
Chapter 514 The North Pole 5 Stars, Hidden Murder!

Chapter 514 Five Stars of the North Pole, Hidden Murder!
Tong Yan didn't know how long he had slept, but he felt the exhaustion all over his body disappear, so he opened his eyes naturally.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he happened to collide with the eyes of the crown prince. "Is he staring at me all the time? What is this guy's hobby?"

Tong Yan shook his body, then sat up slowly.

"You're awake, did you sleep well?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Fortunately, it relieves fatigue."

The prince smiled slightly and said: "That's good, come on, I'll prepare some food for you, and when you're full, you'll have the strength to continue looking for the real seal on the stone gate. Oh, by the way, do you still remember yesterday's seal?" Did you have any dreams at night?"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and after thinking hard, everything in the dream was so clear.But what he didn't understand was, how did the prince know that he had a dream?Could it be that he can see through other people's dreams?Impossible, no matter how powerful the prince is, it is impossible for him to have such abilities.

Tong Yan pretended to think and said, "It seems... I seem to remember a little bit, yes, I saw the stars."

The prince laughed and said, "That's easy, there are five stars in total, right?"

five stars?Indeed, Tong Yan did see five stars.But he really couldn't figure out how the prince knew this.

"Prince, you seem to be very interested in my dreams. Could it be that you know something that I don't?"

The crown prince shook his head and smiled: "No, your dream belongs only to yourself, and I'm just guessing randomly. That's all, don't worry about it. Come and eat something!"

This guy deliberately changed the subject, obviously feeling like there is no silver 300 taels here, but it doesn't matter, this guy has a lot of secrets, Tong Yan doesn't expect to dig something out of his mouth .

I have to say that the food he prepared is very appetizing, including roast chicken, pork knuckle, and even a bottle of beer.It seems that this guy packed all the popular foods in the world into his universe bag, which made Tong Yan feel at home.

Tong Yan was indeed a little hungry, so he ate and drank unceremoniously.After drinking and eating, he only felt that his whole body was full of strength.Next, you can "do a big job" without any worries.

Walking in front of Shimen again, he once again fell into the busy deduction and reorganization of the seal.

But this time, he actually made an unexpected discovery.I saw that the seal he was looking at was not formed according to Tai Chi, Eight Diagrams, etc., but was actually gathered by the power of stars.Not only that, there are a total of five stars on it, and they are located in the north of the Shimen. Could it be that these five stars are the five stars of the North Pole?
The five stars of the North Pole are Prince, Emperor, Bastard, Harem, and Tianshu.This coincides with the five stars seen in Tong Yan's dream.Is all this just a coincidence?Or was it a revelation from God?

Tong Yan stared at the five-star seal of the North Pole carefully for a while, and he seemed to be sure that this seal was the one that actually opened the Shimen.As long as he can undo the seal, the stone gate can be opened.

Since it is the five-star seal of the North Pole, it is natural to start from these five stars.The Five Stars of the North Pole are located in the middle of the northern sky, so it is called the Central Palace, with the North Pole as the center and the Emperor Star as the main.

What is Emperor Star?It actually has another name, that is Ziwei Star!Ziwei Star is known as the Lord of Doushu, the Lord of Strategy, the Lord of Political Stars, and one of the main stars in Ziwei Doushu in numerology.It is also an auspicious star, which turns bad luck into good luck, dispels all kinds of diseases, and relieves all evils.

From this point of view, as long as we start from this Ziwei star, the seal will definitely be broken.

Although Ziwei Star is the Emperor Star, it doesn't mean it can't be shaken. As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and also capsize it. If the Bastard Star is used to force Ziwei Star, Ziwei Star will be destroyed by itself.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan decided to do the opposite.If he can arrange an opposite seal, and the two offset each other, maybe he can break the seal.

He took a rough look, and then drew the same seal on the ground according to the gourd painting.Next to this seal, another five-star seal of the North Pole centered on the bastard star was drawn.How to distinguish which is the emperor star and which is the bastard star?In fact, the seal on the stone gate has already revealed this point. The Emperor Star is the largest among the five North Pole stars, while the Bastard Star is the smallest.According to the order of size, it is natural to form the opposite polar five-star seal.

After Tong Yan finished drawing on the ground with stones, he was not in a hurry to proceed to the next step. Instead, he suddenly mobilized the true energy in his body, pressed one hand on the painted five-star seal of the North Pole, and injected the true energy into it continuously. in.

With the infuriating energy pouring into it, the polar five-star seal suddenly shone brightly.Seeing this, Tong Yan felt that the seal had been completed.Not daring to slack off, he hurriedly took off the golden bracelet on his wrist, turned it into a dagger and cut it on the ground.A whole stone was cut off by him, and the front of the stone was the seal he had placed.

If his guess is correct, as long as the seal is fastened to the seal on the stone gate, the stone gate may be opened.

The crown prince and Nangong Yun seemed to realize something, and they both raised their legs and walked forward.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then snapped the stone inlaid with the seal in his hand on the stone door.

At the moment when the stone touched the stone gate, there was only a "chuo" sound, and the huge stone gate opened.

As soon as the stone gate was opened, red mist gushed out from inside, and at the same time, the sound of crying and howling wolves also came out from the stone gate.

The prince glanced at it, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't be dazed, and follow me in. This stone gate will probably be closed soon, and it may be too late to say when it will be possible to enter again." , he took the lead and got in through the half-open stone door first.Nangong Yun gritted his teeth and immediately followed.

In the end, Tong Yan was the only one left. He threw the stone on the stone gate to the ground, and then rushed into the stone gate.

As soon as the three of them entered, the stone door was closed with a "bang".At the same time, the hundreds of seals on the stone gate were automatically reassembled.It seems that it is just to prevent someone from entering again.

But what is behind this stone gate?Is it really a relic of gods and demons?
Tong Yan, the prince and the other three had just passed through the stone gate when they were surrounded by a thick blood-red fog.Because of the blocking of the dense fog, it was impossible to see everything around him clearly, and he couldn't even tell the direction.

Tong Yan could only walk forward slowly based on his own feelings.However, what he didn't expect was that at this moment, a sharp dagger was quietly approaching him...

(End of this chapter)

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