Chapter 246 Space
Quantum Realm...

"Atom-to-atom positioning in progress..."

"Reframe thinking..."


In the unknown field, Li Rui's consciousness suddenly awakened.

"Report status..."

"You are now in the Quantum Realm, the current mode is the particle state."

"What can I see?"


In the next moment, countless pictures appeared in Li Rui's consciousness.

On Chenxing No. [-], Qilin held the cluster of particles in her hand, and stood on the balcony looking up at the endless starry sky; in Melo Tianting, Hexi was standing in front of a training cabin, performing complex data calculations; The bearded Pan Zhen prostrated himself in an ancient pagoda, muttering something...

"Is there a way to re-condense the entity?"

"Once you re-condense your body, you will leave the quantum realm. If you want to condense your body in the quantum realm, it is recommended that you transform into a space-time form."

"Space-time form?"

"Yes. You have the center of time and space, which can condense your self in different times and dimensions to form a special form of life existence.

Under the form of time and space, you can travel through dimensions and jump timelines, and for you, you can easily break through the time barrier and affect the past and future.

Although the quantum realm is a special dimensional space, it still does not break away from the category of time and space. "


In the colorful world, a little ray of light converges, and then spreads out, quickly forming a human shape.

Immediately afterwards, the light suddenly shattered, and Li Rui's figure appeared from it.

This is a very strange state, standing here, but can clearly perceive oneself in any time and space.They are both themselves and not themselves.

In this state, Li Rui can bring his consciousness to any time and space.

This reminded him of a certain concept in myths and legends - jumping out of the long river of time.

He didn't know how similar his current state was to this legend, but it seemed to have some charm.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at the world around him.

"This is the Quantum Realm?" Li Rui opened his eyes and looked.

The world in front of me is grand and magnificent, but full of fantasy.Looking around, the colorful particle clusters collide all the time, bursting out strange light.

It's hard to imagine that a word like majestic would be used to describe a microcosm.

In the past, many people mistakenly believed that the quantum realm was actually the atomic universe.This is a misconception that the Quantum Realm is actually a special dimension, not a universe within a universe.

Li Rui closed his eyes, trying to communicate the special state just now.Soon, the status quo of the entire universe appeared in his eyes again.

Eye of God?

Li Rui suddenly thought of a word, isn't the universe from such a microscopic perspective similar to the eye of God?

However, Li Rui soon discovered a problem: the range he could observe was actually the range where those particles were located in the material universe after the five generations of gods were transformed.

"Li Rui, Lord of the Stars?"

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice came into his ears.

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, the cloud of particles in front of him was surging, as if it was gestating some great existence.Immediately, the picture in front of him shrank suddenly, and a huge body appeared in front of his eyes.

The person in front of him had a blue robe on his head, but strangely, he didn't have a face. Instead, there was a starry sky.

"You are?" Li Rui frowned, but he had some guesses about the identity of the visitor.

"I am the principal of the Super Seminary, space."


Li Rui was shocked, it was indeed him.

The principal of space, the second born god of the Kamigawa civilization after Dinghei.However, since the sun god destroyed the Deno galaxy, he disappeared mysteriously, and even the big clock fell into the hands of his disciple Karl, the god of death.

Now it seems that space should have entered this state similar to a quantum state, hiding in the dark to observe the development of the universe.

No, this is not accurate. It cannot be said that it is hidden in the dark. It should be said that there is no way to discover space with existing scientific methods.In my memory, the plot of the previous life seems to have a scene of the light of the sun Lena communicating with the space for a short time. Now that I think about it, there is also some kind of scientific basis for this.

"I have been paying attention to you, but due to the different forms of existence between you and me, you and I have been unable to communicate. I always believe that you have a way to enter the dimension time and space. Now it seems that my expectation is not in vain."

Dimensional space-time?It seems that this is a dimension in the perception of space.And judging from the time he disappeared in space, he has been here for at least a few thousand years.

No, not right!

Li Rui suddenly realized a problem. In the quantum field, the movement of particles is very fast, which can break through the speed of light and thus travel through time.In other words, here is both eternity and an instant, and this problem cannot be viewed with a simple concept of time.

Li Rui collected himself, and asked straight to the point: "What do you want from me?"

"You have brought new changes to the universe. This has never been seen in the past calculus, so I want to talk to you."

"Since you can observe the universe through the perspective of dimensions, you can know the conversation between me and Queen Kaisha. To this day, I still insist on the original view. I don't think there is anything to continue talking about on this issue necessary."

"No, there are still some necessary."

Seeing the persistence of the space, Li Rui showed a trace of helplessness on his face, and put his hands together: "Okay, let's make a long story short. I have other things to do."

"No problem, I respect your opinion."

Thus, the topic of space officially opened its mouth, like a waterfall flying down, the Milky Way falling into the sky, and began to talk endlessly.


The Virgo Cluster, a galaxy cluster close to the Local Cluster where the Milky Way is located, includes more than 2500 galaxies.In this galaxy cluster, there is a galaxy numbered M96, where there is a special planet-Kunza.

Speaking of Kunza, one has to mention Morgana.When she was still in the Heavenly Court of Melo, she used the evil gene implantation technology to transform the demon civilization on this planet into a demon that later terrified the known universe.

In other words, Kunza is where the demons originated.

As the demon lair of the first battle between angels and demons, it was raided several times by the angels after the fall, destroying all life on this planet.

Once the birthplace of demons, this place is also an extremely prosperous planet.But the prosperity of war is gone, and it has become barren.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and this place is still barren, with no signs of life.

But today, a sudden figure broke Kunsa's tens of thousands of years of silence.

She descended from the sky, flapping her wings and bursting into Kunza's atmosphere.There is no doubt that she is the demon Shae.

Shae waved her wings, constantly searching for the data of this planet.

"This is Kunza?" Shae had some doubts on her face.

Shae is not from Kunza, she was saved by Morgana on another planet 4000 years ago. Compared with some older demons in the demon group, she is still very young.

It's just that Morgana likes her, so she gave her the chance to upgrade to a god.

Coming to the legendary origin of demons, Shae didn't have many complicated emotions.The reason why she came here was because she heard from the queen a long time ago that some data was stored here.

Soon, Shae found an entrance to the dark matter space through the data identification methods unique to the demons.It is an arena on this planet.


Shae descended from the sky carrying the flame, and smashed hard to the ground.The smoke cleared, and the entire arena appeared in front of her eyes.

In the center of the arena stood a tall statue, judging from the remaining half of the statue, it seemed to belong to the Queen.

Shae stared at the statue, was silent for a moment, and turned on the genetic engine.

"Scan the current space and find the entrance to the dark matter space."

"Applying for link..."

"Please enter the authentication information."

"The devil...Shae."

"Certification in progress, certification passed."


A wormhole glowing with blue light suddenly appeared at the foot of the statue. Xue Yi walked in without hesitation...

(End of this chapter)

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