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Chapter 154 Fighting Morgana Again

Chapter 154 Fighting Morgana Again
Morgana didn't know if the others were unreasonable, but Li Rui, that little bastard, was really unreasonable.

She just couldn't figure it out, how could my big devil's claw become the size of a fist and be pinched by this little bastard.

Looking at the other devil's claw, she was a little skeptical, whether she should continue to fight.If one fails to do this well and loses his treasure, then the game is over.

She didn't know how to make a decision, but soon, someone made a decision for her.

When everyone was fighting fiercely, no one noticed that Venus launched its main gun, and the rainbow beam of light pierced the starry sky instantly.

what happened?

The violent energy fluctuations made Morgana discover the change of the Rainbow Bridge, but the problem was that she didn't know where the Rainbow Bridge was attacking.

But the next moment, the news from the communication made her face black as the bottom of the pot.

"Queen, it's bad, Devil One is under attack!"


Change the angle of view, Demon One, [-] light-years away...

As one of the few celestial-level supercomputers in the universe, they have always been the Queen's backstage support.But this does not mean that the fighting ability of Devil One itself is weak. Just such a warship can easily destroy the entire gluttonous civilization that is causing headaches on the earth.

Note that this is talking about the entire gluttonous civilization, not just those warships in the Chiwu star system.As the top animal civilization in the Styx galaxy, Taotie has a very wide range of radiation. Their army is fighting in the universe, and the earth is only a part of it.

Especially today with the fall of the Holy Kesha, they never worried that one day they would be attacked unprepared.But today, this iron law has been broken.

A beam of rainbow light penetrated the starry sky and directly hit the castle under the large wings of Demon One.

Because the attack came so suddenly, Devil One was hit before it even had time to hold up its defense.

The power of the Rainbow Bridge penetrated the outermost layer of defense of the Demon Castle in an instant, and the violent explosion immediately covered the entire castle.

The power of the explosion spread to the main body of Devil One, and the devil on the battleship quickly opened the space-time distortion shield, and at the same time sent people to rescue.But at this moment, the Kung Fu Rainbow Bridge has pierced through the entire Devil's Castle, and is attacking the main body that looks like a pair of big wings above.

The calculation of Demon No. [-] was immediately hit hard, and the demons did not dare to hide it, and quickly sent a message to Queen Morgana.


"Damn!" Morgana shook her fist fiercely.

Although Li Rui, who was right with her, didn't know what happened for a while, he caught the moment when Morgana's state was not right, shifted his position in an instant to avoid the attack of the huge devil's claw body, followed by two Like an exploding sun, meteors attacked Morgana one after the other.

Seeing this, Morgana quickly pulled the Ansu silver chain around the city to defend.

But the first meteorite hit it.Under the blessing of the exploding star energy, the power of the meteorite impact directly broke through the defensive circle of the Ansu silver chain, and then the second meteorite ruthlessly penetrated Morgana's back.

The red light from the meteorite's core was like flowing magma, carrying terrifying energy along the blade and rushing into Morgana's body, and began to crazily destroy it.

Morgana cursed secretly in her heart, and quickly began to eliminate the erosion of alien energy in her body, and at the same time shifted her position to avoid Li Rui's successive attacks.

But with her movement, Li Rui, who has the heart of time and space, immediately noticed Morgana's whereabouts, and directly gave her a double set meal of time and space cage and flare.

This scene was so similar to what happened in the sky above Venus, Morgana's hair almost stood on end in anger.She really couldn't figure out why she was assisted by Demon No. [-], and she still couldn't compare with Li Rui, a mere three-generation god, in calling the space-time algorithm.Whether it's deciphering the location of the landing point or calling the space-time cage algorithm, Li Rui is always ahead of her.

Breaking through Li Rui's cage of time and space, the meteor came oncoming again.

Morgana was so angry, she restored the devil's claws to their original shape, and the two devil's claws bowed left and right, and the incoming meteor was blown away.

Immediately afterwards, her wings shook, and her speed skyrocketed.


One of them, Li Rui, was directly blown away by Morgana's fist, followed by another one on the same line.

The distance between the two was too close, Li Rui didn't react at all, and Morgana killed two of the clones in one fell swoop, and Morgana had already rushed to his body.

"Crazy woman!" Li Rui cursed secretly, but it was too late to mobilize the space-time algorithm, so he could only punch her.


The moment the two collided, Li Rui flew upside down and his rhythm was instantly disrupted.

