Chapter 267 Communication
Although Space is a super scholar second only to Dinghei, he is only from Shenhe College.In the Kamigawa civilization, everyone has a clear division of responsibilities, so he can only give advice to the commander in terms of fleet command, but has no right to make decisions.

During the period, Commander Sarda frowned, and asked the space aside: "The other party has invaded our communication system, what does this mean?"

The voice of Hercules appeared directly inside all battleships, which is undoubtedly a bad phenomenon.

Space is advancing in a strolling manner, giving its own explanation: "As we all know, the communication between the fleets of our Kamigawa civilization is supported by a big clock. The other party can easily invade our system, which shows that they It has a dark data intrusion capability that surpasses ours, and it also shows that this civilization called the Pan-Galaxy Alliance also has dark matter supercomputing support behind it.”

"There is another problem: because within the scope of the big clock's reconnaissance, we have not found a civilization comparable to the Kamigawa civilization, let alone a civilization that can drive dark matter. This shows that the dark matter supercomputer of the Pan-Galaxy Alliance has surpassed Big clock, we don’t have an advantage in front of them.” Carl added, directly tearing off the last bit of fig leaf left by space for the Kamigawa civilization.

Although there are some other scholars on the battleship, they have no objection to the judgment of the master and apprentice in space, and some people even hold a more pessimistic view.

"I have another question. The other party claims to be a silicon-based life. What does that mean?" Salda continued to ask.

This time, Karl couldn't help being silent, not knowing how to answer.

At the critical moment, the space station came out.

"According to the periodic table of elements discovered by the scholars of Shenhe, we can conclude that the main constituent elements of our Shenhe people are carbon and various compounds with carbon as the core. Silicon and carbon are of the same family, The nature is similar, and theoretically speaking, there are lives born with core elements in sequence. But after all, they are two elements, which means that the other party is likely to be a new life form that we have never understood. Everything about them is important to us. It's unknown, it's new territory."

"So, how should we respond?" Zelda asked sullenly.

Facing such an unknown and powerful civilization, Zelda had to be cautious.If you are not careful, it is very likely to cause a war between this super civilization and Kamigawa.If he is not handled well, then he will be the sinner of the entire Kamigawa civilization.

"We suggest establishing communication with the other party."

Zelda sighed, Kamigawa has been established for 10,000+ years, and encountered many civilizations during this period, but in the end they all became vassals of Kamigawa.I didn't expect to encounter a super civilization far surpassing Shenhe this time, which is really unacceptable.

"Turn on the interstellar projection." Zelda ordered in a deep voice.


Proxima Star Field, Space City No. [-], and the environment simulator covering the entire space city are adjusted with time. This time is when the sun has just risen in the morning.In a room full of science fiction, Li Rui rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up from the bed.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the room began to light up,
"Haha..." He yawned lazily before getting out of bed.

The particle flow flowed behind him, and a maid wearing a maid outfit appeared in the room, which looked no different from the appearance of a human, and put a nightgown on Li Rui.Immediately afterwards, before Li Rui's feet hit the ground, a pair of slippers appeared under his feet.

Walking to the door of the bathroom, the door is already open, and all the toiletries are in the most familiar place, within reach.Standing in front of the mirror, soft music soon floated in my ears.

After simply washing up, I went back to the room. The whole room has changed drastically, from the original bedroom to a dining room. The maid in maid outfit is already waiting at the dining table, serving today's breakfast.

"Should I say it or not, the great abundance of materials in the age of god-making will also please people's spirits." Li Rui sighed and sat at the dining table.

"It is Shanna's honor to receive your praise."

The maid said happily, a smile bloomed on her charming face, and even her eyes seemed to be full of light.This is a special service-type Shana in Transformers, responsible for taking care of Li Rui and Qilin's daily life, the only one in the entire Cybertron, without a semicolon.

Li Rui was eating, when a projection suddenly appeared in front of him - Yuan Di.

"Good day, Lord Yuandi." Shana made a skirt ceremony, the perfect etiquette was enough to shame many princes and nobles.

"My lord, I have something important to report in my humble position."

"Your text messages have been called, and I can't tell you not to say it. Tell me, what happened." Li Rui said half-jokingly, and picked up a small steamed bun and dipped it in a saucer. into the mouth.

Yuan Di knew that Li Rui was joking, so she didn't react too much, but reported: "The collection team under Turbine City has been collecting the star number K2029C3689 in the Abel 6674 galaxy cluster of the Clock constellation supercluster. The gate area encountered the Kamigawa civilization that you specifically reminded."

