Chapter 184 Angel Yan

With a distance of more than 200 million light years, it is very troublesome to go back and forth.This time, it took Li Rui and Di Leina five full days to open the portal all the way back.

Their latest teleportation was directly to the Oort Nebula. Under the dark perspective, the solar system is already close at hand.

"Huh, it's almost here." Lena wiped the sweat that didn't exist on her forehead, and complained: "Your transmission method is fast, but it's really not as comfortable as the Big Worm Bridge. I really don't understand why you don't leave Big Worm Bridge."

Li Rui glanced at her speechlessly, you have so many things to do with a hitchhiker, and he was the one who came to solve the calculations along the way, and there is no such thing as the goddess of charging treasure, so you can complain so much.

"Let's go, what are you waiting for. You have to take a good bath when you go back. I haven't taken a bath for more than a month, and I feel like my body is rotten." Lena rubbed her waist and kept urging.

Li Rui ignored the female nerves, and when he raised his hand, a faint light like a firefly appeared in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, the faint light suddenly brightened, turned into a stream of light and shot out, and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, you actually saved a hand."

Reina recognized it immediately, isn't this one of the three protons they made before.She thought that Li Rui was all released, but she didn't expect that there was one left.

"How about your proton derivation rate?"

While opening the portal, Li Rui replied: "Theoretically, it can be doubled every other earth day. However, considering that the infinite derivation will consume the energy of the universe sooner or later, I have already set it in the derivation sequence." With the restriction program, a proton can only infect up to 16 times, and the derived sequence will be locked, losing the ability to continue infecting."

"One proton infects 16 times, that's 32 units. We made a total of 3 protons, that is, a total of 96 units can be infected. The construction cost is low enough."

"That's not how it works." Li Rui waved his hand, gesturing for her to follow up: "After the infected protons are transformed, the restriction program in the derivative sequence will be reset to zero, and a new round of infection will begin."

"Then isn't this endless?" Reina asked in astonishment.

"Theoretically, it is. However, I will order all protons to stop infecting at the right time. Otherwise, the same sentence, sooner or later, the energy of the entire universe will be exhausted."

While speaking, the two had already walked out of the space gate and appeared in front of the Pluto Worm Bridge.After the establishment of the alliance, many bills were formulated, one of which was about the division of the scope of earth civilization. The alliance divided the range including Pluto into the territory of earth civilization. Even if he, the speaker, had to enter through formal channels, otherwise he would be banned. considered trespassing.

Therefore, the earth has established a large defense checkpoint at the Pluto’s giant worm bridge as the audit entrance into the solar system.I don't know if it was influenced by Donglong's style, but no matter how Li Rui saw it, it looked like a space version of the toll booth.

"Identity check in progress!"

"Identity verification passed."

"Welcome back, Mr. Speaker."

Walking through the checkpoint, Wu Zhe of Excalibur and part of Tianjian are on duty today.Seeing Li Rui walking out of the checkpoint, everyone raised their hands in salute.

"Well. Nothing happened to the earth recently?" Li Rui asked.

Wu Zhe's face turned bitter, as if he had been wronged.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, an angel came out of the Pluto Worm Bridge two days ago."

"Angel?" Li Rui was stunned, this guy was making dumplings, one after another.


Two days ago, Qilin was inspecting the moon base with a group of people.Today is the day when the first large-scale space oscillator on Earth was completed. Li Rui was not here, and Qi Lin, the adjutant, came to attend the ceremony on behalf of Li Rui.

Accompanying him was Lian Feng, the head of the science department who was second only to Li Rui.

The scale of the new space oscillator far exceeds the previous experimental version, and because it needs to be independently suspended in the starry sky, it is specially equipped with defensive weapons.

From a distance, this thing looks more like a fortress.

"It has been calculated that the coverage of each of these large space oscillators can reach 1.7 light-hours, and only one is enough to cover the distance from the sun to Jupiter."

"What about the wormhole interference effect?" Qilin asked.

"We built a small dark matter computer in it, which can adjust the vibration frequency of the wormhole corresponding to different spatial coordinates within the coverage area according to the algorithm, and its accuracy can reach centimeter level. In other words, we can According to the needs, set different interference frequencies.

Moreover, because the core has built a small supercomputer, we can make adjustments at any time through the control terminal, which greatly increases the difficulty of jamming algorithms. "

If anyone in the entire alliance knows these large-scale equipment best except for Li Rui, it must be Lianfeng.As Li Rui's current adjutant in the Ministry of Science, she participated in the whole process of many projects proposed by Li Rui.

Therefore, facing Qilin's questions, she was able to respond fluently.

Qilin was about to inquire further, when another message from Pluto's Big Worm Bridge came to her ears.

"General, there is an angel applying for entry outside the Pluto Worm Bridge. She looks seriously injured. Say yes, what is her name—Angel Yan."

As soon as Qilin heard this, she immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and said to Lianfeng quickly: "Dr. Lianfeng, there is an abnormal situation at the Pluto Worm Bridge, and you will participate in today's ceremony on my behalf."

"Okay, go get busy, leave this to me."

After explaining to Lianfeng, Qilin sent a message to the angels directly, explaining the situation.

As expected, the angels came out in full force.Even Zhi Xin, who had just recovered, temporarily let go of Xin Zhao, and ran to the Venus with the other angels.

As the rainbow bridge started, Qilin and the angels landed directly on the trestle beyond the checkpoint.

At this time, Angel Yan was covering his abdomen with one hand, sitting on the trestle beside him and waiting.

As Li Rui analyzed, when Ge Xiaolun recovered, she took away a little energy from it, and then got up from Frazer's pit, and flew back to the earth with difficulty.

Although she has guessed that the earth may encounter an interstellar invasion after the fall of Queen Keisha, she doesn't know the specific situation, and now she doesn't have the energy to open the eye of insight to analyze dark data, so she can only wait here.

Fortunately, the earth didn't make her wait too long. With the light of the Rainbow Bridge, all the angels who were still on the earth came.

"Scorching Heart, Cold, Ah Zhui, Moy..."

Looking at the angels walking out of the rainbow beam one by one, Angel Yan felt three parts excited, three parts sad, three parts happy, and three parts disappointed...


Seeing Angel Yan's serious injury, Angel Leng wanted to ridicule a few words, but in the end he still didn't say it.He just walked up to her and helped her up.

"Sister Yan!" Angel Zhixin, Angel Zhui and others surrounded him.

Yan looked around, but found that there were a few figures missing, and his eyes couldn't help but dim.

They are all sisters for thousands of years, how could they not be sad.

But she couldn't show it, and could only mourn silently for the sacrificed sisters in her heart.

At this moment, Qilin interrupted the heavy atmosphere among the angels, and interjected: "This is not a place to stay for a long time. Go back to the defense line first, and we can talk when we have something to say."

The angels also understood the priorities and did not delay at the pass. As Qilin summoned the Rainbow Bridge again, the group returned to the Venus Star smoothly.

But what they didn't know was that all of this was clearly seen by Devil One.

"Queen, if we don't get rid of Angel Yan, our actions in Fraize can be said to be in vain." Atuo couldn't help reminding.

Morgana shook her head: "Don't worry, after the fall of the Holy Kaisa, the threat of angels to us has been greatly reduced. As for Angel Yan, it is indeed a trouble, but it is not a big trouble. Wait a few days, I have to be more confident Some."

Having lost face several times on Earth, Morgana also became cautious.Although it is true that Angel Yan is troublesome, but in the past, she is really not sure...

(End of this chapter)

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