Chapter 259 Prepare to upgrade
The dark data analyzer quickly fed back the data...

"My God, the density of such a small mung bean is as high as 10 to the 7th power of grams per cubic centimeter, and the density of osmium, the densest substance on earth, is only 22.59 grams per cubic centimeter. Looking at the data feedback, the molecular structure of these substances It has been destroyed, the distance between the molecules has been destroyed, the distance between the atoms that make up the molecule has been compressed to the extreme, and the atoms are almost compressed together. Is this a gravitational weapon? The power is so incredible."

Qi Lin couldn't help being amazed by such data.

"You just said that there are still some problems. What are the problems?" Qi Lin raised her head and asked.

Li Rui told her about the two existing problems. In fact, it is mainly one, that is, if a new fourth-level rune sequence is developed, it means that the arcane crystal cannot bear the instantaneous impact of the rune activation, and it will not only weaken the rune The power of the text sequence will also make the manufactured equipment very unstable.

In the experiment just now, it was precisely because the Arcane Crystal broke in advance that some of the self-limiting runes did not work, making the gravitational vortex last longer than expected, and Li Rui had to destroy it.

"This level is not enough, what level do you want to achieve?" Qilin asked.

Li Rui turned on the projection and said: "This level of gravity cannot cause harm to the four generations of gods. The atoms of the gods specially set up by the god-making civilization have a very high structural stability after absorbing energy. After the transition occurs, the other Escape velocity can break through this degree of gravitational constraints.

To reach the level of threatening the four generations of gods, at least the level of destroying atoms must be achieved.That is to destroy the degenerate state of electrons in the atom, even the degenerate state of neutrons, and completely destroy the structure of the atom to destroy the four generations of gods. "

"Don't stare at the fourth-generation gods as soon as you come up. The fourth-generation gods in the entire known universe can be counted on one hand. It is not impossible for us to destroy the fourth-generation gods. Why do we have to pursue gravitational weapons? Focus more on other aspects, I think this weapon is still very effective against low-end power.

According to the situation you said, I don't think it is necessary to use the third-order enhanced runes. If you simplify the sequence of enhanced runes, the arcane crystal should be able to carry it.The power after this weakening is also very impressive, and it is enough to destroy the enemy's schedule in the confrontation between the first and second generation super fighters.

Think about it, with the area damage caused by this gravitational weapon, how many second generations can run out.And the point is that the cost of this weapon is much lower, it's just a piece of arcane crystal and runes, compared to the resources needed to train a second-generation super soldier, it's a sky and an earth. "

Li Rui was taken aback by Qilin's words, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

This is also a misunderstanding brought about by Li Rui's habit of pursuing the most cutting-edge technology. His long-term confrontation with the most cutting-edge gods in the god-making civilization made him always set his goals very high, but he did not expect the effect of practical application.

"No, no." Li Rui shook his head suddenly: "You misled me."

"What do you mean I misled you!" Qilin rolled her eyes at him: "You just say what I said is right."

"You are right. But the purpose of my experiment is not to create a gravitational weapon, but to try a new rune effect. The appearance of this gravitational weapon is just a coincidence. Therefore, I have to find a way to find other Adaptable materials to carry more rune sequences."

Qilin was even more speechless, thinking that you didn't say clearly who to blame, and there are more, I don't know who just pulled me to show me the gravitational weapon that I made.

Qilin's small eyes, as if looking at a fool, immediately made Li Rui touch his nose in embarrassment, and forced himself to turn his eyes away from her.

However, Qilin also reminded him that it would be good to develop technologies for mid-to-low-end battlefields, at least to strengthen the alliance's winning rate in the confrontation.

Forget it, let's spare this guy, or I'm afraid he will die of embarrassment.Qi Lin thought, and then changed the subject: "Since it's for experimenting with new runes, what's the effect? ​​Are there any results?"

Qilin also knew about the new rune, and it was said that it was given by the principal of the Super Seminary, the Space God.To be honest, Qilin is not very familiar with this space principal, but she heard Lena mention it when she was training with the Xiongbing Company, and then there is a character like a background board—the teacher of Death Karl, the teacher The original owner of the clock.Unexpectedly, this person actually exists, but in a state that the known universe cannot understand.

"New runes?" Li Rui touched his chin, and slowly talked about his feelings: "From the perspective of quantity, only 25 runes have been added, so that the rune sequence has more combinations. , seems to be nothing. But from my personal feelings, these 49 runes as a whole seem to be pointing directly at the rules."

"Rules? What do you mean?"

