Chapter 124 The Devil Attacks
Walking out of the door of the dormitory, the two demons standing guard outside immediately followed behind Morgana, like loyal licking dogs, staying close to each other.

"Compared with Karl, the god of death, we are behind an era. My sister Kesha and I tried our best to pretend to be aggressive in front of Karl, in order to maintain the dignity of our mainstream gods ignoring everything. But only Karl, the god of death, is the most humble way to face all information impact."

"And Space Principal uses the most violent method, challenge!"

Morgana walked quickly to the command hall while talking to the demons behind her.

Neither of the two demons spoke. The battle was imminent. In the words of the people on Earth, the adrenaline surged, and the excitement was uncontrollable.

"By the way, where's that little bastard on Earth?"

"It's still with Holy Kaisa." Seeing the Queen's question, one of the demons quickly replied.

"Damn!" Morgana swears, and curses unwillingly: "Holy Kesha, that bitch, thinks that little bastard is her concubine, right? Lane."

After all, her thoughts on Li Rui still haven't dissipated.Although it was already doomed not to get it, she didn't want to see Li Rui and the holy Kaisa get mixed up.

"Queen, why not take this opportunity and kill him together?"

Morgana frowned, followed by a hard heart: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

Having turned against Li Rui several times, even Morgana had to admit that she could no longer get Li Rui, a scholar on earth.And the other party has become a god, and is also the most troublesome top scholar in time and space. If you don't take advantage of this time to kill him together, you will definitely become a big trouble for the devil in the future.

Although she was very reluctant, Morgana could only reluctantly make such a decision.


In the sky above Venus, Li Rui and Holy Kaisa are still chatting about the past era of scum.What happened over tens of thousands of years cannot be explained clearly in a short while.

Tian Zha is just a vague concept to Li Rui, who only knows that this is an age of indulgence, darkness, and cruelty.But through the narration of Holy Kesha, he gradually had a clearer understanding of this era.

How should I put it, Tian Zha's social structure is similar to the ancient Roman era on Earth, which belonged to a slavery society, but the difference is that it emphasizes patriarchal supremacy, is more brutal, and is darker.As female angels who were originally of the same race as them, they were treated completely opposite in Tian Zha's social structure. They belonged to the objects of being bullied and trampled on. They were more like Tian Zha's private property, and did not have the so-called social status of human beings. .And the cruelty of Tian Zha is not only reflected in the treatment of female angels, as a powerful interstellar civilization, their foreign policy is also the same.

As a body with vested interests, Tian Zha naturally supports this kind of social structure. Even if there are occasionally one or two conscientious people who object to it, they will be submerged in the tide of the times and will not play much role .

"This kind of civilization is not only friendly to itself, but also to other civilizations." Li Rui couldn't help sighing.

"The entire civilization is sunk in the abyss of desire, and what good contributions can we expect them to make to the known universe?"

"So, when you treat the newborn angels, have you set the level of abstinence?"

"Well, there must be some reasons. As for the others..." Holy Kaisa frowned suddenly when she said this, and said with some regret: "Good times are always short, it seems that our conversation is only I can get here first."

Li Rui was a little puzzled, but soon, he understood what was going on.His keen spatial perception ability told him that there were a large number of wormholes around him, the number of which was as many as a thousand.

The only one who can set up so many wormholes in the angel's residence at one time, and is so blatant, is probably only the devil.

Sure enough, with the appearance of demons one by one, black wings soon spread all over the sky.The angels guarding nearby quickly returned to their positions and gathered around the holy Kaisa. However, because Venus had a large resident, there were still a few angels stationed outside who were separated by the demons.

But even so, the quantitative gap between the two sides is still desperate.Compared to thousands of demons, only less than fifty high-ranking angels are extremely weak.

But in the face of such a large number of demons, the angels are still fearless.Holding flame swords in their hands, they stared coldly at the demons surrounding them without any stage fright.

One side is an angel who is in charge of the justice and order of the known universe, and the other side is a demon who believes in corruption and evil. Once these two sides meet, they will be like fire and water, and a big war may break out at any time.

For a moment, the sky above Venus was extremely tense, and even the sea of ​​clouds under their feet seemed to feel the pressure in the air, and stopped rolling, becoming deadly quiet.

