Chapter 244 Pym Particles
After cleaning the battlefield, Li Rui returned to Chenxing-13 and transferred Chenxing-[-] back to the solar system.Yuan Di and other [-] ancestors stayed on Cybertron to clean up the tail of this war and prevent other abnormal situations.

After such a big battle, the overall environment of the alliance has undergone a fundamental change, and after a period of rest, it is necessary to readjust its strategy.

During the period when the alliance was resting, Li Rui was at ease.At this time, Li Rui was in a laboratory in the experimental area of ​​Chenxing [-].

The experimental area is located on the left side of the Alliance building, covering an area of ​​more than 100 million square meters and divided into several areas.There is a tall tower standing every other section around the periphery of the entire experimental area, and a huge spar stands on the top of the tower.

The appearance of these towers is very similar to the light prism towers in the Red Alert, but they are actually the generators of the space expander.Under the action of the space expander, the size of the entire experimental area was solidified to a level comparable to that of the Eurasian continent.

Cross the generator of the space expansion instrument and enter the experimental area. Looking down from the sky, you can see huge undulating mountains, endless plains, snow-capped snowfields, dry and hot desert Gobi, lush grasslands, high-rise cities, and boundless oceans. Waiting for everything, it can be said that it is a real continent.

This is a mimetic environment built in the experimental area, used to create the environment required for different experiments.

In the main city of the alliance outside the experimental area, different areas in the city are also planned in the same way, gathering various environments in one city.

In this mimic environment of various shapes, there are various laboratories hidden. At this time, Li Rui is in a laboratory located in a mountainous area, looking at the test tube in his hand—this is the Pym particle.

In the memory of Hank Pym, there is a method of manufacturing such particles.After Li Rui isolated the Pym particle, he studied the structure of this particle, and then used the atomic structure technology to re-update the production method of this particle, and was able to manufacture a large number of Pym particles.

Pym particles are not simply a certain element, but the common effect produced by mixing the atoms of various elements in a certain proportion.So this is a set of particles.In terms of particle volume, these particles are all subatomic particles, which can change the size and quality of organisms or substances.

In the Marvel Universe, there's something called the law of the squared position: As an object gets larger, its surface area grows quadratically and its volume grows cubically.Its surface area grows by the square of its growth factor, while its volume grows by the cube of its growth factor.

As an example, if a person suddenly becomes 10 times taller, his bones and tendons will grow 10 times longer, his muscles and skin will cover 100 times the surface area, he will be 1000 times larger, and he will gain 1000 times his weight.The sudden increase in size would necessarily present a problem in that the bones would not be able to support his weight and the muscles would not be able to move his body mass.It will lead to various disastrous consequences, such as the internal organs will break the belly due to gravity, the bones will break because they cannot support the sudden skyrocketing body size, and so on.

In the Marvel Universe, cosmic rays and Pym particles are used to mitigate this phenomenon.

The square cube law is also applicable in the Super God universe, and the giant genes born in some animal civilizations in the Styx galaxy, such as the Big Burun who was killed by Li Rui a long time ago, they adjust the genes to make the body The cell density of the cell changes to adapt to this law.

But it is no longer needed now, with Pym particles that can easily solve various problems caused by the increase in size.

Of course, the biggest function of Pym particles is not to make objects and living things bigger, but to make them shrink, so as to enter the microcosm, that is, the quantum realm.

According to the theory of wave-particle duality in quantum theory, microscopic physical particles, like light waves and water waves, have wave characteristics such as interference and diffraction, forming matter waves, also known as de Broglie waves.However, although the macroscopic objects seen in daily life are composed of microscopic particles that obey the laws of quantum mechanics, because their spatial scale is much larger than the de Broglie wavelength of these microscopic particles, the quantum properties of microscopic particles are determined by statistical average results. Cover up.We cannot observe this phenomenon.

But with the help of Pym particles, we can easily make the wavelength of the de Broglie wave of the particles much larger than the average distance between the particles, and then the particles can enter the quantum state.

But this brings up a problem: how to ensure that the human body can still return to the macroscopic world after entering the quantum state.At this time, two key factors are needed - back and coordinates.

