Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 264 5th Generation Divine Body Transformation

Chapter 264 Five Generations of Divine Body Transformation

In Space City No. [-], Qilin is already lying in the training cabin, but her consciousness is still awake.There is no culture fluid in the conventional sense in the training cabin, on the contrary, densely packed runes are engraved on the surrounding bulkheads.This is a special training cabin, through these complicated runes, it can form an incredibly strong force field to directly bombard the atoms, so as to operate.Moreover, this force field can also ensure that the particles will not escape due to entering a high-energy state during the transformation.

The value of this training cabin alone is beyond imagination.Let's talk about the material engraved with runes on the layer of the training cabin. It was compressed by Li Rui with powerful gravitational facilities. The area only a little bigger than a sesame seed weighs more than a mountain peak.Therefore, the value of this training cabin must exceed all the resources needed to train a third-generation god from scratch.

"Let me first introduce you to the transformation process, which is divided into three steps."

"In the first step, your spirit will be decomposed part by part into the basic particles that guarantee the properties of matter, that is, atoms."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Qilin was stunned for a moment. Why did it sound like she wanted to tear her apart?
"That is to say, your hands, feet, and even your internal organs will be decomposed. But don't worry, this cultivation cabin has created an absolute vacuum environment, which will not allow your particles to escape. After being decomposed into atoms, Atoms will be further disassembled into electrons and nuclei, and the nuclei will be further disassembled into protons and neutrons. Among these three particles, protons and electrons will react, and two pairs of electric neutralization will become neutrons. At this time, you can start Carry out the next step of transformation—neutron low-dimensional expansion. After the device is started, the space inside will be expanded enough to accommodate neutron low-dimensional expansion.

Since neutrons have no charge, they cannot be accelerated by a magnetic field.The new rune solves this problem. I use the rune sequence to create a gravitational loop force field, so that the neutrons can be cyclically accelerated until they can be expanded in low dimensions.

After unfolding, the rune sequence will work to transform the neutron.The transformation is complete, refolded back to a high-dimensional state, and then subjected to neutron infestation. "

The most dangerous thing in this process is that the neutrons are reduced to zero dimension, and then an uncontrollable black hole will appear, absorbing all the particles.However, the gravitational cycle field can be controlled, and there will be a monitoring program in this process.And, once the neutron is about to reduce the dimension to zero dimension, the rune sequence will control the activation of the K2 array, create a space cage, block the micro black hole, and call the star energy to destroy the black hole.

Since this black hole has an extremely limited mass in the initial stage, it is not difficult to destroy it.Of course, Li Rui has conducted more than 10,000 experiments in the past five years. The whole process has become controllable, and the probability of this happening is extremely small.

"Has the neutron infection been completed?" Qilin asked.

"After the infection is completed, there is the third step. Part of it will be decomposed into protons and electrons again, and then the protons and neutrons will combine to form an atomic nucleus, and then combine with electrons to return to the atomic state. At this time, the atom can be used as a thinking body Dependent material foundation, they will rebuild your thinking in the particle state, stop all activities, and maintain the lowest consumption. Wait until all the atomic transformations are completed, and then re-condense the divine body."

"The whole process maintains a dynamic balance, so as to ensure that my system will not collapse due to too much instantaneous energy demand during the transformation process."

Qilin nodded: "I understand, you are trying to dismantle me into parts!"

Li Rui gave her a strange look: "Why do you have such an idea?"

"That's obviously..."

"How can there be enough parts? I dismantled you into elementary particles, the kind that you can't even see with a magnifying glass."

Qilin choked for a moment, biting her teeth in resentment: "Then I really thank you!"

"You're welcome, between us, we should help each other like this." Li Rui replied with a warm smile, as if he really didn't need to be polite.

"Go to hell!" Qilin gave him a blank look, and lay down in the training cabin as soon as she raised her head.

"Oh, by the way, the entire transformation process is expected to take about five years, so don't be too anxious."

"Ah? So..." Qi Lin was taken aback when she heard that, subconsciously grabbed the bulkhead and wanted to sit up and say something.

"It's started."

Li Rui seemed to be doing it on purpose, and before Qilin finished speaking, he closed the hatch of the training cabin.This guy even blinked for Qi Lin who was hit on the head through the glass observation window.Qilin was so angry, she waved her fist twice at him, her vicious little expression seemed to say: Li Rui, when I wake up, you will be finished!

Li Rui replied with a provocative look, and then opened Nuwa's operation interface.

"Nuwa, start the system self-check."

"Executing self-test procedure..."

"Estimated to take 13 minutes and 42 seconds."

