Chapter 119

Venus, an angel waved its wings and entered the range of the floating island, greeted the guarding sisters, and went straight to the queen's palace.

Holy Keisha is sitting on the lawn at this time, what is she doing?bask in the sun.Yes, the king of the gods of the known universe is basking in the sun at this time.

The angel came down and saluted Holy Kesha.

"It's Moy, how is the mission going this time?" Holy Kaisa asked complacently.

"It's still a little devil under Morgana's hands. It doesn't even count as a generation, and it doesn't pose any threat."

Two earth days ago, the treasure house of sacred knowledge detected traces of demons in the D1400G galaxy 65 light-years away from the Chiwu star system. The angel Moy received the order of the holy Kaisha to go find out.

The result was very disappointing. It was just some little demons spawned by Morgana, and they were raised on that planet, waiting for qualified demon fighters to be born among them.

Angel Moy spent a little effort to clean up those little devils and restore the orderly development of that planet.

Keisha sat up a little bit: "Ah, it has been two earth years, and she has released news of the appearance of demons, large and small, thousands of times. Recently, it has become more and more frequent. It seems that she can't help it."

The angel Moy hesitated for a moment and asked, "Queen, after such a long time, should we let Morgana recover in secret?"

Holy Kaisa flicked her hair at the temples, and replied nonchalantly: "If she is not allowed to recover to a certain level, she will not dare to show herself in front of me. It's okay, let her prepare first. Two Earth Years Before we were here, we destroyed the only remaining forces under her hands, and it will take time for her to recover."

"Yes, Queen."

"By the way, how many of them are there? Why don't you see anyone today?"

"Sister Yan and Sister Leng took a few sisters to Earth today. They said they were going to go shopping. Do you want them to come back?"

Hearing this, Holy Kaisha couldn't help but chuckled: "No need, there are no tasks anyway, let them have fun."


The earth, the star of the east, the dragon and the north, several blond girls in different dresses are walking in a pedestrian street wearing sunglasses.Some of them wore long skirts with a graceful demeanor, some had leather pants and short skirts with a hot figure, and some simply disguised themselves as men with a heroic appearance.

But no matter which style it is, it is so eye-catching that the men who come and go can't help turning their heads back frequently.

They are the angels who came to the earth to go shopping. The leader is Angel Yan who is dressed like a little girl, dressed like a big brother in society, and the one who wears sunglasses is Angel Leng.

"Today is the day when my country's second mountain-class battleship, Taishan, is launched. I am currently at the Lunar Launch Center. In 10 minutes, the three-kilometer-long behemoth behind me will fly to the Lagrange point through the space gate. , together with the Kunlun Fleet Group that was launched before, form the earth defense line, accept the command of the Venus, and deal with threats from outer space."

A group of people were walking around when a live broadcast suddenly played on the projection screen on a tall building not far away.

The angel took a cold look, and couldn't help complaining: "The children on Earth are making dumplings. Which ship is this month?"

"The sixth ship, the previous five ships are what they call conventional warships. According to the introduction, this ship should be the second mountain-class warship launched in the past two years." The angel Lingxi behind them replied weakly. road.

For conventional warships, Donglong divides them into warships with a length of less than three kilometers. The size of the warship determines whether to carry the Starlight Barrier.The regular-class battleships were named after the provinces of Donglong at first, but it turned out that they were not enough now, and they began to move to the city-level.The naming rights of government units are open.

Mountain-class battleships, warships within the range of 3 to 10 kilometers in length in the division of Donglong battleships, are relatively large warships equipped with dark alloy armor and starlight barriers, and the main gun uses the same high-energy particle beam as the Taotie Grand Cross.In addition, the Mountain-class battleship is also equipped with the N2 explosive bomb developed by the Great Black Wall in the original book, which is powerful enough to destroy a Grand Cross-class battleship with one blow.

As the name suggests, the Shanyue-class battleship is named after the mountains and rivers of the Eastern Dragon. Currently, there is already the first ship, Kunlun, and the second ship, Mount Tai, which is about to take off.

At present, a total of sixty regular-class warships have been launched, thirty of which belong to the Kunlun Fleet, and the remaining thirty belong to the Taishan Fleet.It's just that the construction of the Taishan ship has not been completed before, and the Venus Star has been directly commanded.

