Chapter 157 Hero Company
Qiangwei and Leina were not there, Ducao was dead, and now Cheng Yaowen was the captain of their team, so when he saw Li Rui, he immediately said hello.

Li Rui pressed his hand: "Sit down, everyone sit down."

The virtual training room and the virtual training cabin in the moon base are based on the same principle. There are also a lot of rest seats here, so that everyone will not be allowed to stand.

Everyone sat down, Wei Ying got up and went to the water dispenser to get a glass of water, and put it in front of Li Rui.

"Doctor, are you alright?" Xin Zhao asked in surprise.

After saying this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly patted his mouth: "Hey, look at my stinky mouth, I really can't speak."

"Haha, it's okay." Li Rui smiled: "I'm lucky, and it can be regarded as a narrow escape." Speaking of this, Li Rui became a little more serious, and said with a trace of sadness: "For the matter of Lao Du Son, I'm sorry. That's the way war is, death comes at any moment, and at any moment there will be sacrifices."

Speaking of Ducao, the atmosphere in the room became heavier.

"Because of the war, the relatives, friends, comrades-in-arms, or strangers who laughed, cried, enjoyed the beauty and experienced hardships with us yesterday will leave us in the blink of an eye. Death is the greatest tragedy in this world. .”

"But we are fighters, and it's our job to prevent tragedies like this. So I hope you pick yourself up as soon as possible and rejoin the fight."

Li Rui said in a deep voice.

"Doctor, we can join the battle at any time." Cheng Yaowen replied seriously.

"Yeah, doctor, I feel like I'm going to be useless when I play the training machine here every day." Xin Zhao also echoed.

"That is to say, when can we return to the defense line?" Liu Chuang also asked.

Speaking of this, Cheng Yaowen said with some hesitation: "It's just a doctor, with all due respect, I feel that the higher-ups don't seem to trust us very much."

Li Rui was taken aback for a moment, and replied, "Why do you say that?"

"This is a feeling."

Li Rui looked at him seriously for a while, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional: he really deserves to be the prince of the German Star, he has received some elite education, and he can feel some things even if he doesn't talk about them.

Looking at the eyes of other people, Li Rui understood that if he didn't untie this knot for them, it might become a knot in everyone's heart and affect future operations.

Therefore, he organized his language and began to explain: "You feel right, we do have some doubts about you."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, some were angry, some were in disbelief, but Cheng Yaowen remained calm.

"This kind of doubt is not for everyone here. You are all native Donglong people, we don't need to doubt it. And the real source of this doubt comes from your super genes."

"Super gene?" Xin Zhao was taken aback, "What's so suspicious?"

Cheng Yaowen was stunned for a moment, and then a dazed look appeared on his face.Obviously, he has thought of some reasons.

Seeing that other people didn't understand, Li Rui continued to explain: "It's very simple. Your super genes come from the Deno civilization, which belongs to the category of Shenhe technology. Facing Deno, Shenhe used to be far superior to us. God-making civilization, we cannot guarantee whether they have some backdoors for control in your genes.

Just like Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, his genes are subject to both the super seminary and the angel civilization, not the earth. "

The gene activation of the power of the galaxy requires authorization, and such authorization comes from the Kamigawa civilization and the angel civilization.

Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee that other people will not have similar technologies in their genes.

Speaking of this, Li Rui looked at the crowd and continued: "So, with the current technical level of the earth, your purity cannot be guaranteed, so I have some doubts about you."

Everyone in the Xiongbing Company had different expressions, but they were all aggrieved.Although what Li Rui said was true, the problem was that it wasn't their fault. Genes were something that they were born with, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Therefore, they understand in principle, but emotionally they can't accept this kind of thing when it happens to them.

"Doctor, is there nothing you can do?" Liu Chuang, who was impatient, couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Li Rui nodded: "It's very simple, or use time to prove your purity.

Or, decipher your genetics.But I have no right to do that..."

Having said that, Li Rui looked at Cheng Yaowen.After Ducao's death, the only one who can determine these genes is the orthodox heir of the Deno civilization.

Cheng Yaowen was silent for a moment, and said: "De Nuo is gone long ago. It is Mother Earth who gave me the greatest love. If necessary, Doctor, you can do it."

Li Rui looked at Cheng Yaowen in surprise, surprised that he would make such a decision.Changing places, Li Rui thought that he could not be so open-minded.

"Thank you." Li Rui sincerely thanked them, and then looked at everyone: "Train hard, there will be combat missions soon."


After receiving the authorization from Cheng Yaowen, Li Rui enlightened everyone, then left the virtual training room and headed towards the laboratory of the Super Seminary again.

"No, it still failed."

In the laboratory, Lianfeng took off the goggles on his face, and looked at the equipment in front of him with some disappointment.

"Using micro-wormholes to create this kind of element still doesn't work." Qiangwei also had a headache, she had failed many times, and she still couldn't do anything.

"The space oscillator energy device and the driving device are not too complicated, but the problem is the core unknown element, and we have been unable to make it.

If we cannot solve this difficulty, we will not be able to manufacture new spatial oscillators. "

They cracked the experimental version of the space oscillator on the Venus Star very early, and extended its service life.In fact, it is very simple. The experimental version is only limited in energy, and it is enough to input new energy.

But the problem is that the cracking work has been stuck on the core elements, and the core elements cannot be produced, so there is no way to talk about the new space oscillator.

The two were discussing it when the door of the laboratory opened.

"Didn't I say it, don't bother me if there is nothing important!" Lianfeng turned around with a trace of anger.

When they saw the person at the door, Lianfeng and Qiangwei were stunned.



Li Rui smiled: "Well, Qiangwei is also there."

"Teacher, when did you come back?" Qiangwei asked excitedly.

She and Lianfeng have been in the laboratory for the past few days, so they don't know what happened to the Earth's defense line, let alone that Li Rui has returned.

"I just returned to the defense line yesterday, and fought with Morgana again, and then I came back to the ground." Li Rui replied.

"It's great that you can come back. In this way, I don't have to worry about this thing anymore." Lianfeng said with a hint of joke after a long breath.

Li Rui glanced at the model machine beside them, and said with a smile, "I'd like to thank General Lianfeng during this time."

"It is also our duty to protect the earth."

Looking at Qiangwei again, Li Rui didn't say much, but patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

Qiangwei was startled, and wiped her red eyes.

"I'm here this time for the Xiongbing Company." Li Rui found a seat and sat down: "I just met Cheng Yaowen, Liu Chuang and the others and talked about something."

"Is it an arrangement for the Xiongbing Company?"

Li Rui nodded: "You also know that the Supreme Command raised the Xiongbing Company, Tianjian, and Excalibur together to form a new combat unit.

However, during this period, since most members of the Xiongbing Company did not have the ability to fly, they were not sent to the space defense line to participate in the battle.

Now, Taotie was killed by me, the crisis in the defense line was temporarily lifted, and the pressure was not so great.And I also sought the consent of Cheng Yaowen, so my decision is to divide the Xiongbing Company into two, one part is stationed in the space defense line, and the other part is stationed on the ground to complete the task of cleaning up the enemy inside the earth. "

"In addition, in the future, I will add flight modules to your super genes as soon as possible, so that you have air combat capabilities."

Lianfeng was a little surprised at first, then nodded: "Do you need my help?"

Li Rui smiled: "Of course, after all, Lianfeng, you were Deno's chief engineer back then, and I couldn't do it without you."

(End of this chapter)

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