A white light flashed in Holy Kesha's eyes, and the angels were pulled to her side through the wormhole.

Obviously, the space technology of Holy Kesha is also very good.And with the support of a treasure trove of knowledge, she is no worse than Morgana in the application of wormholes.

"The demons and gluttonous joined forces to launch an attack on the earth's defenses. Their first wave hit your command system, and the demons also suppressed your communications. Now your defenses are a bit chaotic. This is a war between angels and demons. Use Without your help, let's go back and preside over the war." Holy Kaisa said to Li Rui while bringing in the angels from the outside.

"Remember what I said, you must stick to your beliefs. Your choice is related to the future of the universe."

Li Rui couldn't help being a little dazed when he heard the words of the holy Kaisa who almost confessed his funeral.Holy Keisha has always given him the impression of extraordinary confidence, how could it be...

However, according to Holy Kaisa, the situation on the Earth's defense line is not very good, so we should go back and check the situation first.

"Hehe, holy Kaisa, you are a little too confident! You can laugh off my big teeth in the future! If you two can live through today, I will take your surname as queen!"

With a burst of wanton laughter, Morgana's enchanting figure walked out of the wormhole and appeared in front of the holy Kaisa.

"Don't both of you want to leave today, I think the environment here is quite good, just for you to be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks!"

Hearing this, Holy Kaisa's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Presumptuous, it's crazy! I thought your lower limit was disappointing enough, but now it seems that you don't have a lower limit at all."

"Hehe, whatever you say!"

Li Rui frowned, Morgana really came, it seems that today's war is inevitable.

Looking at the holy Kesha sitting across from her, and then at the arrogant Morgana, Li Rui couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Regarding the fate of the holy Kaisa, Li Rui's idea a long time ago was to let nature take its course and not interfere.After all, at that time, he and the earth were quite fragile, and he was not qualified to intervene in the war between angels and demons.

But now, the situation has changed, and he hesitated a little.

Leaving aside the personal emotional changes that Holy Kaisa's two years of private teaching brought to Li Rui, as far as the earth is concerned, the two years she was stationed on Venus alone brought two years of peace.Because of her existence, the Taotie who wandered outside the solar system did not dare to invade on a large scale, and gave the earth a rare time to develop. The earth can focus on development in these two years, building warships like dumplings, to form today. space defense.It can be said that the existence of the holy Kesha is very important to the earth.

Moreover, he is now a third-generation god, and with the support of the Heart of Time and Space, he may not be unable to save the Holy Kaisa.Once the holy Kaisa is saved, the benefits to the earth will be immeasurable - the sky will fall and there will be a tall man standing on top of it, no matter what the devils and gods of death will be in the future, before the angels are defeated, the earth will remain relatively stable .

Another option, if you don't make a move and turn around to go to the Earth's defense line, then with his strength, the Earth can survive this crisis.But in the future, there will be endless troubles.

After dealing with the holy Kaisa, Morgana will be able to free her hands. With the previous hatred between Li Rui and her, she can't choose to let it go.What's more, there is Karl, the god of death, hiding in the dark and watching, and a Lieyang with an unknown attitude, which may require the earth to face in the future.

At that time, Angel Yan might help the earth, but how many angels can she summon?Looking at the original book, the angels are too busy to take care of themselves, how much support can they give to the earth?
If the holy Kaisa is saved, a more intense war will surely break out between angels and demons.After all, Holy Kaisa is not the little girl of Angel Yan. Her prestige in the angel civilization is unmatched. Once she shows up, those angels who have retired for tens of thousands of years will return to fight for justice.

But Morgana and Karl, the god of death, will not sit still, they will definitely rise up to resist and fight fiercely with the angel.At that time, the situation will get out of hand, and in the process, the earth is likely to be completely involved.

How to choose?
After a little thought, Li Rui had a choice.

He glanced at Morgana, leaned on the sofa chair with a relaxed expression and replied lightly: "I just want to leave, and some people may not let me go."

Holy Kaisa glanced at Li Rui in surprise, and sent him a communication code.

After entering the communication channel, Li Rui was surprised to find that this was the status quo of the earth's defense line...

(End of this chapter)

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