Chapter 122 Go, drink tea
Venus, No. [-] equipment laboratory...

Li Rui stayed alone in his private laboratory, looked at the equipment in front of him, opened his eyes and connected to the gene engine to perform complex model calculations.

In the device in front of him is a cloud of suspended particles.This is a kind of blue particle. The ball in front of Li Rui is only the size of a fist, changing freely in the air, like a living thing with life.

This is a new type of element developed based on the Heart of Time and Space, with a wide range of uses.What Li Rui is currently researching is a space oscillator, which uses the special frequency of elements to interfere with the surrounding wormholes, thereby preventing certain special combat methods.

In the past two years, Nuwa has undergone a second upgrade, otherwise she would not be able to support the joint command tasks of so many warships and the increasingly large-scale scientific research tasks.However, even so, Nuwa is still inferior to him, the third-generation god, in terms of computing power.

Today's Li Rui gene is not only a complete Odin gene, but also incorporates most of the genes in the Kryptonian Book. Even among the three generations of gods, the strength of the gods is enough to rank in the forefront.

Not only that, after merging the Kryptonian super brain gene, his current data processing ability has reached another level.If he is asked to recompile some generation genes now, he doesn't even need the assistance of external supercomputers and gene engines, he can do it by himself.


The heavy metal door behind him was pushed open by the pneumatic device, and Angel Chase stepped in.

"Isn't it Ge Xiaolun's business, just say hello in the communication, why is it worth your trip?"

Li Rui asked without looking back.

"The matter of the power of the galaxy is naturally handled by sister Yan, and I greet you out of respect for the Lord God. This matter has nothing to do with me. I am here for other things."

"What's the matter?" Li Rui paused for a moment, then suddenly said: "Queen Keisha wants to invite me to drink tea again?"

The angel was stunned for a moment, and said in a depressed tone: "Yes, I invite you to drink tea."

In the entire known universe, apart from Tianji Wang Hexi, this guy is the only one who dares to call the meeting with Queen Keisha a drink of tea.

It has to be said that Queen Kaisa's tolerance for Li Rui in the past two years has made them, high-level guardian angels, a little confused.I know that the queen values ​​him, but it's not like this... In the words of the earth, oh, by the way, protect the calf, right?

"Wait a minute, I'll finish the calculation of this model." Li Rui didn't agree immediately, but replied casually, "You can just sit by yourself, about an hour or two."

Angel Chase was already powerless to refute, with the Queen's attitude, she wouldn't care if she waited for a while.

The more times I come here, the more I am familiar with Angel Chase. I went to the area where the daily necessities are placed and opened the cabinet. I took out a bottle of red wine from inside, popped the stopper, and took out the wine glass I carried with me. After tasting it, I don't think I will be drunk for a while.

On the other side, Li Rui sent Qilin a message while calculating.

"what's up?"

"Are you busy?"

"Well, Taotie's patrol ship is dishonest again. I'm leading people to patrol around the Neptune Observation Station."

"Then you pay attention to safety. It's nothing serious, but Queen Kaisha wants to invite me to drink tea. It may take three or four days to explain to you. Take care of the defense line and contact me at any time. .”

"Understood, go early and return early."

Qilin simply replied and hung up the communication.In the past two years, Holy Kaisa called Li Rui over to have a chat every now and then, and she was used to it for a long time.As for words like drinking tea, she just ignored them automatically.

Although I don't know what the Holy Kaisa talked about with him, but with her status, the topic of discussion must be the beginning of civilization. The time span is at least hundreds of thousands of years. How could it be just drinking tea.


After the Kunlun ship greeted Ducao and explained what happened to Frazer, Angel Yan set off with a somewhat dazed Ge Xiaolun.

"I don't understand. Didn't the angel have a good relationship with Dr. Li? Why didn't you ask him for help in this kind of thing, and instead took Ge Xiaolun away?" Looking at the back of them leaving, Qiangwei asked herself a little puzzled. dad.

Although Ge Xiaolun has grown rapidly in the past two years, it is difficult to get rid of the first impression of people, and Qiangwei still feels a little uncomfortable with him.

Ducao replied helplessly: "Do you think such a thing can invite Dr. Li? Besides, even if you take a step back, the higher-ups will allow Dr. Li to go out?"

"That's true." Qiangwei nodded approvingly.

