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Chapter 109 Building the Gene Engine

Chapter 109 Building the Gene Engine
The Valkyrie Project - after the Odin Project, Li Rui's second super gene project, it is also the second gene specially developed for Qilin that can reach the height of a god.

The so-called Valkyrie does not refer to the Valkyrie of Asgard, but their former leader, Hela, the goddess of death.It's just that Li Rui disliked this title, so he changed it to Valkyrie.

Compared with the gene of God King Odin, Hela's gene is not inferior in complexity at all, so what Li Rui gave Qilin is still a simplified version.But the biggest difference from Hela's original gene was that Li Rui chose to add another person's gene to it - Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard.

When it comes to Heimdall, the first impression of Marvel fans is the pair of eyes that can see through the Nine Realms.It was these eyes that Li Rui was looking for, and there was nothing more suitable for a sniper like Qi Lin.

As Heimdall's core ability, the rune sequences in his genes that control the eyes are only slightly inferior to those of Odin, Hela and others, so this is a very large project.

Also because of the different underlying rules of the universe, Li Rui couldn't completely copy Heimdall's eyes, so he still carried out a certain degree of transformation to make it more suitable for the rules of the super god universe.

The specific transformation process is very complicated. To sum it up in one sentence, it is - a super dark matter analyzer beyond the conventional sense.

As for the specific effect, I believe Qilin will be pleasantly surprised after upgrading.

Hearing Li Rui raised this question, Tai Shihui immediately turned into a bitter face: "Doctor, why don't you reconsider, the repulsion of the two gene sequences you gave is too serious, Nuwa has already The error has been reported tens of thousands of times in a row, but there is still no way to solve the problem of rejection.”

"Is it so serious?" Li Rui was a little surprised.

After the development of the Tianjian gene was completed, Li Rui intended to train Donglong's own super gene research team, and the success of the Tianjian type [-] gene also showed that his idea was correct. Donglong is capable of making achievements in genetic research .That's why he made the decision to continue handing over the Valkyrie project to Tai Shihui's team. Now it seems that he is still a little impatient.

Li Rui pondered for a while, and said, "Well, let me take over this project for the time being."

Tai Shihui was taken aback, and quickly begged: "Doctor, give us another chance!"

The Valkyrie project is difficult, but it does give them a lot of learning opportunities.Just like the Tianjian Type II transformation project, this project is just some simple work, and it has taught them a lot of knowledge and accumulation of methods, and more importantly, a breakthrough in the way of thinking, which can be said to have a lot of benefits.

Let them out now, how can they be willing?
Li Rui waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't say to let you out. To be honest, this gene has surpassed the scope of the second-generation super fighter, and what it involves is no longer a simple gene fragment replacement. It is really difficult for you The span is too large. Next, I will take over the Valkyrie project, and you will still participate in the whole process. How much you can learn is up to you.”

Hearing Li Rui's explanation, Tai Shihui breathed a sigh of relief.To be honest, compared with the Tianjian II transformation plan, this project is like a heaven and an underground.Sometimes the modification of a gene fragment can make their whole team think about it, but they still can't think of a solution.

It's good to be able to learn from behind, but I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to learn.As for who is in charge, it doesn't matter, because they have also seen clearly that it is almost impossible to get rid of this gene with their own strength.


Unlike Li Rui's own Odin gene construction, Qilin has a dark plane gene engine because of its speciality, so her upgrade method does not require genetic modification, but only needs to upgrade The final genetic data is imported into the genetic engine, and then the resources needed for the upgrade are prepared, and this process can be completed by itself.

This is the process of Angel Yan's upgrading to a sacred body in the original book. The knowledge treasury already has the data of the sacred body. You only need to download it, and then allocate resources to complete the upgrade in an instant, thereby resisting the flare furnace set up by Hexi.

It's just that, unlike Angel Yan, Qilin doesn't have the support of a celestial computing cloud like the knowledge treasure house, so she can't download the data by herself, and needs Li Rui to import the data into her genetic engine.

In the process, Li Rui studied Qilin's genetic engine again, and also had a more complete plan for the structure of his own genetic engine.