The fourth-generation divine body is really terrifying. Even though Morgana's divine body is more space-friendly, her physical fitness is still far superior to Li Rui, the top three generations.Neither speed nor strength was comparable to Li Rui.

Morgana gained power and was relentless. She clenched her devil's claws into a fist while waving her hands, traveled through the space, and slammed heavily on Li Rui's body again.

The battle situation reversed in an instant, and Li Rui, who was able to overwhelm Morgana just now, immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Morgana constantly disrupted Li Rui's attack rhythm with her super-high speed. Her own four-generation divine body, two demon claws, and dark silver chains took turns to go into battle, making it too late for Li Rui to mobilize the algorithm. Difficult to constantly avoid her entanglement through space replacement.

It seemed that he had found a way to suppress Li Rui, and the heavy blows kept falling on Li Rui again and again.

The worse Li Rui was, the more excited Morgana was, and the harder the attack.


"Queen, I finally found out!"

"Youth is your greatest shortcoming!"

"As a scientific researcher, you pay too much attention to technology to win, but your own combat experience is extremely lacking. Once you have no time to use the space-time algorithm, you will be a scum!"

Morgana laughed arrogantly, waving the devil's claws with both hands, like swat a fly, and slapped Li Rui, who was bound into a rice dumpling with dark silver chains, from left to right.

Seeing that Li Rui was about to be crushed, a bright silver light suddenly appeared, cutting Morgana in half.

"Damn it!" Morgana, who was cut off, swears, followed by a rage, and a devil's claw appeared beside her with a wave of her hand, grabbing the culprit who attacked her - Angel Chase.

The devil's claw is a king-level weapon, and Angel Chase was immediately grasped tightly in his hands.

Angel Chase was waiting to resist, but Li Rui, who was suppressed over there, seized the opportunity. With a movement of his finger, Meteor cut a gap in the Ansu silver chain, and followed the space replacement to shift positions.

The next moment, Li Rui appeared next to Angel Chase, holding the meteor in his hand, spun in a circle in the air, summoned up his strength, and slammed into one of the fingers of the Devil's Claw.


The huge impact force loosened the demon's claw, and Angel Chase immediately seized the opportunity to break free.

At this time, Morgana's attack also came.


Suddenly, a bullet trailing white mist passed through the void, hitting one of Morgana's eyes accurately.

The icy cold mist spread and quickly affected the brain's thinking, causing the attacks that were close at hand to pause for a moment.

Li Rui and Angel Chase immediately shifted their positions and appeared behind Morgana again. Meteorite and Su Yinjian pierced Morgana's body again.

After a successful blow, Angel Chase continued to attack, but was pulled away by Li Rui, shifted his position again, and returned to a place about 1000 meters in front of Morgana.

"What's going on?" Angel asked puzzled.

She was a little puzzled, why did she give up such a good opportunity, why did Li Rui stop herself?

"Leave first!" Li Rui sullenly, using space replacement at the same time, led Monkey King and Qilin to disappear in place.

After they disappeared, Morgana covered her wound with a stinky face.Glancing at the battlefield, there were only four or five of her demons left here and there. As for Thornton's Tie Hanhan, he was taken to a satellite of Neptune by Monkey King, and he is still jumping there right now.

"Little bastard!" Morgana gritted her teeth.

"Queen, are you still fighting?"

"How's the situation on No. [-]?" Morgana didn't answer, but asked about the status of Devil No. [-].

"Not so good, the damage was a bit severe. The worst thing is that their attack hit the data center and some data was lost."


Morgana's face changed greatly: "How much is the loss?"

"Queen, don't worry, everyone's dark data backup is not lost. The main loss is some resources and technologies stored a long time ago. The data of various civilizations is about 1.34% of the total."

Morgana breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the demons' dark data backups are not lost, the rest is not important.However, losing more than 1% of the data of the entire Devil One is enough for her to feel distressed for a while.

"How did it get discovered?" Putting aside her worries, Morgana asked the reason for the mistake in this battle.

"We don't know either. We are supposed to be so far away from them that we can't detect them by means of the earth. What's more, we were attacked before we discovered the dark energy reaction near No. [-].

If it is not a coincidence, it means that the earth has mastered some unknown detection means.This will be extremely bad for us. "

Listening to the report of her subordinates, Morgana couldn't help but sullen her face.

She glanced at the blue planet in the distance, and snorted coldly: "Retreat first, find a safe place and hide No. [-] again!"

(End of this chapter)

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