Chapter 138 Counterattack
In the starry sky and the defense line of the earth, under the organization of Qilin, several members of Excalibur led the personnel of Tianjian to clean up the demons on the battleship one by one.Although they were not as fast as Qilin, the work was still going on steadily and orderly.

The demons didn't seem to hurt Yuqin, they just knocked her unconscious.Fortunately, she was only in a coma and was not injured. After using some more exciting techniques, she managed to wake up.

After waking up, Yuqin immediately returned to her work position and began to deploy energy to restore the injured soldiers.First of all, Qiangwei and Lianfeng who had already fallen in a pool of blood.

At the same time, Qi Lin once again contacted Captain Lin Lei who was far away on the Venus Star.

"Captain Lin Lei, launch the space bridge in front of the Kunlun, and set the exit of the space bridge within 50 kilometers around the Venus."

"Received, execute it immediately. With the size of the Kunlun ship, you only need to lay out the simplest triangular structure, with a span of more than 150 meters between each other. It is estimated to take 5 minutes! You will need to recover it afterwards."

"Understood, leave it to me."

Venus, Rainbow Bridge launch platform.Following Linley's order, the operators brought in three cylindrical devices with a height of one meter and placed them on the launching platform.

In the command hall, Linley kept in touch with the operators and asked, "Have the coordinates been set?"

"Okay, Rainbow Bridge will launch three space bridges to the Kunlun to a distance of 2000 meters at one time, and then activate the space gate through remote control. The landing point is set at 7 kilometers around our ship, where there are enough The space allows the Kunlun to move."

"Go ahead."


"Rainbow Bridge proofreading target."

"Proofreading complete."


"Charging is complete, ready to launch!"

Because Kunlun is only more than 100 million kilometers away from Venus, which is not far in terms of astronomical units, so the Rainbow Bridge does not need to store energy for a long time.

Therefore, in the command hall of the Kunlun, after a rainbow beam of light can be seen, everyone can see three metal columns appearing 2000 meters ahead through holographic projection.

"What is this?" Xin Zhao asked curiously.

Under the treatment of Yuqin, Qiangwei, who has initially recovered, looked at the screen and introduced: "This is a space transmission device developed by the teacher. It only needs to set a corresponding number of support columns in different space positions to form a large transmission array. Start, recharge, and adjust the frequency of the transmission core, you can build a space bridge and fold the two space coordinates, so as to achieve the purpose of long-distance transmission of large equipment."

That's right, under Li Rui's teaching, Qiangwei called him a teacher.

"Fuck, why didn't we use this good thing sooner?"

"Do you think it can be used if you just say it?" Qiangwei looked contemptuous of the scumbags: "The activation of the space bridge requires remote intake of energy, and the larger the scale of the space door to open, the more energy is required. With our current technology, it won't last long at all.

Moreover, it is a big problem to recycle the space bridge after use. If the amount is small, we can cooperate with Rainbow Bridge to send super soldiers to recycle, but once the amount is large, Rainbow Bridge will not be able to handle it.

And our technology is the only one in the known universe. Once the enemy obtains the support pillar of the space bridge, the consequences of reverse research and development will be disastrous.It cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. "

"Then don't we have that rainbow beam of light? Why not use such a troublesome thing?"

"I'm going, your brain is really hopeless." Qiangwei rubbed her forehead helplessly: "You don't even think about it, the Rainbow Bridge is set up on the Venus, how could it be able to transport large equipment with its size? If it can be teleported, I'm afraid it will blow up the Venus Star teleportation platform.

Besides, there is only one Rainbow Bridge. Without this thing, once it is out of the calculation range of the Venus, how can you let other warships achieve space teleportation? "

"Understood, this thing is a low-profile Rainbow Bridge."

Qiangwei glanced at him again, turned her head and didn't want to speak anymore: You still understand, what a fart!

Can this thing compare to the Rainbow Bridge?The Rainbow Bridge is a star-destroying weapon. They specialize in instant interstellar strikes, and teleportation is just incidental.The space bridge has no lethality. It is a pure transmission device, and the two are not comparable at all.

Moreover, the transmission system built by the space bridge also needs to rely on signal transmission to remotely adjust the vibration frequency. Without a signal, it is just a mallet, which is useless at all.

Perhaps in the future, as the earth civilization explores deep space, the space bridge system can be erected to every corner of the known universe, becoming the second way of deep space travel besides the Big Worm Bridge system.But now, it is far from reaching this level.

And the Rainbow Bridge is unreasonable. In theory, as long as you can provide coordinates, it can be teleported to you.

