Chapter 112

If what is most important to Li Rui at this stage, it is undoubtedly the launch of Venus.Because this involves the last task of unlocking the Odin template, once completed, not only will you be rewarded, but you will also be able to unlock the next template.

Today, he already has three templates for the father of Iron Man, Uncle Snake, and father of Thor, and he is looking forward to who will be next.

Therefore, Li Rui was so excited that he didn't fall asleep the whole night when he heard that the Venus could take off at any time.It made Qilin think that he was excited because Donglong was about to enter the space age, but she didn't know that this guy had other reasons, so she didn't have a rest, and sat with him all night.

Early the next morning, Li Rui directly reported the news of his return to the superiors, and then rushed to the Qinling base without stopping.


Qinling No. 5000 is moored at the port, and the fleet personnel who have been notified have already started boarding the ship one after another.Long before Li Rui came back, all the equipment and supplies had been prepared, and only the personnel remained.The entire Venus has more than [-] people, including command personnel, operators, combat personnel, logistics support personnel, and scientific research personnel. It is a very large team and it will take a little time.

In order to once again demonstrate Donglong's confidence and strength in resisting outsiders to the people, the Supreme Command decided to live broadcast the entire process of Venus' lift-off.Therefore, before the lift-off started, hundreds of camera positions were aimed at the inside and outside of Venus.

As the chief commander of the Venus Star and a hot figure in the battle of Tianhe City, Li Rui was naturally included in the interview.

"Hello, Dr. Li, I'm Li Anran, a reporter from the main station. Can I spare you a few minutes for a brief interview?" An intellectual female reporter greeted her.


Li Rui was a little surprised. He didn't receive any notice of the interview.But he reacted quickly, showing a professional smile: "Of course."

What kind of interviews are you doing so well? It's really strange.

"Doctor looks very young, can I ask how old you are?"

"I was born in 91, so I'm 23 this year."

"23 years old?" Li Anran showed a surprised expression on his face, and continued to ask: "The average person has just left the university at this time, but you are in charge of such a major project as Donglong's first space battleship at such a young age." , your knowledge and talent really make us admire."

"Thank you for the compliment, it's actually not that great." Li Rui replied with a smile, showing a modest expression on his face at the right time.

"Can I ask you, what supported you to achieve such impressive results at such a young age?"

"Actually, it's nothing." Li Rui organized his language and replied: "As early as when I founded Venus Group, I had the idea of ​​contributing to Donglong's national defense. Later, by chance, I discovered We are not alone in the universe, there are alien civilizations of one kind or another watching us. From then on, I am determined to organize our own space defense force of Donglong.”

"That is to say, it is your patriotism that has supported you step by step to this day." Li Anran summed it up, and said with admiration on his face: "You are really a person worthy of admiration. Donglong has you Only such behind-the-scenes heroes who have paid silently can have today's glory."

Li Rui shook his head and denied, "Compared to those soldiers who shed their blood for the country, they are more admirable."

"Yes, what you said is right. But I think thousands of scientific researchers like you are also worthy of our respect and respect." Li Anran concluded, and then raised the last question: " At the end of the interview, do you have anything to say to the audience in front of the camera?"

Li Rui paused, and said seriously to the camera: "Compatriots, no matter how difficult the future is, please believe in Donglong, believe in us, as long as we are united as one, victory will definitely belong to us!"

"Okay, thank you, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to accept our interview. I also believe that the audience and friends in front of the camera will keep your advice in mind. For Donglong's tomorrow, we will work together!"

After the short interview, Li Rui shook hands with the reporter before leaving.

At this moment, Qi Lin, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, caught up and joked with a smile: "Dr. Li Da, the camera looks good."

Li Rui glanced at her speechlessly, and asked, "Who arranged this interview? Why didn't I receive the news in advance?"

It's not that Li Rui is hypocritical, but that if you want to interview someone like him, you usually have to go through layers of approval.Moreover, he himself will be notified in advance, and to exaggerate, even the questions and answers will be prepared in advance to ensure that there is no possibility of any leaks.

