Chapter 151 Fighting Gluttony

Venus, Wu Liang and the others hadn’t reported their news yet, but Nuwa notified Qilin that a large amount of dark energy fluctuations had been detected.Then, Qilin glanced in the direction of Pluto, and couldn't move away.

"This bastard!" Hearing Li Rui's words, Qilin couldn't help laughing through her tears, and quickly lowered her head and took a sip of coffee to cover up her emotions.

"Sister Qilin, what happened?"

Linley, who was patrolling below, looked up at her and asked.

"It's nothing." Qi Lin shook her head, a long-lost smile appeared on her face: "Your Dr. Li is back, and the gluttony outside the solar system is no longer a threat from today on."


On the front line, time passed by every minute and every second, but instead of retreating, Taotie's fleet started to move, adjusting the attack direction of its guns to aim at Li Rui.

Seeing this, the warships on Earth adjusted their attack direction tit for tat.And began to consciously gather in Li Rui's direction.

"Dr. Li, the enemy doesn't seem to want to retreat, but is planning to attack. Do you need our support?" Taishan Captain Chen Peng asked.

Although they didn't know Li Rui's secret communication code, as the largest battleship closest to him, Chen Peng believed that with the strength of God Li Rui, he would be able to know what he was talking about.

"No, the soldiers have been fighting hard for two months, it's time to take a good rest. A bunch of rotten fish and shrimps, I just clean them up."

While speaking, one of the gluttonous warships suddenly launched an attack.It was a battleship larger than the Grand Cross, the hull was like a long scabbard, and there were still huge cross-shaped annular gravity generators around it.

This is the general flagship of Taotie's expeditionary fleet, two ranks higher than the Grand Cross, and second only to the Taotie's flagship that Li Rui destroyed when he first launched Venus into the sky.Generally speaking, when Taotie attacks a civilization, it will send a warship of this level as the commander in chief.But among the gluttonous fleets that invaded the solar system today, the number of expeditionary fleet flagship-level warships has reached a full five.

As a super battleship two levels higher than the Grand Cross, the lethality of its main guns is naturally not comparable to the Grand Cross.

"Be careful, doctor!" Chen Peng quickly reminded: "This is a high-energy ion cannon with hydrogen ion beam as the main attack mode. With the power of the main gun of a warship of this size, our Shanyue-class warship can't withstand this kind of impact. .”

"It's okay." After the conversation with Chen Peng was over, Li Rui didn't even move, but shook his head helplessly: "Oh, why do you always have such a short memory?"

"Loading space expansion algorithm..."

The terrifying high-energy light beam stopped within a hundred meters in front of Li Rui in an instant, and could no longer move forward, as if it had been frozen.

The attack of that warship seemed to ignite a signal, and the rest of the gluttonous warships all launched their attacks one by one.The light curtain formed by the dense attacks seemed to drown Li Rui, but they were frozen in the air one by one.

This shocking scene made the Taotie commanders break out in cold sweat, and they couldn't help but have a bad feeling in their hearts.

"It's a pity, you made a wrong choice." Li Rui seemed to have noticed their eyes, and looked at the center of the densely packed fleet group in front of him: "Welcome to destruction!"

"Loading space replacement algorithm"

"Calibration Target: Surface of the Sun"

"Algorithm loaded"

A golden-red light suddenly lit up in the center of the fleet across the starry sky, followed by a sudden burst of golden light.

The gluttonous battleship closest to the golden light...

Taotie, who was sitting in the command position, looked at the turbulent heat wave outside the huge transparent porthole ahead, and murmured.

Immediately afterwards, the scorching impact slammed into the starlight barrier of the battleship.The Starlight Barrier, which claims to be able to defend against nuclear weapons, only flickered twice before it shattered like cellophane.Immediately afterwards, the thick alloy armor of the battleship melted.