"Oh?" Li Rui swallowed the food in his mouth, with a serious expression on his face: "Is there any conflict?"

"There hasn't been a conflict yet. The other party refuses to recognize the exclusive economic zone of the alliance on the grounds that the Kamigawa civilization has not yet joined the "Convention on the Exchange of Known Universe Civilizations." However, the other party's attitude is not too tough and does not want to have a conflict with the alliance. Military conflict. In addition, the collection team reported that the Kamigawa civilization intends to send a delegation to visit the alliance."

Li Rui pondered for a while, but didn't give an answer right away - he was fetching information.In this parallel universe, wherever there is a stargate, there must be a proton computing unit.

Within the area reported by Yuan Di, there are 10683 proton computing units doing free movement at this time.

Soon, the complete process data of the encounter between the alliance and the Shenhe civilization appeared in front of Li Rui.



Li Rui frowned, he didn't expect that this appearance would be two blockbusters.

Through their conversation, Li Rui judged a lot of information: Shenhe civilization has mastered dark matter drive and dark matter supercomputing technology, and the Big Worm Bridge system is also being laid out.It seems that Kamigawa in this era should not be underestimated, but looking at Space and Karl, they seem to be not gods yet.In other words, Kamigawa has not yet mastered the god-making technology at this time.

It needs to be clarified here that dark matter drive is not the same as god-making technology.There are many ways to drive dark matter, and dark matter supercomputers and other devices are one of them.According to the normal historical development, before the holy Kaisa developed the super sequence code, no civilization had the ability to create gods.

"Well, come if you want." Li Rui finally answered.

Although they are not the same universe, the space and Karl of the two universes are similar after all.If you can gain a deeper understanding of the two through contact with Space and Karl in the parallel universe, it will undoubtedly be good news for the alliance.

According to the knowledge taught by the holy Kaisa, the disappearance of the Kamigawa civilization was very abrupt, and this glorious civilization fell overnight.Kesha himself guessed that there should be some relationship with the void, but more specifically, there is no news.

After returning, if you want to deal with Karl, you must figure out what the void is.Otherwise, the alliance can easily be in a passive position.

It was with this in mind that Li Rui agreed to visit Shenhe Civilization.

"Yes, my god, I'll arrange it now." Yuan Di saluted Li Rui and cut off the communication.

Li Rui may not care about the visit of Shenhe Civilization, but Yuan Ti cannot.After all, no matter what, Cybertron is also the largest branch civilization of the Alliance in this parallel universe, representing the face of the Alliance.

Li Rui finished his breakfast while assessing the impact of the visit of Shenhe civilization in his mind.

After wiping his mouth, he got up, opened the space door, and walked into the laboratory.

There is still no difference between the laboratory and three years ago, and it is still the display.In the training cabin, more than half of Qilin's upgrade has been completed, most of her body has disappeared, and she has been broken down into a particle state.

In fact, if the energy impact is not considered, the transformation process should be faster as it goes forward.Because the more particles that move freely, the greater the chance of colliding with each other, and the greater the probability of infection.But in fact, if the particles are allowed to continue to be transformed without restriction, the transformation system will soon be overloaded, and the entire system will collapse in a short time.That's why the speed of particle infection has been stabilized. Otherwise, in three years, Qilin's fifth-generation divine body would have been upgraded long ago.

During the past three years, Li Rui's daily routine work included coming to check Qilin's status.

After spending more than an hour checking Qilin, Li Rui waved his hand again, and a black creature like a devil shark appeared in another area of ​​the laboratory.This creature was just suspended in the air, and the fins on both sides flapped slowly, as if swimming in water.

Seeing Li Rui, the creature let out a hiss, followed by an invisible impact immediately coming towards Li Rui.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I still don't have a long memory."

After sighing with emotion, Li Rui stretched out his hand, but he didn't see any extra movements, and a hemispherical protective force field buckled down.Within the range covered by the protective force field, tiny electric lights continuously circulated, turning the entire laboratory into a bluish color.

The creature in front of him is nothing but a triangle.

The attack performed by the triangular body is an electromagnetic pulse.

After figuring out the principle, it becomes very simple to defend.A simple strong magnetic field can easily resist the attack of the triangle.

Soon, that invisible impact hit the protective force field, and the originally evenly distributed current immediately became chaotic like the stirred water surface.But the electromagnetic pulse can't break through this layer of defense.

Li Rui, who was standing in the protective force field, chuckled and snapped his fingers.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and immediately split the triangular body in front of it, scorching the outside and making the inside tender, and instantly wilted, even the fins on both sides did not move much...

(End of this chapter)

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