Chapter 146 Earth Defense Line

So far, the earth has been born for 46 billion years, and human civilization has been in existence for more than millions of years.From the beginning of birth, human beings have longed for the starry sky.Through some of the ancient relics that survive to this day, we can always find that the ancients worshiped the starry sky.

The vast starry sky, the tiny life.

The two always seem irreconcilable, but the thirst for knowledge still drives people to invest generation after generation of time and energy to explore the endless starry world.

From the regret of Wan's flying to the sky, to the inspiration of Apollo's moon landing, and to today's continuous exploration, human beings have never stopped exploring the starry sky. .

Since the outbreak of the interstellar war with Taotie, under the pressure of survival, the pace of human exploration of the starry sky has been passively accelerated.

In the deep starry sky, a few bright silver rays of light flashed away. They were spacecraft from the earth. They were returning from the front line of Pluto and heading towards Titan.

"Brother Liang, those gluttonous beatings just now were not enough."

A young soldier with a scar on his face was half lying in the cockpit full of science fiction, chewing gum in his mouth, and complained to his captain.

It is one of the bullet-shaped aircraft that is talking, and its speed is very fast, almost flying at thousands of kilometers per minute.

Such a speed is unimaginable inside the planet, but in the starry sky without the influence of the atmosphere, it seems insignificant.

Its nearby companions are all of the same model, plus it has a total of six.

The bright silver surfaces of these aircraft are covered with scorched black marks, and there are bumps and holes on them, obviously after a fierce battle.There is still a tow rope hanging between two of the aircraft, dragging the other companion that has lost power and is moving forward.

This is the Liuhuo individual aircraft, which belongs to the Earth Defense Line, the battleship Taishan, number 073.

"Gangzi, I found that your breath is worse than your beriberi. If Captain Wu of Tianjian hadn't blocked you just now, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to come back."

"Oh, I was careless. I didn't dodge. I was so busy killing that gluttonous fireship, I didn't notice it was locked."

It turned out that the person who spoke was the pilot who was dragged flying in the middle, named Li Chenggang, nicknamed Gangzi.

"When you notice, you're probably going to be ashes." Another teammate interrupted, joking with a smile.

They have come and gone to perform missions hundreds of times, and which one of them didn't they miss death.This comrade-in-arms may never be seen again next time.

The scar on Gangzi's face was left when the aircraft was broken by a gluttonous fighter in a battle, and the two fought hand-to-hand.

In that battle, Gangzi was surrounded by Taotie, and when he was about to be killed, a passing angel saved him.

That angel is beautiful and impressive.

It's a bit far-fetched, in short, they have wandered between life and death hundreds of times. Up to now, they have been able to laugh at death.

"Ouyou, it's meaningless to say that. Didn't I kill that fireship? It's worth it if I trade it for you."

Although Gangzi's name sounds like a northerner, he is actually a southerner, his family is in western Hunan, and he speaks with a slight accent.

"Bullshit!" Wu Liang, the captain, cursed, and said with a heavy face, "Only by being alive can we continue to output. Our Earth defense line is currently lacking in combat power, no matter who it is, it is a loss if it dies.

No one can be careless in the war, for yourselves, for the relatives on the ground, for the motherland, and for the future of our civilization. "

Listening to the captain's words, the team members couldn't help but fell silent.

After two months of continuous high-intensity combat, many comrades-in-arms became names engraved on the monument.Every minute and every second of the war has become a test of human nature.

Death, survival, future, and war all became extremely heavy with the advent of war.

"Okay, let's not talk, we will soon arrive at the portal." Wu Liang suddenly interrupted everyone's silence.

In sight, a portal with a height of 500 meters stands quietly on Titan.

This is the permanent portal that General Qilin, the commander in chief of the defense line, ordered to release two days after the war broke out.Considering the power projection and the safety of the space gate, the portal was chosen to be set on Titan.

It only takes 15 minutes to fly from here to the front line of the war, which not only guarantees the problem of combat power projection on the earth side, but also ensures that the Venus can attack the enemies who want to attack the space gate at any time.

In order to ensure the safety of the portal, the earth has permanently set up six warships here, and at the space gate of Titan, a large defense base is being rapidly constructed.

It is said that in future planning, this Titan will be transformed into a space fortress as a bridgehead against gluttony.

It is foreseeable that if this satellite with a diameter of more than 2000 kilometers is really turned into a space fortress, the current situation will definitely improve greatly.

The firemen passed the flight track that had been set up on the ground of Titan, and kept approaching the space gate.

