Chapter 141 Supreme Commander
Accompanied by the attack of the Rainbow Bridge, fireworks immediately lit up in the Taotie fleet.All the gluttonous battleships that launched the fierce tide attack were all wiped out one by one.

The crazy attack of the gluttons stagnated for a while, but immediately after, following the orders of the gluttonous king, they marched into the solar system even more frantically.


Qi Lin, who was floating in the starry sky and watched the movement of the Glutton fleet, felt very helpless. She was about to return to the Venus battleship with the launcher of the fierce tide, but her eyes noticed the changes on the battlefield of Venus: after the short-lived star eruption, Li Rui and Holy Kesha have been relocated and disappeared.

Qilin's heart twitched violently, but looking at the increasingly frenzied Taotie, and looking at the earth's defense line that still hadn't recovered from the chaos, she could only grit her silver teeth and summon the Rainbow Bridge, and return to the Venus No.

"Send a communication request to the commanders of the ships, the space station, the moon base, and the ground command, and hold a combat meeting in 10 minutes!"

Qi Lin, who walked out of the Venus Teleportation Platform, said coldly, trying to maintain her emotions so as not to let the people below see anything unusual.


After handing over the launcher of the fierce tide to others, Qilin left alone.


In the bathroom, the sound of rushing water masked the movement inside.

In front of the huge vanity mirror, a figure was lying in front of the sink, holding cold water in both hands and slapping his face over and over again.

Looking at the sniper rifle leaning against the door frame not far away, it was none other than Qilin.

At this moment, the icy water flow was like boiling hot oil, aggravating the restlessness and uneasiness in her heart again and again.

Picture after picture of getting along with Li Rui in the past appeared in front of her eyes like a movie. She tried her best to catch it, but it was always like fishing for the moon in a well.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but the uneasiness in my heart did not ease in the slightest.

"Qi Lin, where are you? The battle meeting is about to begin."

Qiangwei's voice broke the atmosphere in the bathroom.

Qilin wiped the water from her face, raised her head, and replied, "I'll be right there."

Changing from the battle armor on her body, she put on a white military uniform with a gold star on her shoulders, and Qilin solemnly straightened her hat in front of the makeup mirror.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Qilin seemed to see another pair of eyes. She murmured softly but firmly: "I don't know how you are doing now, but leave the defensive line to me!"

No matter what the future faces, I will persevere, and I will not fall until you come back.You have to persevere, live... come back.

Turning around, putting away her weapon, she pushed open the bathroom door and headed for the command hall.


In the command hall of Venus, the detection found that the Taotie fleet has increased its speed, and has crossed Pluto on a large scale, officially entering the solar system.

The Rainbow Bridge has been launched one after another, destroying no less than a hundred of their warships, but they still cannot stop their progress.They are menacing and determined.

The atmosphere in the hall and even the entire defense line was tense.Although enemies like demons are elusive, they cannot be seen and are incomprehensible.But the coming of Taotie can be seen, and the shock brought by it is even more obvious.

A simple long table is prepared in the command hall for the current command staff on the Venus.

When Qilin arrived, the virtual projection had already been turned on.

"Oh? Strange, why are sister Qilin's eyes red?" Su Xiaoli, who was sitting in the corner, just noticed Qilin's arrival, and couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing her face.

Qiangwei beside her froze for a moment, then quickly looked over.But Qilin just turned a corner, and because of the angle, she didn't see clearly: "Little raccoon, are you sure you read it right?"

"Of course not, are you doubting my eyesight?" Su Xiaoli pouted a little unhappy.

Because of her personality, Su Xiaoli is very familiar with everyone around her, including Qilin.After all, she, Su Xiaoli, also yearns for such a powerful goddess.

Qiangwei frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

As the first person who came into contact with Qilin, Qiangwei thought she knew Qilin's character quite well.To be honest, if she moved to another place, Qiangwei thought that when faced with many situations, she herself would not be able to be as stable as Qilin.

Let alone Qilin crying, she has never seen even a little weak performance.But if what the raccoon says is true, things could be dire.

Thinking of this, Qiangwei's expression turned a little ugly.

She herself hasn't recovered from the pain of her father Ducao's death in battle. If the defense line of the earth is not critical at this time, maybe she will hide and find a corner where there is no one to grieve.But the current situation does not allow it, and the sadness and sorrow can only be temporarily left behind.

Without mentioning Qiangwei's doubts, Qilin went straight to the head seat of the conference table and sat down, leaning on the armrests of the chair with both hands, and quickly glanced at the people present.

The others were surprised when they saw Qilin’s seat—there were two seats left on the conference table, the main seat and the second seat next to the main seat. For Li Rui.

"The doctor won't be back for a while. I will preside over this meeting. Whoever has an opinion can raise it." Qilin said briefly, but there was an undeniable sense of oppression on her body.

Hearing this, Qiangwei's heart skipped a beat, and that bad premonition grew stronger.

