Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 253 The Structure of the Universe

Chapter 253 The Structure of the Universe

Travel through time and space?

Qilin never expected that Li Rui would do such an amazing thing without making a sound.

Because of her work, she also often contacts Angel Zhixin and other angels, Di Leina's master and servant, and also learned a lot of information about other god-making civilizations from the exchanges with them, but she never heard of it. Who can travel through time and space.

"You really traveled to another earth?" Qilin raised her head in surprise, staring at Li Rui's face, as if she was looking at some monster.

Li Rui thoughtfully lifted up the slipped quilt, covering her fragrant shoulders: "I can still lie to you. Otherwise, I'll take you to have a look?"

"I still can't." Qilin looked at him suspiciously, and after confirming that he was her closest person, she leaned her head in his arms again: "I'm just a little surprised. What is another earth like? Are we the same?"

Recalling what happened to the earth in the past, Qilin was always full of sadness.Along the way, so many people who fell under the war are not just a set of numbers, but a living life, and there are fragmented families behind them.

It is hard to imagine that the same fate will befall another world.

Li Rui hesitated for a moment, then sent her the data scanned by Nuwa.

There is no such person as Li in the parallel world, and he does not intend to explain this question.The special identity of a time traveler should be buried in his heart.

After Qilin received it, she felt a sense of sadness in her heart. In a world without Li Rui, there are still various external forces eyeing him. One can imagine what kind of disaster it will face.

It's not that she looks down on Xiongbinglian and De Nuo, it's just that from the information Li Rui collected, these people are really bad.

Not to mention anything else, without Li Rui's support, the level of gene development of those super fighters is really frighteningly low. Even if such a company deals with enemies like gluttons and demons, she can see that even if she doesn't perform data calculations, The future of the earth in this world must be full of ups and downs.

Although it is another world, the cultural identity inherited in her bones still makes Qilin unable to bear to see people with the same skin, the same hair color, and the same cultural heritage as herself suffer such a cruel fate.

Perhaps it was to prevent Li Rui from knowing what was going on in his heart. After all, he was under enough pressure, so Qilin asked a question in a suspicious tone: "Really? Is there me on another earth?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then..." Qilin suddenly moved closer, her red lips parted slightly, and she gently exhaled a mouthful of fragrant wind, asking in a seductive tone: "Am I beautiful or is she beautiful?"

Li Rui couldn't laugh or cry immediately, why is this girl still jealous of her?At that moment, he hugged her tightly and coaxed her with nice words.

Qilin gave him a smug look, then changed her tone and asked, "Then, is this experiment a success or a failure?"

A complex look flashed in Li Rui's eyes, and he replied, "It's considered a success."

The moment he returned to the macro world, the system sent a reminder that the task was completed and asked him if he wanted to submit.Unfortunately, Li Rui chose to refuse.Quintessa had already suffered a loss last time, and he didn't want to get a passing grade again.

Besides, there have been so many templates since he got the system, but Li Rui found that he hadn't fully tapped out the power of these templates, so let's take advantage of this time to digest them.

"What does it mean?" Qi Lin hammered his chest, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "If you succeed, you are successful, and if you don't succeed, you don't succeed. What kind of answer is that?"

Li Rui covered his chest, put on a hurt expression, and pointed to his cheek.Qilin got up helplessly, and pecked him lightly on the face: "It's all right now, tell me!"

"Haha, in fact, I have two ways to travel through time and space, one is through the quantum realm, and the other is through the center of time and space. This time, I understand the difference between the two methods. The quantum realm can only reach parallel The world cannot truly realize time travel."

Qilin was slightly taken aback: "That is to say, there is another way to realize real time regression, back to the past?"

"Well, we still have to experiment with it."

"Hey, then tell me, if we go back tens of thousands of years ago and kill Morgana at that time, wouldn't the earth not have to suffer so many disasters?"

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, and looked at the whimsical girl in his arms with a smile: "It's dangerous to think like you."

"What do you mean?"

"To understand this question, we must first figure out the composition of the universe." Li Rui said, waving his hand in front of him, and a shining golden dot appeared in front of the two of them.

"First, this is zero-dimensional. Then, one-dimensional..."

Li Rui separated his hands left and right, and the golden dots extended into a golden line.Then, the hands were separated back and forth, and the golden thread unfolded, turning into a plane.

