Chapter 28 Post-War Meeting

When Qilin arrived at Airport Road, what she saw was a ruined building.Although far away from the urban area, the vicinity of Airport Road was severely damaged, with large and small bomb craters everywhere.Even a small hill about ten meters high on the side of the road was blown down, and the rolling boulders occupied a large part of the road.

Because of the previous battle, the medical staff set up a nearby field hospital to treat seriously wounded people who were not suitable for transportation.

Now, there are busy doctors, nurses and soldiers everywhere.

Someone noticed Qi Lin's arrival and immediately stopped her: "Hello, please inform me that a military exercise is going on ahead, please report your purpose of coming."

If it wasn't for the sci-fi aircraft that Qilin was driving when she landed, she would have made her return the same way.

Qilin saluted back: "Hi, I'm Qilin, and I'm ordered to come to support." Having said that, Qilin looked around and said with a heavy heart: "It seems that I'm late."

While the two were talking, a flying skateboard suddenly flew over their heads, and the person on it saw Qilin and quickly waved: "Sister Qilin!"

The two looked at the past at the same time, and the man flew down.

Qilin was a little surprised: "Kangkang, even you are dispatched?"

This person was one of her sparring partners a few years ago, but was later transferred away, and was a small captain of the Dawn Warriors.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to come too." Kangkang replied happily.

"What's the use of coming, it's a step too late."

Kangkang sighed, not knowing what to say.

The two walked into the center of the battlefield, and Qilin realized how serious the previous battle was.The big robot was still lying on the bottom of the pit, surrounded by hot magma, even so, the metal on his body still showed no signs of melting.

Apart from this guy, there are many wounded around who are being treated.Those who survived were very lucky, and those who had no chance of medical treatment had closed their eyes forever.

This was Qilin's first time facing a cruel battlefield, and she felt extremely heavy.

"Qi Lin, if you get to Airport Road, bring back that corpse and his weapon. I need to do further analysis."

Li Rui's message made Qilin's sad mood better. She looked at the soldiers around and secretly encouraged herself: Next time, I must not be late.


Li Rui originally wanted to study Taotie's technology, but that night he received an order from Beizhixing to go to Beizhixing to attend a high-level meeting on the attack on Juxia City...

As one of the general managers of the Torch Project, it would not be appropriate for Li Rui not to go, so he had to temporarily hold back his research ideas, and took a special plane to the North Star that night.

In addition to him, there were Ducao, Lianfeng, Uncle Huang, a strange young girl, and two other high-level military officials in this meeting.

The moment he opened the door, he noticed the girl.

"Xiao Rui is here, sit down." Uncle Huang greeted Li Rui when he saw Li Rui coming.

Li Rui nodded to the girl, then walked up to Uncle Huang and sat down.

The host of this meeting is Lianfeng, and it will start after all the people arrive.

"The following are highly confidential." Lianfeng turned on the holographic projection and began to explain.

"Yesterday at 8:45 a.m., a woman wearing silver armor broke into the Angel International Building in Tianhe City. It was confirmed that it was a female alien from the Angel Nebula."

Lianfeng explained the angel's information to everyone, but her information was all from the Super Seminary, and it was very vague, so everyone could only get a general idea.

"Our understanding of the angelic civilization on Earth is extremely limited. If we judge it purely from the limited data, they claim to be the king of the gods. When translated, they are the highest civilization in the universe."

"The angelic civilization pursues the justice in their ideas. I don't know what it means to come this time. So if possible, try to establish communication with them."

Ducao added.

As the supreme commander of the Promise Star of Deno civilization, he still has a certain understanding of angels, but Deno paid more attention to the interior of Deno back then, and his understanding of angels is also very limited.

Seeing that Ducao had finished speaking, Li Rui pondered for a moment, and said, "I agree with General Ducao's opinion. When I went to collect resources in the universe, I was lucky enough to meet an angel."


As soon as these words came out, all eyes in the conference room were focused on him.

Although the angels are well-known, they can't get in touch with De Nuo's level.Therefore, Ducao and the others were very curious about Li Rui's contact with angels.

"The current king of angels in the angelic civilization is called Holy Kaisa, who has the power to dominate the universe. However, what is rare is that Holy Kaisha insists on planning the universe with justice and order.

The so-called justice order is a set of order proposed by the holy Kaisha based on the current situation of the universe 7000 years ago to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the civilization of the universe.

Thanks to the justice and order of the angels, many weak civilizations have avoided being invaded and destroyed by powerful civilizations.From this point of view, Holy Keisha is a great monarch, thanks to her existence, many lives have survived. "

"The mortal enemy of the angels is the demon civilization headed by the demon queen Morgana. They believe in degeneration and freedom, and their order is no order. Evil, indulgence, depravity, licentiousness, all negative words can be applied to them It's hard to imagine what humanity will look like under such a so-called order, and it's not an exaggeration to describe it as a hell on earth."

"But while angels are good on the surface, demons are bad."

"But one thing I need to remind is that the protection of angels is not unconditional. Because they plan the universe and oppose war, it is an inevitable choice to curb the development of civilization. This is to prevent the excessive development of civilization. Accidentally blowing up the universe. Doing so is understandable to the peaceful environment of the universe, but it has a disadvantage, that is, it is very unfair to the restricted universe.

For example, the Yiren civilization under the rule of the angelic civilization, they reached the peak of the space civilization ten thousand years ago, but it is precisely because of the justice and order of the angels that they are still the space civilization today. "

"In short, it is good to accept the protection of angels and pursue the beauty of life under the so-called justice order, but this is conditional on sacrificing the future.

So, my opinion is that we should base ourselves on the present and focus on the future.Even if it takes us hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years to reach the technological limit restricted by angels, I still don't think it's something we should do to stifle the future of future generations. "

After Li Rui finished speaking, he picked up his teacup and took a sip.Having said so many words in one breath, he had to take his time, and at the same time give others time to digest.

The faces of the people in the conference room were very heavy.Li Rui's words have already made it very clear. For the earth, angels have advantages and disadvantages. The difference lies in how to choose.

After a long time, Uncle Huang said: "Let's establish communication first. Anyway, angels don't seem like bad guys. Since Xiao Rui, you have had contact with angels, then this burden will be placed on you."

Li Rui quickly waved his hand: "Uncle Huang, you think highly of me too. Communication is based on the strength of both parties, and I am not qualified to talk to angels on an equal footing. Let this matter be left to General Ducao, after all, super god The name of the academy is still very famous, so I will help from the side."

"That's it..." Uncle Huang frowned and pondered for a while: "That's fine." "Okay, let's leave it like this for the time being about the angel. Let's talk about the next thing."

Lianfeng nodded, and continued to mention the second thing:

"Two nights ago, Juxia City's Feiliu Airport was attacked. Our soldiers paid a heavy price to keep the other party behind. According to analysis, they came from a civilization called Gluttony."

What happened that night is played on the screen.

"Leina, what do you think?" Ducao asked the strange girl, and then introduced to Li Rui: "This is the representative of Lieyang Star, Lieyang Lord God Emperor Leina."

 PS: Why are there so few people who follow up? Are they all raising?

(End of this chapter)

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