The gluttonous warriors inside were even worse, as if they were in a terrifying microwave oven. They had come from a beast body that they thought was stronger than the Shenhe body. Under the impact of high temperature, carbonization reaction occurred in the breath, and the water in the whole body quickly evaporated. , the cells were carbonized, and the armor on his body clanged and fell to the ground.

The surging solar wind spread out in the form of circular shock waves. All the gluttonous battleships encountered did not survive for three seconds, and they exploded into small fireworks like small firecrackers falling into the sea of ​​fire.

The golden-red light swept across everything, and in just ten seconds, a huge blank area was cut out in the middle of the gluttonous fleet like a cake.

This attack affected at least [-] Taotie warships, and countless gluttonous warriors were killed.It can be said that one blow has reached the earth's defense line for more than two months, and even exceeded it.

The Taishan ship, the Kunlun ship, the Venus, the moon base, including the ground base, all those who were notified by Qilin that Li Rui was back, and who were watching this scene through the earth defense broadcast were stunned.

Is this God?

At this moment, the people watching the battle experienced the meaning of the concept of God up close for the first time.

Unlike Qilin, the Valkyrie, her lethality comes more from her ability to kill gods, and she pays more attention to individual combat.Even with Rainbow Bridge in hand, her lethality is still limited.

But Li Rui is different. He controls the Heart of Time and Space, and his ability to kill gods and kill people on a large scale is terrifying.If we only talk about the large-scale killing ability, I am afraid that only Lie Yang's gang of lunatics and Grandpa Hua who is equipped with a black hole engine can compete with him.

Therefore, this blow is extremely shocking.

However, to be a man is to keep one's word, and it is the same to be a god.If you want to send these gluttons to see Karl with your own hands, then you have to send them to see Karl.

After the blow, Li Rui didn't stop, but stood up from the meteorite, staring directly at the gluttonous fleet, full of strong killing intent.

Construct the data model of the entire gluttonous fleet, calculate the power coverage of the star impact, and then launch the space replacement algorithm again.

This time, Li Rui mobilized eight large-scale space replacement algorithms.

The impact of hot stars covered the entire outer reaches of the solar system at one time, and looking at it from a distance, it seemed to put a dazzling halo on the entire solar system.

The terrifying high temperature impact was like a god's judgment, destroying the entire gluttonous fleet in just a few seconds.The powerful fleet originally composed of 430 warships was completely reduced to a pile of waste in less than a minute.

Its powerful power even affected the Keboy belt all the way, and the impact like a stormy wave easily smashed the Keboy belt that had been running for hundreds of millions of years. Thousands of meteorites, large and small, were impacted. Dragging a long trail towards the inner solar system.

First and foremost is Neptune.

Countless meteorites pierced Neptune's atmosphere, raining at a frightening speed and violently rubbing the atmosphere, forming a dazzling meteor shower on the surface of this lonely planet.


On Venus, Di Leina's eyes widened involuntarily when she saw Li Rui showing off his might in the picture.

"Hey guy, this power is no weaker than my flare bombing."

Wu Zhao took a visual inspection and replied: "Your Majesty, the Lord of the Stars is only using crude space technology to map the influence of stellar activities to other coordinates, which is not far behind Lieyang's stellar drive." Less."

Di Leina knew that what Wu Zhao said was true, at least this kind of violent star impact was simply not suitable for use as energy for large celestial bodies.However, at least in terms of lethality, this is no worse than Lieyangxing.

Lie Yang has studied the stellar drive for countless tens of thousands of years, but he was even equaled in terms of lethality in such a brutal way.It's unimaginable.

"Oh, that's right. Send a message to Pan Zhen later, saying that the owner of the Chiwu star system has returned."

Wu Zhao gave a wry smile, thinking that Pan Shuai probably didn't want to hear the news.


Meanwhile, Earth, the North Star...

In a huge conference room, representatives from various countries watched this one-man performance from the Lord of Stars in the form of a live broadcast.

On Donglong's seat, Mr. Huang yawned unhurriedly, and looked at the representatives from various countries with different expressions with scrutiny, especially the group of people whose faces looked like dead parents. very comfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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