Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 197 Live for the Queen, Die for the Queen

Chapter 197 Live for the Queen, Die for the Queen

The most threatening firepower of the space oscillator itself is undoubtedly the two antimatter sublight shock waves, that is, the fierce tide of gluttony.But the battlefield situation is complicated, and there are only two fierce tides, so they cannot be used easily.But other weapons are extremely limited in the face of super warriors, gods and the like.

Therefore, someone needs to be guarded.

Considering the strength of all aspects, Qilin entrusted this task to Sun Wukong.It just so happened that some time ago, Li Rui upgraded the clones of the Great Holy Lord, which improved the quality of the clones, allowing them to have the ability to move freely in the vacuum environment of the universe. Well, don't waste it.

The Great Sage did not disappoint, no, seeing a demon approaching, he decisively pulled the stick back.

What?Ge Xiaolun?
Sorry, the Holy Father didn't see it.

"Boy Li Rui, it looks like the devil is after the space oscillator." Sun Wukong said to Li Rui who was far away on the Venus Star while watching the wind and grass on the battlefield vigilantly.

"Ah, Morgana is not a fool. It is easy to analyze the threat of the space oscillator to them. As long as these two devices are killed, they can launch wormhole tactics, and even remotely drop bombs that bomb the Great Strait to us." A powerful bomb that ends the battle in a short time."

"Hey, I have to pass my old grandson!" Sun Wukong curled his lips: "How is it with you, how long will it take?"


Venus, in the laboratory...

Li Rui looked excitedly at the more and more data packets reported by the data center, and replied: "It has already begun to harvest. The fools on the devil's side are still making fake data for me, but I don't know that I have started downloading them for tens of thousands of years." accumulated."

"Heh, cheating the sky and crossing the sea, you are quite proficient in using it."

"Haha, so-so." Li Rui replied with a smile.

He had already downloaded what he needed, but he found something else in the database of the demons, so he temporarily started another plan.

Thinking of this, Li Rui looked at Qiangwei in the training cabin next to him.

Through the transparent observation window, it can be seen that the entire training cabin has turned into a rich blue color, and even the human figure cannot be seen.

"With Lena's energy supply and the devil's reserve material data, this is the best opportunity. Rose, you have to seize it. Whether you can become a real time-space rose in one fell swoop depends on you." Li Rui murmured muttered to himself.

That's right, what Li Rui found in the demon database was the material reserve data of the demons.It has to be said that the devil is worthy of being an old-fashioned god-making civilization.Even if it's been less than half a year since they got rid of the angel's oppression, the resources they collected are astronomical figures for the earth.

That's right, it's cheaper for Li Rui.In other words, Qiangwei is cheaper.

Some people say, how can these materials be obtained across 10,000+ light-years.In fact, it is very simple. Thanks to the weapon arsenal, dark plane and other technologies, these resources have been transformed into dark matter and stored. You only need to enter the correct password to call out from the dark plane for use.However, data such as resources are inherently simple, occupying a small amount of storage space, and are easy to solve, even if they span 10,000+ light-years, they can be easily done.

Temporarily withdrawing his gaze from the training cabin, Li Rui once again cast his sights on the fierce battlefield. Morgana's patience seemed to be exhausted.



Swinging the devil's claws again and hammering the flying silver wings with one fist, the irritability on Morgana's face became more and more obvious.

Atuo was held back by the Nuoxing god of war and the power of the galaxy, and Thornton was entangled tightly by Angel Leng and a team of four angels. He was played around and couldn't move forward at all, and the other demons couldn't do anything either. Break through the earth's defense composed of [-] first-generation super soldiers. Once they get close, they will be sieved by dense bullets, and then they will be killed by the second-generation or heroic companies chasing over.

And she herself...

Morgana glanced at the three angels who surrounded her, and glanced at the sniper Qilin who kept shooting cold and hot sniper with different effects in the distance, her heart was filled with hatred.

No, I have to think of a way to break through as soon as possible.Morgana thought to herself.

Almost 4 minutes have passed, if the defense line of the earth and the angels still cannot be broken through, then the database of the Devil [-] is likely to be breached.At that time, the loss will not be one or two.

Thinking of this, Morgana felt ruthless, and sent orders to the demons.


