Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 208 Xiao Luner, come to class

Chapter 208 Xiao Luner, come to class

Therefore, Ge Xiaolun, who was still performing missions on the ground, was dragged by Li Rui to the Venus, but to his surprise, Angel Zhixin also followed.

"Zhi Xin, you are..." Li Rui was a little puzzled, what did this girl come to Qixing account for?And he came here with Ge Xiaolun, maybe he was afraid of what Li would do to their angel husband.

Thinking of this, his eyes could not stop wandering between Zhi Xin and Ge Xiaolun.

Well, she's five hundred years old, so it's not appropriate to call her a girl.However, compared to other guardian angels, she is indeed a little girl in terms of age and personality.

Seeing Li Rui's restless eyes, Zhi Xin quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't come here for any other purpose, mainly to ask if there is anything I can help you with?"

The war with the demons has temporarily come to an end, and the alliance has also produced targeted weapons based on the genetic commonality of the more than 1000 demons and distributed them to member states, giving them the ability to deal with transformed demons.

Therefore, the high-level guardian angels who stayed on the earth were immediately idle.

The others were just enjoying the rare holiday time, but when Zhixin came, she had received Queen Kaisha's order to help the earth, so she couldn't be idle at all.After a breakthrough in her relationship with Xin Zhao, she came here on her own initiative.

Hearing Zhi Xin's words, Li Rui looked at her in surprise.To be honest, if it wasn't for He Xi's battle doll, he would really have to deal with Zhi Xinduo.

However, since he offered to help, Li Rui did not refuse.Therefore, he brought Zhi Xin and Ge Xiaolun into a small room.

With a wave of his hand, a translucent shield enveloped the entire room.

The sacred assembly language has a lot to do with it. Even if it is not the exclusive technology of the earth, Li Rui has to find a way to ensure that it will not be leaked easily.Therefore, some confidentiality measures should be taken.

Different from the simple wormhole vacuum area before, the current security measures also incorporate Nuwa's dark data blockade, which is more confidential and more difficult to crack.

After doing all this, Li Rui explained his purpose to the two, "Well, I have some special knowledge to teach Xiao Lun, so I called him over. Originally, I planned to teach it myself, but Zhixin you It’s just right here, saving me a lot of effort.”

Zhi Xin was stunned for a moment, and said: "Sorry, if I need to avoid it, you just need to bring it up directly."

No way, Zhixin didn't know about the deal between Li Rui and Hexi, so he definitely didn't know that what Li Rui wanted to teach Ge Xiaolun turned out to be the sacred assembly language. proposed avoidance.

"No, you must be familiar with this knowledge." Li Rui said, and then sent the information to Ge Xiaolun and Zhi Xin.

Ge Xiaolun hadn't digested it yet, and soon a shocked expression appeared on Zhi Xin's small face.

Li Rui knew her concerns, so he took the initiative to explain: "Don't worry, the source of knowledge is absolutely legitimate. To be exact, I learned it from your teacher."

Zhi Xin hesitated for a moment, then asked: "You and my teacher..."

"The relationship is quite good, His Excellency King Tianji's wisdom is indeed admirable." Li Rui praised Hexi.

Only then did Zhi Xin feel relieved, and did not continue to ask.It's not that Zhixin is innocent, Li Rui believes what he says.There are indeed many angels who master the sacred assembly language in Merlot Heaven. After all, this is the basis of many tactics, but there are definitely only a handful of angels who have the authority to give away the sacred assembly language, and the key is the sacred assembly language sent by Li Rui. There is an authorization code of Tianji King that only angels can understand.

When the two were talking, the expression on Ge Xiaolun's face was wonderful.At first, I didn't pay attention to it, but it soon became difficult, and then, puzzlement, doubt, and confusion appeared one after another like reading a book from heaven.

So, seeing that the discussion between the two seemed to be over, Ge Xiaolun raised his hand weakly: "Chief, let me interrupt, what's the use of me learning this thing? I am a liberal arts student."

Li Rui patted his shoulder armor with a heavy face: "Xiao Lun'er, you should also know that as a super soldier with various high-tech technologies, if you want to fully develop your abilities It’s not enough to rely on brute force, you have to rely on your brain.”