To be honest, even with the eyes of Li Rui, who has never seen other gene engines, the structure of Qilin's gene engine is still very simple.Maybe it's because the development time is too long and the technology is not very mature, maybe it's because it's just a generation of super soldiers and it's not worth so much investment, so the configuration is really not very good, but fortunately, it still has the functions it should have.

The gene engine mainly has three functions. The first is easy to understand, it is calculation assistance and data storage, which includes the genetic data of the host; second, as an underlying system, various algorithms are loaded to achieve different Functions, such as the big trial of the angels, dark data implantation, the void and anti-void of Ge Xiaolun's core, dark data encryption, etc.; the third is to connect as a personal terminal and celestial supercomputer, including data update, Obtain functions such as computing power support.

In addition, because the gene engine is located in the dark plane, it is constantly affected by the movement of dark matter, so it needs a certain structure to maintain its own stability, so as to avoid deviation or even collapse due to the influence of runtime.

At present, the Tianjian team and the Dawn warriors communicate with Nuwa through the micro-dark matter computer implanted in the dark alloy armor. If there is a gene engine, this process will be omitted.

While studying Qilin's genetic engine, Li Rui also had a plan for his dark plane genetic engine.Because of the characteristics of focusing on rune literature, his genetic engine is still based on runes, but in order to improve the computing power, he has carried out multi-level nesting in the structural design of the genetic engine.

For example, the original gene engine is like a ball, and the runes that can be engraved are limited.After the transformation, the ball still has the original volume, but the interior has been hollowed out layer by layer. In this way, the surface area of ​​the ball is greatly increased, thus adding more places for inscriptions of runes.

Of course, the example is not very appropriate, but the principle is the same.

At present, the underlying structure of Li Rui's gene engine has been built through the dark matter-driven method, and the next step is to nest work layer by layer.

For ordinary space civilizations, if they want to build a gene engine, they must first drive dark matter, usually by using special giant equipment to generate high-energy shock waves, so that dark matter can react.The energy required for this is basically at the stellar level, which cannot be afforded at the current level of the earth.

But because of Li Rui's intimidation, he directly skipped this stage, and used God as the architect to drive dark matter to make the gene engine, thus omitting the problems of equipment and energy.

However, even so, the movement caused by wanting to build a genetic engine will still attract the attention of some god-level civilizations.So Li Rui's laboratory is not on the earth, but on an uninhabited planet 6400 light-years away.


Because of the distance, Nu Wa's computing power can't cover here, so Li Rui is the only one to carry out the experimental operation.

Under the dark perspective, a huge spherical object was floating in front of his eyes - this was Li Rui's genetic engine.Of course, only the underlying structure is done so far.

As mentioned earlier, this layer is only the underlying framework of the gene engine.In an analogy to a computer, this layer is the bottom layer, which is the hard-wired logic level of the zeroth level, which is composed of logic circuits such as gates and flip-flops.

Putting it on the gene engine, it is the framework composed of the basic dark matter, that is, the hardware.But the difference is that the computer structure is counted from the zeroth level structure, and the assembly language is not involved until the fourth level, which determines the logic of the entire genetic engine. However, the underlying logic of the genetic engine is directly placed at the zeroth level.

Different god-making civilizations have different assembly languages, which also creates differences in the underlying logic of the gene engine.For example, the three major god-making civilizations influenced by the Kamigawa civilization-Styx, Deno, and Lieyang, as well as the sacred assembly language independently researched by the angels, which is different from Kamigawa.Without this knowledge, there is no way to decipher Angel's technology.This is also the reason why Karl studied Zhixin in the original book - when Kamikawa communicated with the angels, the holy Kaisa made a treaty with space, and the relevant data of the angels was not recorded within the big clock, which caused Karl to lose Angel profile.

As for Li Rui, this became his unique rune language, that is, rune runes.

"Huh, it's really tiring!" Li Rui let out a long breath, and continued to drive the dark matter, preparing to build the second layer of structure.

But just when he completed the underlying structure of the gene engine, a tide of dark energy centered on the gene engine spread like ripples on the surface of a lake...

(End of this chapter)

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