With Nuwa's computing power, it is completely possible to read the dark data of any planet that is not a god-making civilization within 1 minute.But even so, it still takes such a long time to complete a self-inspection, which shows how complicated the system is.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon, Nuwa reported that the self-inspection was completed.

Li Rui heaved a sigh of relief. This system is very complicated, and he has to ensure that there will be no accidents during the transformation.

"Draw out the energy of the stars and start charging."

"1~100 stellar furnaces have been connected, the energy distribution program has been started, the energy system has started normally, and energy has started to charge."

Afraid of comparison, in each of these star melting pots, there is a star that has been shrunk down by means of time and space.The instantaneous energy release of any of these stars is not below the sun, and this system needs at least 100 such stars just to start it once.Imagine that just one sun burned for 45.7 billion years, and part of its light and heat gave birth to the civilization of the earth, and so many stars just started the system.Then one can imagine how terrifying the resources needed to truly complete the transformation of a five-generation god.

As for this, it is still a transformation based on the fact that Qilin is the God of the Three Generations.After all, if you want to carry out the transformation of the five generations of gods, you must at least transform into a god body first, and get rid of the restrictions of a flesh and blood body.Otherwise, a body of flesh and blood would not even be able to survive the first step of the transformation of the five generations of gods.

Closer to home, the moment the system was charged, the runes in the training cabin in front of him lit up one by one.At the same time, the light of the entire space city, including the Proxima Galaxy, disappeared, as if it had been plunged into darkness.

On the surface of Proxima Centauri, Yuan Di and Soria raised their heads and looked at the space city in the starry sky that was bound by the gravity of Proxima Centauri and seemed to be crashing.

"Ms. Qilin's divine body transformation has begun." Yuan Di whispered.

"After five years of busy work, I finally started to transform. I believe that in the near future, my lord will become even stronger."

Yuan Di nodded and looked at Soria: "Let's go, for my lord, for the future of Cybertron, we have to persevere in our efforts."

Accompanying Li Rui and his wife to the parallel universe to collect resources for the transformation of the five generations of gods, Yuan Di can imagine what kind of feedback he will bring to Cybertron after returning to the alliance.According to Soria, my lord has already started to develop the divine body transformation technology for Cybertron. If it is really successful, then Cybertron will become the second god-making civilization of the Alliance after Earth.

However, what Yuan Di didn't know was that although Li Rui was developing Cybertron's divine body technology, he was hesitating: whether or not to let Cybertron embark on the road of divine body transformation.

Although the mainstream civilization of the super god universe is divine body technology, there is absolutely no need for Cybertron to take this path. They can take other paths, such as mechanical ascension.Such a path is not weaker than divine body transformation.

Therefore, while Li Rui is developing Cybertron's divine body technology, he is also working on this aspect, and then let the 13th Yuanzu make his own choice.After all, Cybertron is a silicon-based civilization. If it takes the path of the divine body, it will inevitably lose the natural advantages of silicon-based life.

After the system was activated, the space city quickly regained its balance and returned to its previous position.

In the laboratory, Li Rui naturally didn't know the emotion of his two subordinates.At this moment, all he could see was the feedback data from the training cabin - the first thing to decompose in a cycle was a small piece of skin on Qilin's toe.

The divine body organization successfully broke away...

The intermolecular force is successfully destroyed, and the macromolecules are broken up...

Molecules are decomposed into atomic state, the progress is 100%, and the existence of molecular substances cannot be detected...

Atoms begin to disassemble...

The electron absorbs energy and escapes successfully...

Strong magnetic field starts, drives away electrons...

The nuclear bombardment is completed, and protons, neutrons have been produced...

The strong magnetic field cancels...

Electrons and protons are electrically neutralized...

All particles are converted to neutrons...

Space Expansion Successfully...

The circular gravitational field was successfully constructed...

The neutrons start to accelerate...

Neutron Dimensionality Reduction Successful...

Start rune carving...

The original rune is finished...

The first-level rune sequence is finished...

Level [-] rune sequence...

The third-level rune sequence...

Level [-] rune sequence...

The characterization of the rune sequence is complete...

Neutrons begin to fold in higher dimensions...

Begin neutron infestation...

At this point, Li Rui's hanging heart was finally relieved.There is no danger in the next process.

After patiently seeing the completion of the first cycle with his own eyes, Li Rui looked at his lover in the training cabin with his eyes tightly closed, as if he was asleep.After staring at it for a while, the corner of his mouth curved slightly: Hexi, ah Hexi, so what if you completed the five-generation divine body transformation for your little queen before I did.My Qilin must be stronger than your little queen!The top spot in the known universe, I will be determined by the Pan-Galaxy Alliance!
(End of this chapter)

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