In a corner of the battlefield, A Tuo slashed Ge Xiaolun away with his sword. He just flapped his wings, but he hasn't flown out yet.Liu Chuang made a big jump, and he had to stop to block it as soon as he hit the axe.

"It's a cockroach that can't be killed!" Ato blocked Liu Chuang with his sword irritably, and sent him flying with a punch with his free hand.

Liu Chuang, who was flying upside down, spat out bloody saliva, and the genetic engine cooperated with the mobilization algorithm, and a skateboard-like aircraft appeared behind him.

This is a flying skateboard specially made for Liu Chuang, which refers to Monkey King's "Somersault Cloud".Due to authority issues, Li Rui was helpless with Liu Chuang's genes. He couldn't even load him with Kryptonian biological force field genes, and he couldn't let such a super combat power stay on the ground forever, so he came up with this thing. Son.

By the way, in the Chaoshen universe, Sun Dasheng's somersault cloud is a flying skateboard.

Liu Chuang stepped on it, and the special skateboard aircraft erupted with a powerful tail flame to offset the impact brought by Liu Chuang, and Liu Chuang rushed out again with the force of the recoil, and swung the ax to chop.

For Liu Chuang, there is not so much and nothing, just pick up an ax and chop it off.But every time he attacks, the weapon will carry a god-killing level genetic attack program, which makes Atuo dare not rely on his divine body to resist.

But there is an unbeatable Ge Xiaolun next to him, you cut this guy flying with your front foot, and this guy with your back foot seems to have been injected with chicken blood, screaming and slashing at your head with your sword.

Obviously he was in the upper hand, but A Tuo was still irritated by these two iron-headed boys who couldn't be beaten to death or smashed.

"A Tuo, based on the genetic information you obtained last time, I have made a targeted infection program. I have injected it into your sword to let them see what a demon is!"

At this moment, Morgana's voice broke into Atuo's communication.

A Tuo was stunned for a moment, and in such a gap, Liu Chuang rushed over and struck his right shoulder with an axe.

"Die to me!" Liu Chuang roared and increased his strength, a hazy golden light suddenly appeared on the surface of the black axe.

In an instant, A Tuo let out a muffled snort, and Liu Chuang chopped off his right arm at the root.

But Atuo is worthy of being a veteran who fought with Morgana for tens of thousands of years, so he just gritted his teeth and didn't shout out.What was even more frightening was that he didn't care about such injuries, pinched Liu Chuang's head with his free left hand, turned around on the spot and threw him towards Ge Xiaolun who was rushing towards him.

The two suddenly collided.

And at this time, Ato carried the fallen ancient sword over, his wings trembled and instantly entered the sub-light speed cruising state, passed through the entire battlefield in an instant, and crashed into the battle formation of the Heavenly Sword.

Atuo came so fast that the snipers didn't even have time to react.

Fortunately, the mid-range and short-range firepower responded in time, and countless plasma cannons focused their fire on Atuo.

However, A Tuo sneered, and dragging his remnant body with only one arm, he rushed to the Heavenly Sword warriors in heavy armor against the gunfire.

"Live for the queen, die for the queen!" Atho let out a deep roar from his throat, and raised the ancient sword in his hand.

Hand up, knife down!
The strangely shaped ancient sword was like a big stick, which directly smashed a Heavenly Sword warrior with a weapon and a person into two pieces.

Facing the god Ato, the attacks of the Heavenly Swords could hardly be effective. He rampaged in the crowd, like a wild boar breaking into a watermelon field, wantonly destroying.

In just ten seconds, Atuo caused hundreds of casualties.

But the strange thing is that Atuo often leaves at the touch of a button, and many people are only injured under his attack, but not killed.

"Devil, don't be presumptuous!"

Finally, Angel Zhixin got rid of the pursuit of a small group of demons and blocked Ato's way forward.

Zhixin is the right wing. After the activation of the sub-biological engine, she is a god-level powerful combat power, but she was not specially arranged as an opponent before the battle, in order to support various battlefields as a battlefield maneuver, just in case. One, break the battlefield balance when necessary.

Now, as soon as Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang played off, she rushed over immediately.But looking at Atuo's indifferent expression, Zhi Xin felt a little uneasy...

(End of this chapter)

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