Chapter 116 New Templates
Ever since Venus was launched, Li Rui moved the genetic laboratory here. After all, it is more convenient to do experiments in space.

After the meeting was over, Li Rui went to the No. [-] genetic laboratory alone.What is going on here is the genetic compilation work of the Valkyrie Project. It takes about half a year to complete it with Nuwa's calculation speed.Therefore, Li Rui has been presiding over the compilation work these days.

Just kidding, among all the god-level civilizations in the known universe, Li Rui is the only one whose computing power of the main god exceeds his own dark matter computer.

The joke is a joke, but with his joining, the progress of the compilation work has been strengthened at once.

While compiling, Li Rui turned on his own system.After completing the Odin template mission, he encountered so many things, he hadn't had time to look at the unlock rewards yet.

[Host: Li Rui
Current Template: Marvel-Odin
Unlocking tasks: 1. Based on runes, create super warrior genes (completed);

2. Manufacture the Rainbow Bridge (completed);
Current progress: 100%

Possess a template: Marvel-Howard-Stark, Naruto-Oshemaru]

[Please choose one of the following three items as a character unlock reward:
1. Time Gem (Time and Space Complementary Version)

2. Reality Gem (Void Controller Version)
3. Gungnir (adapted version)]

Seeing this reward, Li Rui was really surprised that two kinds of infinite gems appeared at once.As for the last Gungnir, Li Rui just ignored it.

Although the Odin template is more suitable for Gungnir, the problem is that he has no shortage of weapons now, and Meteor is enough for the time being.And compared to the other two options, Gungnir is really not enough.

But then the question arises, which one should I choose?
The Time Stone is an Infinity Stone held in the hands of the Supreme Sorcerer Karma Taj. According to this gem, the Supreme Sorcerer can travel in dimensions and see through the future.

But what does this space-time complementary version mean?
Li Rui was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

As soon as this idea came to his mind, an inexplicable message gave him the answer.

[Complementary version of time and space: In the universe, time and space are inseparable as a whole.Only the space gem does not represent the whole of time and space, the combination of the two can exert the true power of time and space. 】

Li Rui was taken aback for a moment. The system never replied to him before. What's going on?Could it be that the system still has intelligence?

[Because the host has completed three unlocking tasks and passed the novice period, the answer module is unlocked.The system itself does not have intelligence, but simple question answering capabilities. 】

Yeah, got it, just a weak artificial intelligence.In this way, Li Rui can rest assured that he doesn't have to worry about the system rebelling.He also understood that time and space would not be complete without the Time Stone.Because the two are an inseparable whole, the space is always present at the present moment, and without the time node, the space will be meaningless.Likewise, without space, time would cease to exist.

Li Rui couldn't help pondering for a while, and continued to ask: What is the Reality Gem?
[Reality Gem (Void Controller): This reward is based on the void technology of Super God Universe, which can subvert theories such as the conservation of dark energy and the conservation of dark matter on a small scale. 】

Li Rui understood as soon as he heard it, this reality gem is a modified version of the power of the galaxy.Then there is another question, which is stronger, the complete space-time technology or the void technology?

[Both time and space and void are the specific manifestations of the super god universe at different stages of development. The difference between the two is only in the rules of display, which cannot be used to simply compare the strengths and weaknesses. 】

Is that the case?Li Rui was a little surprised.

The most mysterious thing about the super god universe is the void age pursued by Karl. Whether it is an angel or a demon, they are defeated in the face of the so-called void technology. I did not expect this to be the case in the system's explanation.

After such a simple comparison, Li Rui had a choice in his mind: "I choose—the Time Stone."

The void controller is good, but if the complete space-time technology is not inferior to the void, then there is no need to choose this thing.After all, it is better to specialize in one field than to please both ends. As long as you have a thorough understanding of the complete space-time technology, you may not be unable to compete with Karl, the god of death.

Following his thoughts, a green gem emerged from the void in his hand.Also like the space gem, as soon as this gem appeared, Li Rui felt connected to his own consciousness.

But before he could take any action, the genetic engine of the dark plane suddenly started to run, and then the Time Gem disappeared in a flash before it was warmed up in his hand, and merged with the Space Gem. The engine began to undergo a second transformation.

Under the dark perspective, the two gemstones in the computing core completely overlapped, and then merged into a cyan color, and even the light emitted by the runes on the entire genetic engine turned into a cyan color.

Li Rui blinked, and contacted the genetic engine again for a self-check.