In addition to these battleships, Donglong also built a base covering an area of ​​[-] hectares on the moon, as well as three large space stations orbiting the earth, and five observation points on Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

"Is it too exaggerated for you to say that the earth child? For two years, I wondered if he had hollowed out any galaxy." Angel couldn't help complaining.

"That's not a child, but the great god of the Chiwu star system and even the Milky Way, the lord of the stars." Angel Yan kindly reminded.

"Come on, it's just a little kid, what a great master." The angel pouted coldly.

Well, she admitted that the Lord of the Stars did have abilities, but she just wasn't happy.The so-called dead duck has a hard mouth, which means that her angel is cold.

In the past two years, Li Rui has brought massive resources to the earth, making the earth completely free from the resource support of Lieyang.After all, with the complete Heart of Time and Space as a gene engine, his calculation range far exceeds that before. Opening a space gate that is large enough to accommodate a battleship within 10,000+ light-years is simply a matter of moving your fingers.

What's more important is that now that the earth has developed, he doesn't need to do things like mining by himself. With fully automatic collection equipment, coupled with the Dawn Brigade, he only needs to locate the star map given by the angel and give it to him. Just open the door, and don't worry about the rest.

This is also the reason why the earth has built so many warships like dumplings in just two years-when resources are managed enough, the only thing that limits Donglong people is productivity.

Taotie is wandering around the outer reaches of the solar system right now, and the enemy is right at the door, ready to attack at any moment. Why doesn't Donglong have any reason not to go all out?The Supreme Command directly mobilized from top to bottom, bringing the spirit of not being afraid of hardship to the extreme, which is why such an astonishing manufacturing speed is possible.

On the battleship, Donglong's manufacturing speed has improved by leaps and bounds, and it has not lagged behind in other aspects, and has achieved amazing achievements.



An afterimage came from the direction of Jupiter, flew across the space of a million miles in just a few minutes, and slammed heavily on the bridge of the battleship.

The first cabin door opened, and the figure walked into the first isolation compartment, followed by filling the isolation compartment with oxygen, and opened the second door again, formally entering the interior of the Venus.

"Sister Qilin is back." The members of the Tianjian team who passed by the door greeted.

Taking off the helmet, it was Qilin's familiar face.

Today, two years later, there is no longer only one god on the earth, she is the second one, flying into the sky and hiding from the earth, omnipotent.The god-killing sniper rifle in her hand is invincible, and it is the God of Killing that gluttons who enter the solar system are afraid to avoid.

Qilin nodded: "Have you finished the training mission today?"

"Sister, don't worry, I've already finished it." The soldier hurriedly replied, fearing that he would be forced to go to extra practice later: "You just came back from the Neptune observation point?"

"Well, daily patrol." Qi Lin replied, and asked, "Nu Wa, where is Dr. Li Rui?"

"In Laboratory Three."

"You guys are busy first, I have to leave first." After finishing speaking, Qi Lin's feet suddenly accelerated, and she turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of everyone.

Several people were fluttered by the wind blowing hair brought by Qilin, and they couldn't help sighing: "No matter how many times I watch it, this speed is still so foul."

"Nonsense, that's a god. Even the second generation of Shenjian who look up to the sky with their nostrils can't compare."

Qilin, the second god of the earth.Its gene uses the death goddess Hela gene as the underlying structure, integrates the eye gene of Asgard's gatekeeper Heimdall, and at the same time selectively integrates the Kryptonian's super vision, super hearing, super brain, and complete biological force field genes, The fighting power is extremely powerful.

After merging the genes of both parties, she is not limited by the lifespan of the Asgardians, and at the same time, she will not lose her powerful abilities due to different cosmic environments like the Kryptonians.

Especially her pair of eyes, the space telescope is a younger brother in front of her.Do you believe that you can see through the entire solar system with the naked eye?
Not only that, once the dark viewing angle is turned on, Qilin's observation range even exceeds [-] light years, easily covering more than half of the Milky Way, and the subtleties of vision are even enough to observe the souls of creatures.

What's even more frightening is that some insane self-proclaimed scholar handed over the control of the Rainbow Bridge to Qilin, which means that no matter where she goes, she is a terrifying mobile fortress with instant strike capabilities, which can be called a humanoid natural disaster .

(End of this chapter)

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