Having said that, Li Rui pointed to his head, "You must be wise, but also knowledgeable. Arts students, this is not your excuse."

Those words made Ge Xiaolun speechless.

"The angel's sacred assembly language has unparalleled advantages in dark energy drive and dark data reading compared to our rune sequence."

"It is also the only technology that can be related to the void among the knowledge I have access to at present. This is of great help to develop the ability deep in your genes. Therefore, even if you bite your teeth, you have to learn it."

"What's more, didn't I find a teacher for you?"

Now that we've talked about it, Ge Xiaolun has nothing to say. He issued a military order on the spot, vowing that if he can't learn it, he will never step out of this room.

Needless to say, since Qiangwei had a showdown with him, Ge Xiaolun seemed to have fully matured overnight.The same is true for learning the sacred assembly language this time. I just locked myself in a small black room for a week before I came out.

On the other side, Hexi was also teaching Li Rui how to make a void controller.

In order to avoid affecting reality, the two came to a large meteorite in the Oort Nebula.

The two were discussing related topics while flying towards their destination.

"Have you read the information I sent you?"

Li Rui nodded: "I've been reading your conjectures about the void recently, and learned that the void is a special state. In this state, the physical rules we know will be redefined, which is very exciting Surprised. So I want to know, what is the essential reason for this special state?"

"do not know."

When Li Rui heard this, he almost missed a meteorite.

Facing Li Rui's weird eyes, Hexi shrugged and replied: "Let's put it this way, we didn't understand the essence of the concept of void from the beginning to the end. Maybe Karl knows that he is an expert in void technology. The furthest. Whether our secondary biological engine or the so-called void conjecture is based on relevant descriptions, we don’t know what the real void looks like.”

A look of disbelief appeared in Li Rui's eyes: "You mean, all the sub-biological engines you developed are based on certain guesses?"

"It's not very accurate to say that." Hexi shook his head: "To be more accurate, it is based on the arithmetic model of the knowledge treasure house. Based on the various rules of the known universe, we have created a collection that makes the rules disordered, so that Call it a subbiological engine.

For example, the force called the Lorentz force on your earth is the force of the magnetic field on the electric charge.

According to the normal physical laws, scientists on your earth have summed up the calculation formula of this force, that is, F=QvB, where F is the Lorentz force, Q is the electric charge of charged particles, E is the electric field strength, and v is the electric charge The velocity of the particle, B is the magnetic induction.

When the electric field E and the magnetic field B coexist, the formula of the Lorentz force becomes F=QvB+QE.

That's the basic law of physics.But under the action of the sub-biological engine, because we can arbitrarily adjust one of the physical quantities to make it break through the limit that cannot be reached by the normal state, so this formula is no longer valid. "

Hearing these words, Li Rui couldn't help but feel horrified. Imagine, how many ways does the earth have to deal with this kind of power that can modify the rules at will?

Just like Qilin's cold air, when facing the enemy, the icy cold air turns into a gentle breeze, what a scene it should be.

"What about Anti-Void?" Li Rui shivered, and then asked another question.

"Ah~~~" Hexi dragged on for a long time before replying: "Anti-void, it's just the opposite of void. We don't know the exact principle, but it's the highest technology of the Super Seminary, and it's still on top of the big clock. It has never been made public. However, when I was researching and developing the power of the galaxy together with space, I came into contact with related ideas, which is a means of forcing the chaotic and disordered state of the void to return to normal."

"That is to say, void is to turn order into disorder, and anti-void is to turn disorder into order."

"Yes. These two are tit-for-tat, just like opening and closing in a logic circuit." Hexi nodded: "Therefore, we define void as void yes, and anti-void as void no, which is equivalent to having logic 0 and 1 in the circuit, so as to realize more complex programs. And this is the principle of the void controller."

After listening to Hexi's explanation, Li Rui's doubts could not be completely answered. On the contrary, his doubts were even bigger: What formed the special state of void?

If you want to know the answer to this question, perhaps you can only ask Karl for advice.As the furthest known scholar in void technology in the known universe, he is the one most qualified to answer this question.

Unfortunately, the two are enemies...

(End of this chapter)

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