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Chapter 22 Encountering an Angel

Chapter 22 Encountering an Angel
After planting a seed in Jess's heart, Li Rui started his journey of exploring the universe.With the star map provided by Ducao, he can run farther this time.

Li Rui's first stop was a planet 340 and eight light-years away from Earth, which was a resource star marked in the Dukao star map.

After arriving here, Li Rui found that this was an uninhabited planet, so he let go completely.First, a communication satellite was launched, and then fifty industrial robots were brought in to form a factory, and then fully automated collection began.

It took a total of five Earth days to do all of this.After all, this is an uninhabited planet, and Li Rui doesn't have to worry about it, it's just destructive mining.All kinds of weapons are used in turn, in order to mine resources and supply the earth as soon as possible.

After doing all this, Li Rui ignored it and went directly to the next target planet.

In the same way, Li Rui left a total of resource collection stations on four planets, one of which has rich dark iron resources, which is enough for the earth to develop for a period of time.

But these were not enough, Li Rui went on to his fifth planet.


Traveling through space, it reappears on a piece of blue land.

"Hey..." Li Rui staggered as soon as he stepped out of the space door.

"Good guy, the gravity of this planet is almost five times that of the earth. If I hadn't been injected with the dawn potion, I'm afraid I would have to lie on the ground as soon as I came here."

After complaining to himself, Li Rui adjusted his state and adapted to the gravity of this planet.

The blue earth, the shape of this scene shows that there is a rich mine under his feet. There may be copper ore in it, and there may be kyanite. What needs to be further analyzed.However, in Ducao's star map, there are some crystals on this planet that produce energy storage devices for spacecraft, which need to be mined.

After confirming the environment, it took Li Rui half a day to get the communication satellite again. After calculating the altitude, he directly sent the satellite to the low-earth orbit through the space gem.

But he didn't know that this move of his had alarmed a certain existence in the universe.


"call out"

Accompanied by a flash of purple-red light, the mountain wall not far from Li Rui exploded with a bang, countless large and small gravel hit the ground, and the land with a radius of one kilometer was constantly heaving up and down.

Li Rui didn't care about this kind of movement. He had traveled to several planets in the universe. It's not like he hasn't made any movement much bigger than this.

Now he is wearing a mark armor, scanning the types of minerals here through an optical analyzer.


Suddenly, a thunder exploded in the sky, followed by a stream of light descending from the sky, heading in Li Rui's direction.

But Li Rui, who was busy analyzing the mineral composition, didn't notice it, because the sound of mining covered up the thunder in the sky.

So, he didn't react until the streamer hit him more than ten meters away, and quickly raised his hand cannon, aiming at the person coming.

After the smoke cleared, a figure with a pair of white wings, long blond hair, and a short armor skirt came out.

"I've observed you for a while, and it doesn't seem like you have the means of interstellar navigation. Can you tell me how you got here from the Chiwu star system more than 2000 light-years away?"

The person who came didn't care about the glowing hand cannon in Li Rui's hand that was gathering energy, but asked curiously.

"Angel?" Li Rui was a little confused.

The universe is so big, why did he directly hit the angel's hand?The probability of this is so small that buying a lottery ticket is not as good as it.

And this angel...

Li Rui glanced at the angel's big backed head in surprise, and then a dazed look appeared on his face.

If I'm not mistaken, this should be Angel Chase.In the original book, she has always been the resident angel of the Milky Way, and will go to the solar system every hundred years.If it's her, it's not surprising, after all, the Milky Way is her duty range.

But it was unlucky, the diameter of the Milky Way was as high as 18 light-years, containing hundreds of billions of stars, and he happened to bump into the angel chasing him.

Realizing the identity of the visitor, Li Rui consciously put away his weapon.

"Oh? It's someone who knows angels." Angel chased with interest.

Li Rui's dark information was not encrypted at all, it was like a light in the dark night, and the angel couldn't read it without thinking about it.

So, after discovering that intelligent life forms appeared on this planet, she easily located Li Rui, and then directly read all his information.

It can be said that she already knows everything about Li Rui from birth to the present.But what Angel Zhui couldn't figure out was how this earthling appeared here across thousands of light-years.

As for Li Rui's research inventions, Angel Chase didn't care.He is considered a genius on Earth, and he can break through the technological level of the pre-nuclear era. He is indeed a wise man, but compared with angels, it is like Yinghui is to Haoyue, there is no comparison at all.

Li Rui spread his hands and made a non-hostile look: "I don't think my behavior violates the justice and order of angels."

The angel crossed his arms and said playfully, "Are you so sure? From the data I read, you are conducting human experiments and genetic modification on the earth. This behavior has violated the justice of the angel."

Li Rui rolled his eyes and said nonsense to himself.

"Although my understanding of the universe is limited, when did the research on super genes become evil. Could it be that the order of justice has changed again?"

Li Rui was not surprised that Angel Chaser could read his information.After all, the angel's insightful eyes are simply invincible.

But if it is said that researching super genes violates the order of justice, then the holy Kaisha may have to kill herself first. After all, angels are all soldiers, all super soldiers.

It's a matter of justice and order, and Angel Chasing can't make jokes, so he can only restrain his playful expression, and said with a straight face: "Not having it now doesn't mean not having it in the future."

"The future will be discussed in the future." Li Rui replied casually, then turned around and continued to order Nuwa to continue mining ore.

The reason why he is so bold, daring to ignore the angel chasing, has to thank the angel for his justice and order.

As angels of justice, as long as Li Rui did not violate the order of justice, they would not be the first to break justice and attack him.

Seeing Li Rui's attitude, Angel Chase couldn't help feeling sullen in his heart. He thought he came from a country like the earth, and he used his identity as an angel to deceive him, but he didn't expect that he was someone who knew justice and order.


There was another explosion, and the scene was filled with dust.

Angel chasing the wings shook, and directly swept out a large cloud of dust, then coughed twice, and said in a disgusted tone: "This kind of rough mining method is terribly inefficient."

Li Rui replied casually: "Why, you, an angel of justice, want to help me, a country boy from the countryside?"

"Heh, what's your name? In the words of your earth, you hit a snake with a stick?"

"I can't help it. After all, we are country children and have never seen the world. If there is an opportunity to gain knowledge, we must firmly grasp it."

The corner of Angel Zhui's mouth raised slightly: "You are quite interesting, kid. It's just a pity that your knowledge is limited and you can't understand higher-level things."

(End of this chapter)

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