In the past two years, Donglong's rapid development has made Li Rui more and more important.If it wasn't for him already being a god, his combat power would probably be stronger than the entire earth put together, and he would have been closely guarded long ago.

In fact, Ducao was also a little annoyed. In two years, the development of the earth made him overwhelmed.It was originally estimated that before the start of the war, the earth was at most in the pre-nuclear era, but now it has completely entered the threshold of space civilization and has the ability to navigate in deep space.

The reason why Earth's warships are still crowded in the solar system is only because there are enemies like Taotie outside the door.If there is no gluttony, the earth may have started deep space exploration long ago.

What Ducao didn't expect was that after Li Rui officially became a god, he actually created another god.You know, De Nuo only created two gods at the beginning, one is Nuoxing God of War, and the other is the power of the galaxy, and this is still with the help of Super Seminary.But Li Rui, a scholar of pre-nuclear civilization, relied on the support of a certain country on a planet instead of the entire civilization, and actually created two gods?
Ducao is somewhat skeptical about life, when did God become so worthless?It has only been a few thousand years, is this still the known universe he is familiar with?
Li Rui, let's hang up!
If this kind of nonsense hadn't happened right in front of your eyes, no one would believe it!

Looking at the earth like dumplings, three or four warships go off into the sky a month, Ducao just feels extremely tired.And those angels, what the hell is the Holy Kaisa doing? The majestic king of the gods of the universe actually condescends himself to stay in such a crappy place in the Chiwu star system for two years. , gave the earth two years of peaceful development opportunities, otherwise they would not be the same every day.

The growth of the earth's strength is of course a good thing, after all, allies have the ability to deal with crises.But what about their Deno?If this continues, the revival is far away.

Therefore, Ducao is very tangled.

Before I could figure out a way out, the angel came again.There is no way, the power of the galaxy was jointly developed by the Super Seminary and Angel, and they have a natural share, no matter how unwilling he is, he can't stop it.Simply be a favor and take the initiative to let the power of the galaxy go with the angel.

Looking at the uneasy daughter, Ducao couldn't help but have the illusion that the whole world is targeting him.


Li Rui didn't know about Ducao's complicated mood, and he probably would have gloated if he knew it, so he joked: Who told you, old boy, to make so many small calculations?

He's busy drinking tea with Holy Keisha right now.

As soon as he arrived in the sky above Venus, the patrolling angel greeted him warmly.

"Breeze, you are on patrol today. How is Queen Keisha feeling?"

"Well, it's my turn today. The queen has been in a good mood these days, but the devil's little tricks are quite annoying."

Angel Breeze, one of the angels who followed Angel Leng to fight over the Northern Star in the original book, was also the angel who was sacrificed under the siege of Taotie.

This year is more than 300 years old, which is considered young among high-level guardian angels.During the last battle between angels and demons, she hadn't become an angel yet, so her understanding of demons was limited to information.

Although she fought with Angel Leng during the Battle of the North Star, her personality is not as hot as Angel Leng, but closer to Angel Lingxi, very gentle, and her words are soft and weak, which makes people feel protective idea.

For high-level guardian angels like Angel Breeze, after two years of contact, Li Rui has already gotten to know each of them, including Angel Leng, who is very upset with him, and they are already familiar with them.

After a brief chat with Angel Breeze, and walking forward, I met Angel Lin, a battle angel over 3000 years old, followed by Angel Lingxi, Angel Yitian, Angel Moy, and finally Angel Leng.

When encountering Angel Leng, the corners of Li Rui's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"Yo, what about standing guard? Stand guard well, don't be lazy!" Li Rui joked.

"I want you to take care of it!" Angel coldly replied.

The angel chasing on the side was very speechless. Why did these two people have a few words every time they met? I really don't know if they were enemies in the previous life.

It's really strange, but it's okay for Sister Leng, because she didn't have a good sense of Li Rui in the first place.But what happened to Li Rui, when he first met Sister Leng, he liked to bicker with her, and he didn't get angry at all when he was ridiculed.

However, Li Rui clearly knew how much these angels had paid for the earth in the original timeline, so how could they be really angry?

Finally, when the angel was exhausted after chasing her heart, Queen Kaisha's garden arrived.As soon as Li Rui was pushed in, she couldn't wait to turn around and run away. If she stayed with this guy any longer, she would have heart failure...

(End of this chapter)

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