"Oh, I understand, zero-dimensional points, one-dimensional lines, two-dimensional planes, and three-dimensional spaces." Qilin nodded, as if she couldn't trouble me.

"Really? So, what about Siwei?" Li Rui asked amusedly.

Qilin asked strangely, "Didn't you add the timeline?"

Li Rui tutted his head and shook his head: "This kind of understanding is not accurate."

In common understanding, zero-dimensional is a point, one-dimensional is a line, two-dimensional is a surface, and three-dimensional space.We are in a three-dimensional space, and when the three-dimensional and time dimensions are added, a four-dimensional world is formed.

But for Li Rui, who has the heart of time and space, this understanding cannot be wrong, but it has certain limitations.

According to Li Rui's research on the Heart of Time and Space, time should be a pseudo-dimension, and the accurate algorithm should be to add another dimension to the dimension of the multi-dimensional creature itself to form a new N+1-dimensional space.

For example, if there are two-dimensional creatures, then they cannot perceive three-dimensional space compared to three-dimensional creatures, but two-dimensional creatures still have time passing, so they will regard time as the third dimension.The same principle applies to us three-dimensional creatures. Compared with four-dimensional creatures, we cannot perceive the existence of the fourth dimension, so we regard time as the fourth dimension.

Qilin thought for a while, and seemed to understand, but she didn't understand.She hesitated for a moment and asked, "So, what is Siwei?"

With a move of Li Rui's hands, the golden light ball representing the three-dimensional space in front of him began to replicate out of thin air.At the same time, a black space filled the surroundings of these golden light spheres.

The model in front of him immediately changed drastically, like a big ball inside a small ball.The outermost periphery is a black sphere, and the interior is countless distributed among the black spheres to golden spheres.

"You see, under this theory, the universe is redefined: the entire universe we live in is a membrane that can be bent and stretched at will, also known as three-dimensional space, and there is also a membrane not far away, which can be said to be Another universe, also three-dimensional space. Different
The gap in the three-dimensional space is the four-dimensional space.

Under the action of some unknown force, the two membranes approached at an extremely slow speed. When the membranes came into contact, they collided with each other, and the kinetic energy was converted into heat energy. The heat energy began to spread slowly on the membrane, and everything in the universe began to be destroyed, and then Let cool and start a new cycle.

After the collision is completed, the two layers of membranes bounce back to their original positions, and under the action of an unknown force, they approach slowly again. In this way, the universe begins to cycle and never stops. "

As Li Rui narrated, these golden three-dimensional spaces collided and separated continuously.

Through the model established by Li Rui, Qi Lin seems to have seen countless universes being born, growing, and annihilated, and among them, an unknown number of civilizations are facing the same fate as the universe.

Human beings always instinctively feel shock and fear towards huge objects.And when the scale of cognition surpasses the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and now the universe, one can imagine how strong the shock it brings to people.

Qilin was in such a deep shock right now.

Li Rui knows that these theories are very convoluted and it is difficult to understand intuitively, but what needs to be explained should continue to be explained: "After talking about dimensional space, let's look at time. In this theory, time has two definitions, among which One is the time in our secular sense, that is, the time in the sense of the current universe to human beings.

Another kind is defined as "imaginary time". The imaginary time has no so-called beginning and end, but the time that exists all the time. It is a vectorless coordinate axis used to describe the superstring. "

The so-called jumping timeline of the Heart of Time and Space is to enter imaginary time, and locate different low-dimensional spaces through the perspective of imaginary time, including the three-dimensional universe.

These different low-dimensional spaces are defined as substances named "past", "present" and "future" from the perspective of imaginary time.You can go back to the substance called "past" through imaginary time, but you can never really go back to the past.

When Li Rui exists in the "past" and exerts influence on the "past", countless "presents" will appear, which is the timeline branch in common understanding.

After some theory, Qi Lin's head was dizzy, and lovely confusion appeared on her beautiful face.She didn't understand what was going on, but she understood one thing: going back to the past cannot change the future.

Moreover, this also involves a very special problem: Li Rui's heart of time and space ensures that he is the only individual no matter in the past or in the future.

To describe it in mythological terms, it is the so-called jumping out of the long river of time.

Therefore, when he changes the past, what he creates is one of countless futures, creating the illusion of changing the future that ordinary people perceive.

But beyond the current universe, looking back at imaginary time, it is still useless, it just creates another parallel universe...

 PS: There will be more updates today, and there are two more chapters tonight.In addition, thank you book friends for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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