"Gene Engine: Lord of the Stars
Assembly Language: Rune Sequences

Computing core: the heart of time and space

Normal computing speed: 24 frames

Ultimate computing speed: 38 frames

Loading procedure: time-space teleportation, mirror time-space, time-space cage, time-space replacement, multi-space mapping, space folding, space expansion, dimension expansion”

Although it seems that the calculation speed is only increased, and there is an additional dimension in function, but as the master of the gene engine, Li Rui can feel the changes.For example, the algorithm of the mirror space, the original ability is to construct a mirror image of a real space, but now it is to open the real mirror space and manipulate it, which is no different from the ability of the supreme mage Karma Taj.

Another example is the two algorithms of space folding and space expansion.Although it seems that the name has not changed, in fact Li Rui can use this algorithm in two ways, one is to operate from the original space dimension, and the other is to operate from the time dimension.

Therefore, the changes brought to Li Rui by the complete space-time gem are earth-shaking, and the specific effects will be studied slowly in the future.

After finishing this, Li Rui continued to look through the system, wanting to see who the next template would be.

[Host: Li Rui
Current Template: DC-Jo-El

Unlock tasks: 1. Develop superhuman genes;

2. Selectively integrate Kryptonian technology into the earth's civilization, and have a positive effect on the development of the earth;
Current progress: 0%
Already own templates: Marvel-Edward Stark; Naruto-Oshemaru; Marvel-Odin]

Joe Al?
Li Rui didn't realize who this person was for a while, but when he saw the unlocking task, he was speechless: Isn't this superman his father?
Well, your system has really become a template for fathers. First it was Iron Man's father, and then it was Thor's father. This time, it's a good thing. It was directly given to Superman's father, and he has been instigating him to be a father.

But seriously, Joel?How to say this template, it's a little late.If it is said that before he was promoted to God, it would be quite appropriate. After all, Superman's physical performance is too eye-catching: man of steel, super speed, super strength, super vision, super hearing, super brain, biological force field, heat vision, A series of abilities such as freezing spray and so on, are the strongest in the world of super gods.But now that he already has Odin's divine body, comparing the two sides, Superman's overall statistics are not so prominent.

Of course, if it's a special version like Baiyin Dachao, then it's all nonsense.It's a pity that the Kryptonian Book of Joel's inherited knowledge is not this version, but the normal version.

But then again, the biological force field, super brain, super vision and other functions brought about by Kryptonian genes are not weak.Especially the biological force field and the super brain, even in the world of super gods, they are very powerful abilities.

So for the Kryptonian gene, Li Rui still decided to take only the useful part of it and fuse it into his own gene to further improve the gene.

As for the development of Kryptonian technology?
[System, is there a completion standard for the second task? 】

[It depends on the impact of the Kryptonian technology cracked by the host on its own camp. 】

Well, it's still pretty blurry.

As the last top scientist on Krypton, Jo Al has a lot of things in his mind. If he can get it right, it will be enough to make the earth a peak aerospace civilization, and even enter the age of god creation.Therefore, this task should be quite easy to complete.

Thinking of this, Li Rui couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed.Huh?By the way, now that the Jor-El template has been unlocked, can the Valkyrie gene be improved?

Li Rui thought about this possibility.


Unfortunately, not long after Li Rui's research started, a customer came to his door.The other party stopped in front of the Venus just like that, showing no intention of shy away from it.

Lin Lei, the captain of the Venus Star, had seen the angels and knew that they were not enemies. After asking about the other party's purpose, he asked Li Rui for instructions.But since he was in the laboratory and closed the information channel, he could not receive outside information, so he could only ask Qilin instead.

Seeing that person, Qilin told Linley to let her in.After a while, the man entered the interior of the battleship.

"Qi Lin, long time no see." The man greeted him proactively.

"Sister Chasing, long time no see." Qilin nodded and asked, "Are you here to see Ah Rui?"

"It's not me looking for him, it's Queen Keisha who invited him to go, I'm just a temporary messenger."

"Unfortunately, he is in the laboratory right now."

"It's okay, I can wait for a while."

Seeing this, Qilin sent someone to bring some black tea and desserts. She remembered that Ah Zhui liked these things when he was helping to process silver weapons on Earth.

The two sat and ate and chatted.

It has been almost half a year since Ah Zhui returned to the City of Angels, and many things have happened to each of them during this time.But Qilin is not a person who doesn't know the importance, and what the angel chases after chats are things that can be said.

After waiting for about four hours, Li Rui came out of the laboratory. He was also very happy to see Ah Zhui, whom he had not seen for a long time. After chatting for a few words, he explained to Qi Lin, and followed her to the angel's foothold...

(End of this chapter)

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