you are not too young, you must not have a family yet? Get married and have children early, so that you can really grow up .”

Tong Yan was really convinced, why did the patriarch go around and get married again, and he still wanted to stay here.In fact, speaking from the bottom of his heart, Tong Yan does not object to spending his later years here in the future, after all, he is from the Wu family.But now he has too many things to deal with, if he stays here for one more day, Qing Ming and the others will worry one more day.What's more, the demon sect was destroyed, the tricky sect changed hands, and the revenge of the master's murder were all burdens that he could not avoid.

But if he just rejected the suggestion of the patriarch, it would seem a bit disrespectful.He thought for a while, and then smiled slightly: "Patriarch, I know you are doing it for my own good. But the ancestors said that people like me don't hide in the comfort zone and have a peaceful life. You can hide by hiding, and you can only live for a long time if you go head-on. In fact, I have already regarded this place as my home. Our clansmen are my only relatives in this world. I will definitely come back, and I will guard the Wu family like my ancestors did. Of course, the premise is that I can come back alive."

The patriarch looked at the young man in his 20s in front of him, and suddenly felt a little admiration in his heart.Although he didn't know what kind of experience Tong Yan had, he knew that this child would definitely do something great in the future.

He finally stopped insisting, but said with a smile: "Okay, since you have a plan in mind, I can't force you to stay in the clan. Well, I will call the whole clan to do it for you later. , you can leave. But you have to remember, you are the Wu family, even if you really can't survive in the end, you have to return to your hometown. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded his head heavily and said, "Yes, this junior obeys!"

For seven days, Tong Yan stayed here for a total of seven days.Seven days ago, he didn't know that he still had a family and a large group of family members, but now he suddenly realized that he was very happy, at least he was no longer alone.

The time of parting finally came, Tong Yan waved goodbye to those Wu family members whom he had just met, and he didn't know when we would see each other next time.

It was Wu Erliang who brought Tong Yan here, and when he left, he had to send Tong Yan out.

The two walked on the Tongtian Bridge with faint smiles on their faces.Tongtian Bridge is the sloping stone road when we came here. Because it can lead from the ground to the ground, the Wu family called it Tongtian Bridge.

I still remember that Tong Yan was full of worries when he came here, and even prepared for the worst.But leaving now, his heart is full of warmth.Any wanderer who is wandering outside is eager to return to the harbor of home.From now on, he finally has a home.

"Young patriarch, where are you going after you leave? Can you tell me?"

Looking at Wu Erliang who was full of anticipation, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to Baihua Valley, and then I'll go to Guimen. Anyway, there are too many things that I need to deal with. What? You What is this asking for?"

Wu Erliang chuckled and said, "It's nothing, I just care about you." As they said that, the two of them had already arrived at the beast's mouth passage when they came.

Just as the two were about to bend down and get in, they didn't expect a head to stick out of the hole.

Tong Yan took a closer look, good guy, it turned out to be Wu Yanan.This little girl is full, is she playing hide and seek here?

"Hey, isn't this Missy? Why are you here? Are you just back, or are you planning to go out?"

Wu Yanan gave Wu Erliang a blank look, then snorted softly and said, "Nonsense, I was still in the old house just now, and after such a short time, I can still come back from outside? Come on, don't talk nonsense, I have been waiting for you for a long time, hurry up Let's go, don't be discovered by my father."

Wu Erliang was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked in puzzlement: "Miss, don't you... don't you want to sneak out? If the patriarch finds out about this, you shouldn't be severely punished?"

Wu Yanan chuckled lightly and said, "Punish me? I went out with my fiancé to enhance our relationship, how could he punish me? Besides, this marriage was still arranged by him."

fiancé?Tong Yan was a little speechless. Could this be calling him?
"That... that Yanan girl, you want to go with me?"

Wu Yanan nodded and said, "Yeah, why? You're not happy?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "It's not something I like or not, but...but my trip is extremely dangerous. If you follow me, I'm afraid you will be in danger too. I think you should stay Here, the patriarch can feel more at ease."

Wu Yanan heard this, and said with some disdain: "Dangerous? Are you just a vase when I am a lady? Let me tell you, I am capable. Besides, isn't there a little misunderstanding between you and me? You see my first Call me Yu'er at a glance, if I guess correctly. The woman you mentioned is a vixen with nine tails, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart.This little girl actually knows the nine-tailed demon fox Tan Yu?Is there really a relationship between them?

(End of this chapter)

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