Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 234 Cool Bing, Do You Need Help?

Chapter 234 Cool Bing, Do You Need Help?
Slay demons with an iron stick and swear to protect the whole state——Sun Wukong leaps out with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops;

The black giant ax cuts through the thorns and thorns, and the country's most loyal warrior——Great Wall No. [-] rushes into the flock like a tiger, and rushes out of the position roaring;

I am the reality - Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, emerges from the starry sky, with his hands raised horizontally, as if he is holding the starry sky.

In the blink of an eye, three third-generation gods from the alliance side appeared at the forefront of the battle line.Behind them, Angel, Lie Yang, and super fighters of the Alliance appeared in the Transformers' camp through micro-wormholes, forming a confrontation with the devil, eager to try.

"Oh, it's all here!" Morgana waved her hand without worrying at all, "Then don't be too polite, let's fight."

"I didn't intend to be polite to you." Li Rui waved his hand without showing any weakness.

The battle broke out immediately, and the fighters from both sides collided fiercely, and the weapons in their hands mercilessly chopped off each other's heads.

Li Rui and Morgana were also unambiguous, as soon as they made a move, it was a big move.

The two sides have fought several times, so it is not enough to say that they know the basics, but they also have a deep understanding, so there is no need to make a move, and the first move is almost full.

Morgana let out a loud shout, and the phantoms of two devil's claws flashed past, and directly split into countless clones, approaching Li Rui from all directions.

At the same time, Morgana clenched her fist and cooperated with Devil One to interfere with the space around her, preventing Li Rui from using space jumps to escape.

But playing such a trick in front of the Heart of Time and Space is nothing but laughable.Li Rui sneered in his heart, and the bronze ring on his hand emitted a hazy light.

The speed of the Devil's Claw is very fast, without the air barrier, it can be completely silent in this vacuum environment.Seeing that one of the devil's claws was about to catch Li Rui, a faint light suddenly flashed.

This ray of light seems to be integrated with the darkness, like a ghost, it is difficult to detect.But in just an instant, that devil's claw was pierced like a bubble.

"Fuck, what the hell!" A look of surprise flashed across Morgana's face, and the data analysis came back soon.

The black light kept flashing, and in the blink of an eye, the time-space map created by Morgana was cleaned up, leaving only two devil's claws, which were approaching less than three meters in front of Li Rui.

Li Rui was unhurried, and with a wave of his hand, a flying knife appeared in front of him with a swish, followed by another one. The two flying knives were not joined together, but kept a certain space.Immediately afterwards, the core at the center of the two flying knives suddenly lit up, and a transparent force field immediately appeared around the two flying knives, connecting them together.

More and more throwing knives appeared and combined into a shield in the same way.

The devil's claw slammed into the shield fiercely, and the powerful kinetic energy was quickly dissipated invisible under the vibration of the energy field between the flying knives.

Strong Interaction Defense Force Field——As the name suggests, it is a defense mode based on the strong interaction between particles.Li Rui created this form of defense by engraving runes on the core of the flying knife, that is, the weapon engine, to extend this strong interaction.

In the face of physical attacks and energy attacks, the effect is excellent. Only cross-time and space strikes can pass through this layer of defense.But it is difficult to imagine the difficulty of launching a space-time strike against Li Rui who holds the Heart of Time and Space.

"How much do you like Kesha's bitch, you have to match her when you get a weapon!" Morgana saw these throwing knives, which immediately aroused her bad memories.

Li Rui's face darkened, but his mouth was not forgiving at all: "Anyway, I think Queen Kaisha is prettier than you!"

Morgana's anger came up immediately, which woman can bear this?
But now it was Li Rui's turn. Before Morgana could make a move, countless flying knives appeared around her. The blades pointed directly at her vitals, and the sharp sharpness even pierced her skin.

If this round of blows is implemented, she Morgana must be tied into a hedgehog.

Therefore, Morgana jumped in a space and was about to escape from the siege of the flying knife.But at this moment, there was a problem with her space-time algorithm.

"You know how to interfere with time and space, don't you think I can't?" Li Rui asked with a sneer, his hands suddenly clasped together.

The space disturbance that Morgana had quietly arranged before not only had no effect on Li Rui, but was disturbed by him.

Following Li Rui's movements, the flying knives surrounding Morgana suddenly approached.Morgana cursed angrily, and disappeared suddenly.

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, how did this lunatic woman do it?
Without saying a word, he instantly projected a space-time mapping avatar, and at the same time replaced the spatial coordinates of himself and the avatar.

Almost the moment he left, the Devil's Claw had already slapped his clone into momo.

Li Rui, who was hidden among hundreds of clones, frowned, stretched out his finger and clicked in front of his eyes.

"The timeline expansion algorithm has been loaded, the radius of the locked area is five kilometers, and the time goes back for 3 minutes."

In an instant, everything around Li Rui turned gray, as if being pulled away from the real world.

This is a partial timeline expansion, which can observe the past or the future according to Li Rui's wishes.

If you want to use the power of time, you have to understand a concept - the past cannot be changed, and the future is infinitely possible.