"My old grandson has no objection." At this moment, Monkey King sitting in front of Qiangwei and the others took the lead in expressing his position.

The Great Holy Lord knew very well that if Qilin hadn't broken the game in this battle, the situation might not be optimistic.

Qiangwei suppressed the thoughts in her heart temporarily, glanced at Lianfeng, and after seeing that she had no objection, she expressed her position: "Xiongbing Company has no objection either."

"Excalibur team agrees."

"Squad Tianjian agrees."

"Moon base agrees."

"The Venus Star agrees."

"The Kunlun ship agrees."

"Taishan ship agrees."


All the voices, there is no opponent.

Qilin nodded and started the first topic: "The war log contains all the things that have happened, download and watch by yourself, and ask other comrades if you don't understand anything after the meeting is over, I won't say much here.

Let me first report on the current situation of the defense line.

First of all, Taotie still did not give up its plan to attack in an all-out way after the Rainbow Bridge attack.They picked up speed and were about to approach Jupiter.

At present, the number of detected spacecraft exceeds [-], and it is still increasing. "

As soon as this number came out, everyone's heart sank.In comparison, the warships on Earth are not even a fraction of others.Moreover, with the exception of Venus, other battleships of the same size are basically no opponents for Gluttony.

Although the situation was so critical, surprisingly, no one present whispered, but waited for Qilin's next words.

"The gluttonous attack is fierce, and a solution is urgently needed. But on the other battlefield, the situation is still not optimistic.

Fifteen minutes ago, the war between angels and demons over Venus came to an end.The king of angels, Kaisha, and Dr. Li Rui were transferred to an unknown location by demon queen Morgana through unknown means, and the current situation is unknown. "


"The doctor is gone?"

"How could this be?"

There was an uproar in the conference channel immediately, and it was no longer the calmness just now.

Li Rui's role is almost decisive for the earth to have what it is today, and his disappearance has undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the confidence of those present.

But for super fighters like Xiongbing Company, although they were also shocked by Li Rui's disappearance, they were also shocked by the disappearance of Holy Kaisa.

Knowing the weight of the holy Kaisha, and hearing her current situation with Li Rui, Qiangwei's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.What she was most afraid of was this situation, and now it really came true.

Now, trouble!

Several members of the Xiongbing Company looked at each other for a while, and at the same time, this thought popped up in their hearts.

bang bang...

Qilin knocked on the table and whispered, "Quiet!"

"The doctor is just missing, not disconnected. In the last battle of Yunshan, he was able to come back alive from Morgana's hands, and this time is no exception. We must have confidence in him.

What is to be discussed now is how such a result will affect the development of the next battle situation! "

After hearing Qilin's words, the noisy discussion gradually calmed down, but everyone was still very uneasy: the doctor did come back last time, can it really continue this time?

No one can guarantee.After all, this time, not only the doctor, but also the king of angels, the king of angels who used to be aloof and seemed very strong, also disappeared together.

"The meeting continues." Stopping the confusion, Qilin continued to calmly state her analysis result: "Such a result is extremely unfavorable to us. There is no doubt that after defeating the holy Kaisa, the demon will have more resources Come and launch an attack on Earth's defenses.

Dark communication, including our space oscillator, may be suppressed, and the war will fall into an extremely bad state. "

"So, first, I need Supreme Command authorization. Once communications are cut again, I need Supreme Command for Earth's defenses."

As soon as these words came out, the communication channel was immediately quiet.There is no way, this topic is too sensitive, and it is difficult for anyone to speak first.

General Lu of the Supreme Command was also taken aback for a moment, obviously he did not expect Qi Lin to make such a request.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that what Qi Lin said was not unreasonable.Now it is a state of war, and every minute and every second is precious. Maybe the devil will cut off the communication in the next second, and even the meeting will not be held, and the ground command will be out of reach at that time, and will not be able to take care of it.Therefore, it is undoubtedly unwise to ask the Supreme Command for a meeting to discuss at this time.

Therefore, at such an urgent moment, General Lu showed considerable courage: "The Supreme Command agrees to authorize Major General Qi Lin to temporarily act as the supreme commander of the Earth's defense line to be responsible for the Venus, the Kunlun Fleet, the Taishan Fleet, the Moon Base and The command work of each space station and its personnel. Major General Qilin is specially approved to make decisions on all matters of the above-mentioned combat units without reporting in case of emergency.”

"Thank you for the trust of the Supreme Command, I will definitely guard the line of defense!"

With the authorization of the Supreme Command, Qilin is the legitimate supreme commander of the Earth's defense line, able to maximize the integration of the entire Earth's defense line.

In this way, even if the devil really cuts off the dark communication, she can use her eyes to gain insight into the integrated battlefield and make immediate strategic adjustments.

In the worst case, return to the original communication method: use human power to transmit orders through the transmission system deployed between the ships.

In this way, there will be no fear of communication being threatened...

(End of this chapter)

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