Looking down through the glass, the dense automatic firepower constantly changes direction as they move, including even a large electromagnetic rail gun, a super war weapon that can kill a large cross-sized battleship in one blow.

Being pointed at by these muzzles, even though they knew that it was impossible for them to attack, everyone was still sweating.

Passing through the blue vortex-like space door, the picture in front of me suddenly lit up. Under the light, a large building complex with a sense of technology and oppression appeared in sight.

This is the moon base, which takes care of the logistics of the entire Earth line of defense.The lunar base was built during the two-year construction period, and it was put into use half a year before the outbreak of the war. It has three large military ports in active service and two under construction, which are enough to dock warships of the Venus level.

The entire base is divided into two parts, the ground and the underground. The ground is mainly used for defensive weapons and the extension of the military port, while the underground is the main body of the base, covering an area of ​​more than [-] hectares. One body is the largest giant space construction center for human beings in the solar system.

Along the guidance beacon projected in the air, everyone approached the moon base.

When approached to a certain extent, the announcement of the aircraft will sound.

"This is the Earth and Moon base in the solar system, please inform us of your identity and purpose of your visit."

Wu Liang replied skillfully: "The Liuhuo team under the Earth Defense Line Taishan ship, number 073, captain Wu Liang. Come to repair the aircraft and replenish supplies."

While talking, Wu Liang operated and sent the order issued by the headquarters.

"Checking the application!"

"The application is correct!"

"Identity verification in progress!"

As the sound sounded, the surrounding beacons suddenly emitted a ray, scanning the aircraft and Wu Liang inside from the beginning to the end.

"The identity information is verified to be correct."

"Welcome to the Moon Base, Sergeant Wu Liang. Please follow the beacon and enter at the entrance of C823. You will berth at Port 13.

According to the Line of Defense Regulations, you and your squad will have two Earth Days off during the maintenance period, so please enjoy your time off.At the same time, I sincerely thank you and the team members for their contributions to defending the Earth's defense line. "

With the sound of electronic synthesis, Wu Liang's tense heart was finally relieved.

He let go of his hands and adjusted the aircraft to autopilot mode.Following the beacon that lit up in the sky, a group of six people quickly arrived at a crater on the moon, and immediately plunged down one end.

After a short period of darkness, the light suddenly shines—a busy world unfolds in front of everyone.

In the port numbers of the moon base, area A is used to dock warships, area B is used to dock combat armor of the Xingtian series, and area C is specially used to dock individual aircraft of the Liuhuo series.

Once entering the gate of the base, passing through the passage made of metal, the huge underground space is brightly lit, and flying aircraft are coming and going everywhere.

Some of them, like Wu Liang, had just withdrawn from the battlefield, and some were preparing to go to the front line to fight fiercely with Taotie.

The entire base is very busy, and there is no one who is idle.

The autopilot system parked the aircraft steadily on the parking space, and the logistics personnel who had been waiting here for a long time drove the tractor up immediately.

When they saw the thirteen gray, five silver, and two golden stars on the fuselage of Wu Liang's aircraft, the maintenance staff couldn't help but be in awe.

That means thirteen gluttonous warriors, five light warships, and two medium warships fell under Wu Liang's guns.

Wu Liang patted his old buddy, and said to the maintenance personnel: "Due to the emergency situation during this flight, several extreme operations were performed, and part of the structure of the airframe was slightly damaged due to gravity overload.

In addition, the belly of the fuselage and the left rear side were also hit by Taotie's weapon, and the protective cover was pierced. The damage is not small. Sorry for the inconvenience. "


The maintenance staff saluted: "Don't worry, leave it to us.

According to the latest instructions, the Equipment Department requires that some models be equipped with newly developed miniature neutron bombs.According to your past record, you are already eligible to apply, do you want to apply for equipment for you? "

"Miniature neutron bomb?" Wu Liang repeated.

"Yes, the miniaturized thermonuclear bomb newly developed by the Torch R&D Center is more penetrating than the warhead used by Liuhuo itself, and its destructive power against warships has been greatly improved.

Relevant data and conditions of use have been implanted in the base's virtual training cabin. "

The virtual training cabin, a virtual interactive device specially designed for pilots developed by the Torch R&D Center, can simulate different space battlefields according to needs, ranging from a large fleet to one or two individual squads. Improve the actual combat ability of pilots.

Hearing the introduction from the logistics staff, Wu Liang grinned, with an excited smile on his face, rubbed his hands together and said, "Haha, it seems that the two days of vacation are busy again. The gangsters like Taotie, wait for me to further study When it's over, let's have fun with you guys again!"

(End of this chapter)

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