It means that the past has happened and cannot be changed.Changing rashly may cause the risk of the collapse of the timeline of the entire universe.

But the future is different. There are countless possibilities for things that haven't happened, and what you observe is only one of them.This is like Schrödinger's cat. When you don't observe, the future is uncertain, but when you observe, there is an observable state.

Therefore, the future observed by Li Rui has always been just a reference, not a certain occurrence.But it's okay to explore the past and discover its secrets.

Going back to the past 3 minutes, Li Rui quickly discovered what Morgana had done: she took the initiative to disperse her divine body particles, and then manipulated the particles to move out of the range of encirclement and suppression.

"The four generations of gods are really cheating!" Li Rui sighed helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, the flow of time returned to normal again, and he was still in the original place.

When exploring the past time, Li Rui was temporarily independent of the timeline and was stationary relative to the universe.

At this time, Morgana's attack struck again.Li Rui's time-space avatar had already gone up to meet him, and the summoned flying knife drew a faint light in the starry sky, directly blasting the devil's claw out.

At the same time, Chenxing No. [-] and Devil No. [-] were not idle.

Qilin calmly commanded the entire front, and at the same time mobilized the power of Cybertron to assist the soldiers to fight against the enemy.

"Turn on the energy matrix of Cybertron III, aim at Devil One, give me a shot, and force Devil One to dodge!"

"Yes, handsome Qi!"

Not far from Qilin, Qiangwei was also busy.As the second time-space gene besides Li Rui, she has to pay attention to the situation on the battlefield at all times and adjust the resources for time-space jump.

"Qiangwei, come and help." Qilin said suddenly.

Qiangwei left a time-space mapping avatar on the operating side, which appeared directly beside Qilin.

"Target Morgana, Li Rui will help us create chaos and attract Morgana's attention. Let's cooperate and shoot Morgana." Qilin said while carrying out her sniper rifle and took out a Special bullets were pressed into the magazine.

Qiangwei was stunned for a moment, and reminded: "Morgana is a fourth-generation god body, and ordinary god-killing martial arts have no effect on her."

"Don't worry, this one is an exception."

Qiangwei immediately stopped asking. After studying with the teacher for so long, she was already used to the black technology that the teacher would show up from time to time, so she directly captured Morgana's location.


Outside, the spatio-temporal algorithm competition between Li Rui and Morgana became more and more intense. The time and space within two kilometers around the two became the battlefield for them to rob. Anyone who broke in would be killed by the devil The claws are smashed into foam, or they will be chopped into pieces by countless phantoms of throwing knives.

For a moment, the area within two kilometers around the two of them became a realm of death, making both sides fearful of avoiding it.

At this moment, the distant Cybertron mother star suddenly trembled, and a beam of light several kilometers thick traversed the starry sky, aiming at Devil One.

This beam of light is extremely terrifying. Anyone who stands in its way along the way, whether you are a man of steel or a super soldier, will be completely evaporated, leaving no scum behind.

Demon One issued an alarm when the energy matrix locked itself, and the demon Filo who was in charge of staying behind couldn't help but swear.

"My mother, what kind of black technology is this! It's powerful enough to destroy Devil One with one shot!"

"Damn it, why are you still standing there! I don't know if the space-time distortion shield hasn't been repaired yet, dodge and dodge!"

The demons in the hall immediately got busy, and hurriedly manipulated Demon One to evade.

And just when Morgana was distracted by this, Li Rui increased the suppression of the algorithm of the space around Morgana at the same time. Morgana cursed angrily and quickly increased the algorithm support.

In this chaos, a bullet appeared silently in front of her.

"What?" Morgana froze for a moment, planning to move.

But at this time, Li Rui suddenly intensified his attack, and countless data streams crazily attacked her gene engine, causing Morgana to go down for a moment.


The bullet hit Morgana's heart, and the bullet instantly disintegrated into countless particles.

From a microscopic perspective, a powerful impact force spread out, and the atomic nuclei that constituted the atoms of Morgana's divine body collapsed instantly under this force, turning into protons and neutrons.

Without the nucleus as the traction, the whole atom collapses immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the scattered microcosmic particles spread out like cannonballs, continuously destroying other atoms.

On the monitor of Demon One, Morgana's state fell like a cliff, and the faces of the demons turned pale instantly.

While you are sick, I will kill you!
Li Rui, who is well versed in this truth, had a cold light in his eyes, the gene engine suddenly became powerful, the mother box coordinated calculation, and the powerful data flow broke through the space domain controlled by Morgana, followed by countless flying knives one after another. As a streamer, penetrate Morgana's divine body.

Immediately, Morgana's body was full of holes, and each one was emitting a blue light—that was her divine body trying to prevent the strong interaction from decomposing the divine body particles.

In just a few seconds, the battlefield situation reversed sharply.

"Hahahaha, Liangbing, you look a bit embarrassed, do you need help?"

At this moment, a voice full of anger entered the public channel of everyone on the battlefield...

(End of this chapter)

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