Soon, a huge blue vortex-shaped space door appeared in front of the Kunlun.

Qilin ordered the commander to drive the battleship to the past, and transferred it through the space bridge to the wormhole interference area formed by the Venus.

And she herself waited for the Kunlun to pass through, stayed in place to recover the three closed support pillars, and then summoned the Rainbow Bridge to send herself back.


After returning the supporting pillars of the Space Bridge via Venus as a transfer, Qilin came to the command hall of the Kunlun again.

This time, Lianfeng also woke up, but she was still receiving treatment from Yuqin and couldn't move yet.

Qilin greeted her, and then found Qiangwei.

"Qiangwei, get ready and implement the wormhole sniper tactics." Qilin said to her.

Qiangwei immediately understood Qilin's thoughts, and said, "OK, but I need coordinates and calculation assistance."

They have been practicing wormhole sniper tactics since Li Rui mentioned it to them, and they have already mastered it.It's just that when the battlefield is placed in the starry sky, the second-generation Qiangwei can't support such a long-distance wormhole calculation.

"I will provide the coordinates, and the calculation will assist you to connect to Deno No. [-]. If it is not enough, I will do the calculation."

"it is good."

At that moment, Qilin's eyes glowed brilliantly, and she once again looked at the defense line of the entire earth.


Tarzan ship...

Yuan Lang pierced a demon into candied haws with one shot, and looked at more and more demons around him with an ugly expression.

With the advantage of equipment, he can fight more than one, but the maximum of five elite demons is the limit, no more can bear it.

But he has been blocked outside the command hall of the Taishan ship for more than ten minutes. With the assistance of the Tianjian team, they killed at least [-] demons, but the demons continued to flow, and even surrounded them in turn up.

In fact, after discovering the wormhole interference area, the demons who came to attack Taishan shrank their defenses and shrank their forces to the command hall.

Demons are not stupid, they will naturally respond when they know they cannot retreat.Only in this way, it naturally increased the difficulty of Yuan Lang's actions.

"Captain Yuan! Let's stop them, you retreat first!" said Kang Kang, the leader of Tianjian.

"Withdraw? Are you kidding me? From the moment I set foot on the space defense line, I have no intention of going back alive! Behind us is the earth, the motherland and its people. If we withdraw, who will stop these enemies?

In addition, there are quite a few second-generation demons among these demons. Anyway, they have already killed enough, and they can kill as many as they can!It's a good deal to pull some cushions before dying. "

Kangkang was speechless, and could only clenched the weapon in his hand.Prepare to cooperate with Yuan Lang to attack again.

But at this moment, a Shenshen No. [-] armor-piercing bullet suddenly passed through the wormhole, piercing through the head of the demon in the front.

"Fuck? What's the situation, one number one number one, what kind of tricks are you doing, how did you count the wormhole to our side?"

The leader of the demon asked angrily, the shot brushed his head, and he almost peed out of fear.

Demon No. [-] immediately gave an answer, "Don't blame people, there is a wormhole interference area near you, we can't open the wormhole. This wormhole is not ours, it was made by the goddess of the earth and the time-space rose. "

"Damn! Isn't there a wormhole interference area? How did they do it?"

"The interference area has a changing frequency. As long as you crack this frequency, you can continue to use the wormhole."

"Ma Dan, then you guys have cracked it! My side is almost killed!"

He communicated with Demon No. [-] here, but Qilin and Qiangwei on the Kunlun did not rest, bullets appeared one after another, easily piercing through the heads of the demons present.

In just a short while, no less than ten demons fell from the sky.Then he was beaten by a group of strong men with red eyes, and died in a short while.

"Yes, just provide me with additional resources. It is simple to interfere with the frequency of the wormhole, but it is much more difficult to crack this interference. It takes trial and error again and again."

"Damn it, pretend I didn't say it!" The demon in the team leader turned dark and hung up the communication.

Looking at the demons around him, the team leader knew that they probably had to be reimbursed here.No way, Taishan was already in the wormhole interference area, and they couldn't withdraw Devil One through the wormhole.

At the same time, Yuan Lang also knew what happened through Qilin's communication, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Brothers, it's time to fight back! Come on, kill these sons of bitches Black Wings!"

After finishing speaking, the black long spear in his hand went out to sea like a dragon, stabbing the fallen demon once again to make him feel chilled.


Bullets continued to emerge from the void, cooperating with the soldiers to name the demons who had the ability to resist.

At this moment, the soldiers of Tianjian were all extremely happy.Before, they had been worried that they would be sniped inexplicably during the battle, but now their roles were reversed, and it was the devil's turn to enjoy this kind of treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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