Among them, returning means that in the quantum state, a thinking mode can still be established, and thinking and judgment can be carried out.The coordinates, as the name suggests, are to have a direction indicator to return to the macroscopic world, so as not to get lost in the quantum realm.

Hank Pym's wife, The Wasp, lacked these two conditions, so that after entering the quantum realm, she was trapped there for decades and could not return.

But this problem has become very easy to solve at the Super Seminary—to be sure, you can use the inter-atomic positioning technology of the four generations of gods, and if you take a little risk, you can directly rely on the genetic engine built on the dark plane.

Under the dark viewing angle, it is possible to observe some basic data reflected by certain particles, such as energy level, motion state, etc.Then, in turn, it seems that the reverse positioning can also be carried out through the dark plane, using the genetic engine as the coordinates of the lighthouse, so as to find the way back to the macroscopic world.

Thinking of this, Li Rui took off his armguard and stared at his right hand.

From the outside, it looks like any other part of the body, but once you enter the dark perspective, it's different.Under the dark perspective, the right hand is divided by the wrist, and the palm and other parts are completely two ways of existence.

After watching it for a while, Li Rui sent a communication request to Qi Lin, asking her to come over.

Qilin is the marshal of the alliance, but this does not mean that everything has to be done by herself. She also has a huge team under her hands and has countless think tanks to assist.So, after receiving Li Rui's communication, she handed over the matter at hand to Adjutant Qiangwei, and went to the experimental area.

After Qilin arrived, Li Rui told her the contents of the experiment.

Qilin quickly showed a worried expression: "Is there any danger?"

"What kind of experiment can be without danger." Li Rui said while playing with the test tube in his hand.

The greatest danger of this experiment is that it is lost in the quantum realm and cannot return, and it is not fatal.

"Can't it be done in another way? Like, get someone else?"

Li Rui shook his head: "My divine body has already started five generations of transformation. Although only one hand has been completed, it has also brought about a qualitative change. This will ensure that I can find my way back in the quantum realm. Others don't have the ability. .”

That's right, Li Rui has already started a new generation of divine body transformation.Ever since Hexi told him the concept of five generations of bodies, he has been working hard in this direction.

After returning, one of the projects was the study of the five generations of gods—since there is technology, then simply skip the four generations of gods.

It's just that the time and resources needed to transform the five generations of divine bodies are astronomical, and even the current alliance cannot afford it.Therefore, Li Rui chose another way: to transform an atom into the divine body atom he needs, including the electrons, protons, and neutrons in it, to strengthen its structure and enhance its calculation.Then rely on the erosion of the initial atoms to gradually transform the entire divine body.

Li Rui once showed Hexi part of the data of the transformed atom. Hexi said that the sacred atom no longer has an advantage when talking about the performance of a single atom.

Before this war, Li Rui's right hand had already been transformed, which was why he was able to suppress Morgana one after another in the battle.Even if it's just one hand, it's an earth-shaking change, and it's not comparable to Morgana's four generations of gods.

Qilin was a little unwilling: "Where is the launch probe?"

It was still Li Rui who answered her shaking his head.Qilin leaned back on the chair weakly, and after a long silence, she smiled bitterly and said, "Since I can't persuade you, then I can only promise you. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Li Rui sighed: If possible, he doesn't want to do this experiment.But there is no way, the system task, if you don't do it, you can't unlock the next character template.

Gathering his mind, Li Rui raised his hand.

In an instant, the root of his right thumb broke off, turned into a cluster of particles, and flew towards Qilin.

"Keep these cells safe, and I will be able to find my way back."

Qi Lin grabbed the clump of particles, and then looked at Li Rui: "Be careful all the way, come back safely."

Li Rui said relaxedly: "Don't worry, according to the theory, I can adjust the time and go back to the moment I left."

As soon as the words fell, Li Rui's body suddenly emitted a ray of light, and then quickly collapsed like a star collapsing, and finally condensed into a spot of light, which disappeared without a trace with a burst of strong light...

(End of this chapter)

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