Li Rui pulled the stool over, helped her to sit down, then gave himself a glass of boiled water, and handed Qilin a glass of orange juice: "You know, since modern times, there has been a theory circulating in the scientific community , similar to the game of Go, there are only a few rules such as whether to encircle or not to encircle, and with the addition of black and white chess pieces, it can play an ever-changing game. Similarly, modern science believes that nature consists of very few rules govern, and there are infinitely many states and structures permitted by these governing laws."

Qilin frowned, and seemed to understand a little bit. What Li Rui meant was that these 49 runes can directly describe these rules, and the sequence of runes is an infinite variety of states and structures allowed by these governing laws. ?

Sure enough, Li Rui's next words confirmed her thoughts. The 49 runes describe the rules of the universe from all aspects, and the derived rune sequences include all phenomena, which can simulate various phenomena that occur in nature.

While talking, Li Rui took out another Ao Neng crystal, carved a sequence of more than 70 runes on it, activated it, and threw it out.


A ripple flashed across, and with this arcane crystal as the center, all objects within a radius of ten meters floated up.

Li Rui and Li Rui were also suspended in the air, but both of them were gods, and they adjusted their state without even losing their composure.

Li Rui pointed to the arcane crystal and introduced: "Here, this is still the second-level rune sequence with the 36th rune as the core, but it has changed from the original enhanced sequence to the weakened sequence, and made With some changes, the resulting effect forms an anti-gravity field."

Chenxing-[-] is very large, and it will generate gravity itself, which is about one-seventh of the earth's gravity.

Qilin scanned the anti-gravity space and asked, "How long can it last?"

"This time is an experiment, so there is no restriction program. The rune sequence absorbs the electromagnetic radiation dispersed in the air to maintain its own consumption.

Of course, this anti-gravity field is not large, so the consumption is not large.If the range is to be expanded, it is necessary to enhance energy absorption and convert it into star-driven or other forms of energy. "

With that said, Li Rui manipulated the Arcane Crystal into his hand, and closed the rune sequence on it.

All of a sudden, the surrounding tables, chairs, benches and the like fell down in unison.

Qilin blew a breath towards the surroundings, and along with the white cold mist, a glistening ice wall rose from the ground, instantly freezing those falling things.

The temperature in the entire laboratory immediately began to drop precipitously.But before the cold air could really exert its power, Li Rui decomposed these things through countless micro-wormholes, and threw the ice crystals out during the transportation, leaving only the original things and putting them back in place.

The husband and wife paired up and recovered everything around them in just a few seconds.

Qilin frowned and said, "I think you should go to a more open place for your experiment next time. The various equipment in this laboratory are not cheap."

Li Rui made an OK gesture: "This is the different manifestations of the same original rune paired with different rune sequences."

Qilin nodded, indicating that she understood.

"In the final analysis, these theoretical studies are still your expertise, and I can only give you some suggestions. You still have to make your own decisions on how to do it."

Li Rui smiled and said, "You've helped me the most by handling a lot of things in the alliance."

Qilin rolled her eyes at him, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, the hat on the table in the distance flew into her hand by itself.

After putting on the hat, Qilin said, "Okay, I'm just going to accompany sister Zhui to take a look. Now that the matter is settled, I have to go back. Anyway, there are still a lot of people with evil intentions secretly watching us Woolen cloth."

"Well, are you okay recently?"

"Everything is normal, the Tianmen defense system you gave has also been put into construction, with the help of Xiao Lun, Lena and the Transformers, the framework construction of the first phase is nearing completion, and the next step is the installation of various driving equipment.

On my side... the military's batch evolution second-generation personnel screening has entered the second round, and the miniaturized aircraft for Earth and Cybertron have been built. We have prepared [-] spaceships at the beginning, and we are just waiting for the first generation. With the soldiers back down, the Stargate project can start. "

Speaking of this, Qilin paused, and said: "By the way, there is indeed one thing that I almost forgot. Since we have started a new round of large-scale construction, the alliance resource reserve is about to approach the warning line recently. "

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, and frowned: "Well, you go and call Yuan Di and ask him to bring the fire source. In addition, you and I are going to go out, let's go to other worlds to collect resources, and by the way Let me upgrade my divine body for you."

"Me? Is it necessary to upgrade to the fifth generation?" Qilin asked in surprise.

"Your words today reminded me that in the future, the known universe may no longer be an era in which super genetic technology is the only one."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Li Rui said seriously: "The technology developed based on runes is too much of a threat to super soldiers, and the development of super genes in the future may be far stronger in survivability than combat ability. We must have enough survivability as soon as possible. "

Qilin thought about the black hole weapon in Li Rui's deduction, and shivered all over: "I know."

 PS: 1 words, finally finished.Wan Geng for two days in a row, it will kill me, rest for a few days, rest for a few days

(End of this chapter)

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