
Chapter 540 Who Is The Assassin?The end is coming!

Chapter 540 Who Is The Assassin?The end is coming!
Tong Yan was already ready to capture the king at any time, but he never thought that the opportunity would come, but he was stopped by this nasty old thing, this old thief really deserves to die!

Now this old thing actually made someone take off Tong Yan's mask. As long as the mask is taken off, Tong Yan's true identity will naturally be exposed.

The third prince is the prince's biological uncle, how could he not recognize his nephew?Furthermore, even if he didn't know him, there must be someone who has seen the prince's face among so many relatives and relatives in this big tent.

At this moment, it became a critical moment of life and death.

Tong Yan clenched his fists tightly, hating that there was no real energy in his body, otherwise, how could this mere rope be able to bind him?

Since there is no hiding and no avoiding, then we can only face it bravely!
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the mask on Tong Yan's face was taken off.

The third prince took a closer look, and suddenly his face turned pale with shock, and the relatives of the royal family in the other big tents also widened their eyes at the same time.

It never occurred to them that this soldier of the Black Armored Army was actually the majestic Prince in disguise.But...but isn't the prince a fool?Judging from the conversation just now, the person in front of him is obviously a smart person.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

" are the prince Zhao Rui? Aren't you a fool?"

Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Tong Yan immediately thought of a plan.

"Prince? My lord, are you mistaken? How could I be a prince? If I were a prince, why should I be a soldier?"

Hearing this, the third prince was very puzzled and said, "Aren't you Zhao Rui? Then who are you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly replied: "My name is Tong Yan, and I am an unknown soldier among the black armor soldiers!" He was indeed not lying, he was indeed Tong Yan.It's just that he is not a member of the Black Armored Army, but an assassin who came here specifically to capture the thief and the king.

"Tong Yan? Then why do you look so similar to Zhao Rui? Is there really such a coincidence in this world?"

Just as the third prince finished speaking, someone among the royal relatives spoke up. "Third prince, he is definitely not that stupid prince. Don't you, an uncle like the emperor, know how stupid Zhao Rui is? That guy's brain is born without a thread, otherwise, would we still need to force the palace to seize the throne?"

The third prince nodded and said: "That's right, you are right. No one knows my own nephew better than this king. If Zhao Rui is not a fool, this king will definitely help him, but he doesn't How can my Zhao family's country fall into the hands of a fool? It's just that I really didn't expect that there would be such a similar person in the world. It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed secretly in his heart.They didn't expect them to believe it when I said it casually.It seems that they have really kept in mind the prince's stupidity for a long time.As everyone knows, they are actually not much smarter than the prince Zhao Rui.

The old man with the white beard stood up, walked towards Tong Yan step by step, and then said coldly: "Don't think that you can get away with it just because you look like the prince. Say, are you from the fifth princess? The fifth princess sent you Come here, what do you want to do?"

Tong Yan looked straight into the eyes of the old man with white beard, and then said word by word: "I am not, please don't wrong the good man!"

The white-bearded old man chuckled and said, "Wronged a good man? I have seen countless people in my life, do you think I can deceive you? The fifth princess is extremely smart, and the people she uses are naturally smart people. From this alone, it is enough to show that , you are the assassin she sent!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing. "Master Military Advisor, if you say that, it is a bit unreasonable. Isn't it ridiculous to judge whether a person is accepted by the fifth princess just because of the word smart? You are also a smart person, could it be that you are also an assassin sent by the fifth princess?" ?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes fell on the old man with white beard.

Feeling the strange gazes cast by everyone, he immediately snorted coldly and said: "Speaking eloquently, trying to confuse this old man with you assassin, do you think others will believe it? Come on, drag him out and chop him up!" Already!"

Hearing this, the third prince hurriedly stopped and said: "Military division, the word "smart" is really not convincing. Now is the time for employing people, so you can't deal with them casually!"

Hearing this, the old man with a white beard immediately said with some displeasure: "My lord, those who achieve great things don't care about trivial matters. It is an extraordinary time and extraordinary means. It is better to kill one by mistake than to let one go! This man is thoughtful and self-possessed. An ordinary person? If he is really someone sent by the fifth princess, if he is not eliminated, it will be like breeding tigers. Please think twice, the prince, and order this person to be beheaded!"

This old thing has said so, even though the third prince loves talents, he can only reluctantly agree.

"That's all, since the military adviser believes it, then drag it out and chop it!"

Heijia soldiers around Tong Yan heard this, immediately grabbed Tong Yan and dragged him outside.

Although Tong Yan wanted to quibble a few words, he thought about it and let it go.At this time, it is useless to say anything.Maybe when we go outside, we can think of a way from these two black armored soldiers.

However, what he didn't expect was that at this moment, Wang Hu, the leader of the black armor, did an incredible thing!

He suddenly pulled out a dagger from his boots, and while everyone was staring at Tong Yan, he stabbed the Third Prince directly from behind.

There was a sound of "dang", although the dagger was sharp, it failed to pierce the armor of the third prince.

The third prince suddenly noticed it, and immediately turned around and kicked it out.

When Wang Hu saw the third prince kicking his feet, he quickly backed away.And the third prince also took this opportunity, and immediately ran to the side, distanced himself from Wang Hu.

"Wang Hu, you... you actually attacked this king? Tell me, why did you do this?"

Hearing this, Wang Hu sneered and said, "Zhao Sun, I have hated you to the bone a long time ago. You killed my brother and took over my wife. I have been waiting for the opportunity, but I never thought that you You actually wore soft gold armor, otherwise, the sword just now would have killed you!"

Hearing this, the third prince smiled contemptuously and said, "You want my king's life? Is it up to you? To tell you the truth, this king has long expected that someone will assassinate me today. I didn't expect that the assassin I was waiting for was you This is the leader of the Black Armored Army. Since you want to die, then this king will fulfill you! Come, let this king take him down!"

When he gave an order, not only the two black armored soldiers who were escorting Tong Yan stepped forward, but also more than a dozen guards poured into the big tent.

Within a few seconds, Wang Hu was surrounded by groups.

Seeing this, Tong Yan felt a little lucky.From the kick that the third prince kicked just now, it can be seen that he is also a master of concealment.In addition, an ambush has already been set up around the big tent, whoever tries to assassinate him is tantamount to seeking his own death.

Fortunately, he never found an opportunity, otherwise, he might be the one being surrounded now.

But this does not mean that the third prince is invulnerable, his head is actually where his fate lies.If he could hit him with one blow, it would be hard for the third prince not to die.

Tong Yan thought quickly, and soon, a confident smile appeared on his face.

"Third Prince, your end is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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