Like today's reporter who directly rushes forward to conduct an interview, that means Li Rui has a good temper, plus it is a live broadcast, otherwise he can directly refuse, or even directly bombard people.

"I don't know either, maybe it was a temporary idea. Fortunately, that reporter Li knows how to measure, and didn't ask any outrageous questions." Speaking of this, Qilin went on to comfort, "Don't worry, all the content of today's live broadcast There will be special personnel to review, and some pictures involving key technologies will be cut out or mosaiced, and there will be no leaks.”

"That's good, be careful sailing for thousands of years. After all, the other side of the ocean is not dead."

Although there was such a small episode of the interview, fortunately it didn't take long, and the two quickly arrived at the command hall of the Venus.

The entire command hall is rectangular, with a huge circular operating platform in the middle, and relevant operators are sitting along the circular edge.In the middle of the operating platform is a huge three-dimensional projection showing the situation of Venus itself and its surroundings.

In the command hall near the rear of the battleship, there is a slightly higher platform, where the commander of the battleship stays, from which you can overlook the entire command hall.

When Li Rui arrived, the command hall was already full of people.Representatives of the Supreme Command, the chief engineer of the Torch Project, senior officials of the Black Great Wall, senior military generals, and other invited personnel.

As soon as Li Rui stepped into the command hall, he was greeted with applause from everyone.Everyone had excited expressions on their faces, looking at him impatiently.

Tang Yue waited for several chief engineers to greet him, and said with a smile on his face: "Doctor, I will wait for you."

Under everyone's gaze, Li Rui walked up to the high platform in the command hall, pressed his hand, and motioned for everyone to be quiet: "Everyone, after four and a half years, more than 1000 days and nights, all the staff of the Venus Project finally delivered their speech today. The people of the country have delivered an answer sheet.

As the person in charge of this project, first of all, please allow me to express my gratitude to all the people who have worked hard and put their heart and soul into the Morning Star project.It is you who have created the Venus of today, and the scene where we gather together to participate in this grand event today. My heartfelt thanks. "


Thunderous applause...

Below, the scientific research personnel headed by Tang Yue, and the construction personnel all showed excited expressions.From the establishment of the torch project to the present, it has been a few years, for today.At this moment, they are well-deserved protagonists.

"Finally, let us celebrate with the warmest applause and the fullest emotions that today Donglong will open a new chapter in history, take the first step away from the mother earth that raised us, and go to deep space and to the future! Celebrate the civilization of the earth Sent the first words to the known universe: Hello, universe!"


The prolonged applause became even more enthusiastic at this time, as if it was about to break through the sky.

"Nuwa, inform all crew members that the Venus Star will take off in 5 minutes, please get ready." Facing people's expectant eyes, Li Rui said in a deep voice.

"Warning, warning, the morning star will take off in 5 minutes, and the hatch is about to close, please get ready."

"Warning, warning, the morning star will take off in 5 minutes, and the hatch is about to close, please get ready."

Following the sound of Nuwa's announcement, the entire Venus became busy.The hatch is closed, the support frame is evacuated, self-inspection is performed, the life support system is activated, and the anti-gravity device is activated...

With the final ignition, the four large ion engines started, and the behemoth slowly took off and floated in the air.

At this time, Li Rui also moved.

Many people wonder how this behemoth will be sent into space.We must know that when the spacecraft reaches a certain scale, it is not suitable for construction inside the earth, because its volume and power will form a contradiction, that is, the larger the volume, the greater the power required.The greater the power demand, the larger the power facility will inevitably be, which in turn will make the aircraft larger. Coupled with the air resistance, it is impossible to lift off.

At this time, Li Rui finally revealed the answer.

Following his calculations, the genetic engine was turned on, and a huge space door that could accommodate the entire Venus appeared in front of it, leading directly to the extraterrestrial orbit.

Under everyone's surprised eyes, the giant ship moved slowly and was gradually swallowed by the blue gate.

This scene was broadcast to the whole country with the cameras arranged around it, instantly arousing the excitement of countless people.


At this moment, a group of figures waving white wings are coming towards the Chiwu star system at the Milky Way Big Worm Bridge...

(End of this chapter)

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