
Chapter 610 Tracing back to the source, the power of the stars?

Chapter 610 Tracing back to the source, the power of the stars?
The golden light quickly filled the entire room, and immediately after that, everything changed drastically.The original room no longer exists, the demon concubine behind him has also disappeared, and even the bed he was sitting on has disappeared.

If Tong Yan hadn't reacted quickly enough to stand up in time, he might have fallen to the ground immediately.No, not on the ground, but in the air.Why do you say that?It's just because the place where Tong Yan is at the moment is the sky, and it's also a starry night sky.

Here is the vast galaxy, every star looks so close, yet so far away.

Tong Yan was puzzled, how could he somehow enter the starry sky?
He knew that it was all caused by the six-pointed star imprint on his palm, but nothing happened for no reason, and there must be another reason behind it.

He stood like this, as if floating in the air.Looking around, there is nothing but the night sky and stars.The hexagram in the palm is still shining with golden light, not weaker than other stars, it seems to be more eye-catching and dazzling than the nearby stars.

Being in the galaxy, he didn't have any fear or anxiety, on the contrary, he was very calm and calm.

Time passed little by little, and he still couldn't figure out why he saw such a scene, but an inexplicable thought came to his mind.He felt like one of these thousands of stars, he felt that he was one of them.Although this idea is a bit absurd, he really thinks so.

He can't go on like this, he still has a lot of things to do, he still has to find a way to rescue the demon concubine, leave the realm of destruction, and return to the world.

He took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly: "Is there anyone? Can anyone tell me why I am here?"

But unfortunately, where would anyone be here?
He smiled self-deprecatingly, looked away, and then fell on his palm.

It was the six-pointed star that brought him here, maybe the six-pointed star could answer everything for him.

He slowly covered the hexagram with the other hand, and the moment he folded his palms together, a somewhat familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"Are you wondering? Are you wondering why you saw such a scene? In fact, this is where you exist."

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan's heart trembled, and he hurriedly asked the voice in his head: "What are you talking about? This is where I exist? I am a human being, and this is the starry sky. How can this place belong to me?" where?"

"Hehe... a lot of things are just so wonderful. You are a human right now, but how do you know what your previous life, your previous life or the very beginning was? Six paths of reincarnation, who can say for sure, What was it that you were?"

Tong Yan had to admit that what the voice in his head said was indeed correct.In the six realms of reincarnation, people may reincarnate into animals after reincarnation, and animals may reincarnate into adults.There are countless creatures in time, and there are countless reincarnations.Who really knows what he was in the first place?

But according to the voice, this starry sky is where he originally existed. Could it be that he was a star or a speck of dust in this starry sky a long time ago?
Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said: "So what you mean is that I belonged here. I became a human after going through reincarnation? Then can you tell me why I came here now?"

"Why did you come here? No, everything here is illusory and false. As for why you see all this, why don't you ask yourself?"

Tong Yan was a little speechless, if he could figure it out by himself, why bother to ask this question?He smiled wryly, and then asked: "Then you can always tell me who you are? Why do you have a voice in my head?"

"Who am I? Am I not yourself? Think about it carefully, I think you will figure everything out. Remember, feel with your heart!"

Feel it with your heart?Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, he finally understood why the voice in his head was so familiar, after a long time of trouble, it turned out to be his own voice.

Ask yourself?Ask yourself?It seemed that he was really dazed by this illusion.

But he still closed his eyes and tried to feel all this with his heart.

Soon, he made a different discovery.He felt as if he was in a warm home, and those bright stars, like his brothers and sisters, were so close and gentle.Gradually, he seemed to like this kind of feeling a little bit. If he just stayed here like this, wouldn't it be a happy thing?
But at this moment, he suddenly felt something hit him, and when he opened his eyes to look, the night sky and the Milky Way had disappeared without a trace.

This is the same room as before, and he is still sitting on the bed.It's just that in front of him, there is an extra head with disheveled hair.

This head is none other than the long-haired monster.Seeing it grinning at him, Tong Yan finally realized that it was the one that pulled him out of the illusion.

He looked down at the six-pointed star imprint on his palm, it still existed, but it no longer emitted dazzling light.

Gathering his mind, Tong Yan immediately smiled and said, "You're here, when did you come? I fell asleep just now, and I made you laugh."

The long-haired monster shook his head, and then suddenly let his long hair spread out.Tong Yan took a closer look, only to find that there was a strip of cloth between her hairline.

Tong Yan reached out and took off the cloth strip, and immediately held it in his hand and looked at it.

This is a letter from Nightingale, which said that they have been placed in a safe place, and told Tong Yan not to worry, and also informed Tong Yan that Bailong had sneaked into the holy city and asked him to come and meet him.

The arrival of Bailong made Tong Yan very happy.He put away the cloth, and immediately told the long-haired monster: "Friend, please bring the white dragon to me. I'll wait for him here!"

The long-haired monster nodded, then disappeared without a trace.

Tong Yan stood up, looked at Concubine Yao who was still in a coma, turned around and walked towards the door.

He doesn't know if there is anyone guarding the door now, if there is someone, he has to think of something.

But after opening the door, his worries were dispelled.There was no one at the door, and it seemed that the devil was quite relieved of himself.

Seeing no one around, Tong Yan raised his legs and walked out.

But at this moment, he unconsciously looked up at the starry sky.When he looked at it, he suddenly felt warm all over his body, and then, the hexagram on his palm became restless again.

The gurgling heat flowed from the hexagram in the palm to his whole body. Not only did he feel the warmth of his body, but it seemed that his whole body was full of strength.

Seeing the imprint of the six-pointed star bright and dark, he suddenly came to his senses.Could it be that the imprint of the six-pointed star is absorbing starlight?
If the six-pointed star imprint is really absorbing starlight, isn't the heat flowing into his body... the power of the stars?
(End of this chapter)

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